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System Overview Principal and Secretary. Employee. District. School. Substitute. System Overview. System Overview: Employee’s Activity. Employees can use either a touchtone phone or the internet to enter absences into Aesop.
Employee District School Substitute System Overview
System Overview: Employee’s Activity • Employees can use either a touchtone phone or the internet to enter absences into Aesop. • Employees can enter absences up until the absence cutoff time set up by your Aesop Administrator. • Absences can be entered one month in advance over the phone and a year in advance over the internet.
Employee District School Substitute System Overview
System Overview: Aesop’s Activity • Example: I require substitutes for our Chemistry teacher, Mr. Garmane, to be “Certified.” Aesop could then withhold his absences from any non- certified substitutes. • Aesop allows the district to establish many business rules that determine which employees we contact for each job. • Skill Matching is the primary tool Aesop uses to determine which substitutes are qualified to work for your employees.
Finally, the job will open to those substitutes with the necessary skills on the district’s preference list. While Skill Matching determines who is qualified to work a specific job, Preference lists can be used to determine when this job is offered to each qualified substitute. While Skill Matching determines who is qualified to work a specific job, Preference lists can be used to determine when this job is offered to each qualified substitute. Aesop supports three preference lists: District, School, and Teacher. Each level giving the substitute more “visibility.” Substitutes on the teacher’s preference list will see jobs online up to 120 days before the absence begins. The job will then become available to substitutes on the school’s preference list at a time designated by the school or the district. Finally, the job will open to those substitutes with the necessary skills on the district’s preference list. For details concerning the number of days allotted to each preference list please contact your Aesop Administrator. System Overview: Aesop’s Activity TeacherPreference SchoolPreference DistrictPreference
Employee District School Substitute System Overview
Aesop will only call a substitute during times acceptable to both the district and the substitute. System Overview: Substitute’s Activity • Substitutes can proactively search for jobs both online and over the phone. They will see jobs (up to 120 days in advance) for which they are: • Two days before the absence begins, Aesop will also begin to call your substitutes who are available, preferred, and qualified. • Available (Non-work time, Already working) • Preferred (Visibility) • Qualified (Skill Matching)
Two days before the absence begins, Aesop will begin calling Substitutes who are qualified, available, preferred, and agreeable to calls. School and District users can intervene at any step of this process. System Overview: Process Review • Employee, School, or District enters absence. • Aesop eliminates all substitutes who are not qualified (who don’t have necessary skills) for the position from the available sub list. • Aesop allows qualified substitutes to proactively search for the job as it becomes available to the preference lists that they are on.
Employee District School Substitute System Overview
Numerous reports detailing absence patterns, Aesop’s call history, substitute availability, and employee details are available to the school level user. Each school may use the internet to view their important absence information that pertains to their employees. The school can view the Daily Report which will display absence details such as the employee’s name and title, the start and end time of the absence, the absence reason, the time it was entered into Aesop, if notes are attached, and the confirmation number of the absence. School level users can intervene in the Aesop process as desired by creating, editing and filling absences. Depending on the district’s business rules, the school level user may also have permission to remove substitutes from jobs when necessary. The daily report is divided into sections such as unfilled, filled, and sub not needed. System Overview: School’s Activity
Employee District School Substitute System Overview
System Overview: District’s Activity • District level users establish business rules for the Aesop system such as skill matching. • District users export absence data for payroll. • District users can intervene in the Aesop process as desired by creating, editing, and filling absences. • District level users also can also report on any detail in Aesop.
Employee District School Substitute System Overview