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Review Questions

Review Questions. What is Wissenschaft des Judentums ? Where was this phrase coined? What was the Society for the Culture and Science of the Jews? What were the Society’s main concerns? What were it’s goals?. Modern Jewish Studies II. Why and How to Study Judaism as an Academic Discipline.

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Review Questions

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Review Questions • What is Wissenschaft des Judentums? Where was this phrase coined? • What was the Society for the Culture and Science of the Jews? • What were the Society’s main concerns? • What were it’s goals?

  2. Modern Jewish Studies II Why and How to Study Judaism as an Academic Discipline

  3. Purpose: Emancipation • Concerned with political issues and integration • “A Society to Further Jewish Integration by Eduard Gans” (1822) • Jews once developed a united, separate community • Today must become integrated (ex. Like the river in the ocean.) • Scientific study of Judaism will pull down barriers between Christians and Jews.

  4. Purpose: Study • Leopold Zunz (1794-1886) • Academic scholar • Many positions • Newspaper editor • Preacher – Reform Temple • Elementary school director • On Rabbinic Literature (1818) • “Contribute to human knowledge, the only worthwhile goal of all research.” • Need to scientifically study all Jewish texts • Religious Law • Liturgy • Hebrew

  5. Purpose: Religion • Concerned with adaptation and evolution of Judaism • “Jewish Scholarship and Religious Reform” by Abraham Geiger (1836) • Reform rooted in Scholarship • Jewish literature is not divine • Disservice to our children when teach Bible stories as history

  6. Orthodox Response • Not all Jews embraced Wissenschaft des Judentums • A Sermon on the Science of Judaism by Samson Raphael Hirsch (1855) • Scientific study too cold/rational • Live Judaism, don’t study it

  7. “Learning Based on Faith” • Primary Source Study (p. 236, From “The Wisdom of Israel” – end) • Excerpt from article by Samuel David Luzzatto • Tanaim and Amoraim – ancient rabbis and teachers whose teachings are found in the Talmud. • Additional Questions • Why does Luzzatto think Judaism should be studied scientifically? • With which group we’ve studied tonight would you put him? Why? • Why do you think this document is significant?

  8. Twentieth Century: Change • Jewish Scholarship: New Perspective • Martin Buber • Study in order to understand origins, development and present condition • Documenting Jewish History in Eastern Europe • Simon Dubnow • Sociological method

  9. Jewish Studies: Today • Use tools provided by earlier scholars • Reform & Conservative Judaism - Evolving Judaism • Why do you think Wissenschaft des Judentums is significant?

  10. Next Week: • Quiz • Read pages 249 - 301 • Special attention to documents #1, 5, 12, 16, 18, 19, and 23 • Think about: • What was Jewish identity like prior to Emancipation? • How does Jewish identity change after Emancipation? • Are these changes still apparent today?

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