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OSHA. The Exciting Annual Review!!. WHAT IS OSHA??. OSHA= Occupational Safety and Health Administration It’s not JUST the dreaded annual mandatory re-training… OSHA is actually an employee benefit…much like health insurance…only not as expensive!
OSHA The Exciting Annual Review!!
WHAT IS OSHA?? • OSHA= Occupational Safety and Health Administration • It’s not JUST the dreaded annual mandatory re-training… • OSHA is actually an employee benefit…much like health insurance…only not as expensive! • OSHA helps keep you safe in the workplace by defining the risks of a certain job and developing a plan for safety in that job
So…what are my risks? In the case of the school employee, the risks involve exposure to a BBP…OSHA training helps you to take steps to protect yourself when facing a possible exposure…
BBP…SAY WHAT??? • BBP= Blood Borne Pathogen • A blood-borne pathogen is a microorganism which is carried in human blood and other body fluids • While the risk of exposure in the school setting is small, it exists • The three most common blood-borne pathogens are HIV, Hepatitis B, and Hepatitis C • Hepatitis B is the most common of the three in school aged children, and it is 50-100X more infectious than HIV
Hepatitis • Hepatitis is inflammation of the liver • Hepatitis is the leading cause of liver cancer • People with hepatitis can be symptom free and appear healthy for an extended period • There is a vaccine for Hepatitis B which can prevent its spread, but there is NO vaccine for Hepatitis C
HIV • HIV is the human immunodeficiency virus • People with HIV may be symptom free for ten or more years • HIV attacks the body’s immune system making a person susceptible to multiple infections • HIV leads to AIDS • No vaccine or cure
BODY FLUIDS • HIV and Hepatitis are transmitted by blood and other body fluids… • Urine • Feces • Vomit • Semen • Vaginal secretions • Saliva/sputum • Tears
Spreading BBPs • The more obvious ways: unprotected sex, sharing drug needles, infected mothers to their unborn children, poor infection control practices involving tattoos & body piercings, puncturing your skin with contaminated objects like scissors, razors, toothbrushes • The less obvious ways: touching a desk, counter top, or exercise equipment contaminated with blood or body fluids then touching mucous membranes of your eyes, nose or mouth
Hepatitis B virus can survive outside the body for at least a week • Hepatitis C virus can survive outside the body between 16 hours and 4 days
STANDARD PRECAUTIONS • You can’t see a BBP! • You can’t look at a person and know if they are infected with a BBP! • Many of those infected with a BBP are symptom free for as many as 30 years! During this time, they feel good, but they can infect others. • ASSUME EVERYONE IS CONTAMINATED!!!
FYI • With kids, ANYTHING wet should be handled with care… • Breaks in your skin make you more susceptible to exposure…dermatitis, eczema, acne, lacerations/cuts, abrasions increase your risk! • Splashes of blood or body fluids to your mouth, eyes, or nose are exposures • Bites are exposures…
What if an exposure occurs? • For skin exposures, wash the area thoroughly • For mucous membrane exposure, rinse thoroughly • Contact school principal and HR immediately • You will have forms to fill out • You will have lab work collected that day • You will be scheduled for further lab work 6 months from the exposure • If you are found to have contracted a BBP from the exposure, the school system will pay for your treatment!
PREVENTION • Step 1 of the prevention plan is this training…knowing there are risks and what they are! • Don’t clean up spills…blood or other body fluids…the custodians are trained to do so! • If cleaning up glass, never use your hands! • If emptying trash cans, shake the bag down and carry away from your body • Keep gloves in the classroom…notify clinic when in short supply! • Periodically check the condition of your gloves…and make sure they fit!
HEP B VACCINE • The Hepatitis B vaccine is a three shot series • If you have a role in the school that puts you at a much higher risk of exposure than most, the county may pay for the series! • SPED teachers/assistants, custodians, bus drivers are examples of employees at increased risk
GLOVES • GLOVES ARE TO BE KEPT IN THE TOP RIGHT HAND DRAWER OF EACH DESK **Subs are taught this in their OSHA training** **If there isn’t a top right hand drawer…PLEASE make the location of your gloves part of your sub plans**
When removing gloves, don’t touch the outside of them with your bare skin • Peel one off from the top of the wrist to the fingertips • Hold that glove in the palm of your second glove • Peel your second glove from the inside tucking the first glove inside it • Wash hands with soap and water!!!
Hand Hygiene • Wash hands • --when visibly soiled • --before eating/drinking • --before handling contact lenses • --before applying make-up • --after using the restroom, blowing nose, coughing and sneezing
Use soap…rub hands together for at least 20 seconds • Don’t forget around fingernails and under rings! • Use disposable towel to turn off water • Hand sanitizer is okay if there is no soap, but wash with soap and water as soon as you can
TIPS • KNOW THE EXTENSION OF YOUR SCHOOL NURSE OR YOUR HEALTH ASSISTANT!! • Kids can help themselves until you get your gloves on or until help arrives…for example…kids can hold pressure on their own nose during a nosebleed!
IN REVIEW • All body fluids should be treated as if they are infected with a BBP (Universal Precautions) • It only takes one exposure to infect a person • Ensure that you follow exposure control plan/procedures if an exposure occurs! (Written plan is available to all school employees) • Don’t hesitate to ask questions about what may or may not be an exposure!!
IN OTHER NEWS… • The HIPPA laws still apply this school year… • Parents MUST fill out medical information release forms before the school nurses or SHA can notify teachers and other staff of students’ medical concerns! (This includes diabetes, asthma and severe allergies) • If parents tell you of medical issues/concerns PLEASE ask them to visit the clinic so we can get the appropriate forms filled out!
FLU • Being proactive really paid off in the H1N1…PanFlu 09 season! • HANDWASHING is key!!! • Continue teaching the elbow cough and sneeze! • FEVER…remind parents that children may return to school after they have been fever-free for 24 hours WITHOUT Tylenol/Motrin! • Remember to utilize VDH website for up-to-date information during flu season…NOT WSET and other local stations…
Quiz • Click here to take your OSHA training quiz