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Enhancing Global Weather Cooperation for Safety and Innovation

This initiative aims to improve weather forecasts through international cooperation in meteorological observations, data exchange, and technology development. Goals include global leadership in setting standards, efficient data acquisition, and accurate forecasting. The focus is on managing international activities effectively to save lives and protect property. The project prioritizes collaboration with relevant organizations and countries to advance weather-related projects and partnerships. With a strong emphasis on enhancing communication systems and setting high meteorological standards, this initiative aims to promote safety and innovation in weather forecasting.

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Enhancing Global Weather Cooperation for Safety and Innovation

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  1. National Weather Service NWS International Activities Office March 23, 2009

  2. Merging Two Missions NOAA/NWS International Mission To enhance NOAA/NWS ability to provide the best weather, water, and climate forecasts through international cooperation on hydro-meteorological observations, data exchange, modeling, research, and technology development, and To provide global leadership in setting meteorological standards and building partnerships to save lives and protect property.

  3. NWS International Strategy Goals Goal 1. Global leadership Goal 2. Integrated observations and data acquisition Goal 3. Inter-operable communication systems Goal 4. Timely and accurate forecasting Goal 5. Effective management of international activities

  4. FY09 Priorities WMO: DRR, CBS, RA IV, EC, WCC3 Bilateral: China, Canada, Mexico Projects: Colombia-CHPS, RA IV-WIGOS/WIS Partners: AMS, USAID/OFDA, FAA-DOD Travel/Visitors/Funds: Evaluate & improve process, Security, VCP Advisory Board 4

  5. World Meteorological Organization (WMO) Specialized agency of the United Nations • UN's authoritative voice on the state and behavior of the Earth's atmosphere, its interaction with the oceans, the climate it produces and the resulting distribution of water resources. WMO Facts and Figures • 188 Member States and Territories (as of April 2007) • Annual budget of US$70 million; U.S. provides approximately 22% of the assessed contributions • 300 employees on Secretariat Staff • Headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland

  6. World Meteorological Organization (WMO) • Facilitate worldwide cooperation in the establishment of networks of stations for the making of meteorological observations as well as hydrological and other geophysical observations related to meteorology, and to promote the establishment and maintenance of centers charged with the provision of meteorological and related services; • Promote the establishment and maintenance of systems for the rapid exchange of meteorological and related information; • Promote standardization of meteorological and related observations and to ensure the uniform publication of observations and statistics; • Further the application of meteorology to aviation, shipping, water problems, agriculture and other human activities; • Promote activities in operational hydrology and to further close cooperation between Meteorological and Hydrological Services; • Encourage research and training in meteorology and, as appropriate, in related fields, and to assist in coordinating the international aspects of such research and training.

  7. World Meteorological Organization (WMO) Major U.S. focus on good corporate governance • Chaired Task Team on improving governance of the EC; • Chaired the Audit Committee; • Participant in the Program and Budget Committee and WMO Bureau • Significant role in affairs of Regional Association-IV (North America, Central America and Caribbean ) • Hurricane Committee • RAIV Management Group • Advocates strong U.S. participation in all Technical Commissions and selected EC working groups • Commission on Basic Systems, • EC Working Groups on Disaster Prevention and Data Exchange • AMDAR

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