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Learn about the ISO standards and implementation process for the Quality Management System (QMS) at Turkish Meteorological Service. Explore documentation requirements, internal audit applications, customer satisfaction measurement, and future plans related to QMS. ISO is a pivotal organization that develops international standards for various sectors, including economic and technological domains. Discover how TMS successfully implemented and maintained QMS certification to ensure continuous improvement and customer satisfaction.

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  2. Contents Introduction: ISO and ISO 9001 Implementation of QMS in TMS Documentation requiremens Quality Policy of TMS Internal audit applications Management review applications Measurement of Customer Satisfaction Future plan related to QMS

  3. ISO (International Organization for Standardization) is the world's largest developer and publisher of International Standards. ISO is a network of the national standards institutes of 163 countries, one member per country, with a Central Secretariat in Geneva, Switzerland, that coordinates the system. ISO is a non-governmental organization that forms a bridge between the public and private sectors. ISO has developed over 18000 International Standards on a variety of subjects, providing practical solutions and achieve benefits for almost every sector of economic activity and technology, and some 1100 new ISO Standards are published every year. Introduction: ISO and ISO 9001

  4. ISO 9001:2000 revised in 2008, thereinafter refer to ISO 9001, and ISO 14001:2004, which give the requirements for, respectively, quality management and environmental management systems, are among ISO’s most well known and widely implemented standards ever. They are used worldwide by businesses and organizations large and small, in public and private sectors, by manufacturers and service providers, in all sectors of activity. Introduction: ISO and ISO 9001

  5. Number of ISO 9001 Certificates(taken from ISO Survey conducted in 2007) The Growth from December 2003 to December 2007 is 48 %, and 70% of Certificates belongs to the top 10 developped countries and rapidly developing countries such as China and India.

  6. Table 1 – ISO 9001:2000 Certification – Growth from end of 2003 to end of 2007 in some European countries

  7. The adoption of a quality management system should be a strategic decision of an organization. The design and implementation of an organization's quality management system is influenced by its organizational environment and the risks associated with that environment, its varying needs, its particular objectives, the products it provides, the processes it employs, its size and organizational structure. The quality management system requirements specified in ISO 9001 are complementary to requirements for products. Introduction: ISO and ISO 9001

  8. ISO 9001 specifies requirements for aquality management system where an organization needs to demonstrate its ability to consistently provide product that meets customer and applicable legal requirements, and aims to enhance customer satisfaction through the effective application of the system, including processes for continual improvement of the system and the assurance of conformity to customer and applicable statutory and regulatory requirements. ISO 9001 promotes the adoption of a process approach when developing, implementing and improving the effectiveness of a quality management system, to enhance customer satisfaction by meeting customer requirements. Introduction: ISO and ISO 9001

  9. An activity or set of activities using resources, and managed in order to enable the transformation of inputs into outputs, can be considered as a process. The application of a system of processes within an organization, together with the identification and interactions of these processes, and their management to produce the desired outcome, can be referred to as the “process approach”. Process approach – What is process?

  10. Effectivemanagement Efficiencies Profitability Market share Assurance Planning Communication ACQUSITIONS BY ISO 9000 STANDARD SERIES

  11. Implementation of QMS at TMS - I Top management decision in late 2004 to introduce in and to implement QMS ISO 9001 for the Organization, TMS, First group training on QMS in late 2004 Establishing QMS Working Group representing 6 Departments at Headquarter and 23 Regional Directorates (RDs)

  12. Implementation of QMS at TMS - II Started preperation of documents after second group training in the middle of 2005 Most of trainings related to QMS of ISO 9001 was provided by Turkish Standardization Institute (TSI) Application to TSI in 2007 for certification after completing documentation, first internal audits and first management review After external audits by TSI auditors in June 2007, getting QMS Certificate, fulfilling the requirements of TS EN ISO 9001:2000 at 5 July 2007 for 3 years

  13. Implementation of QMS at TMS - III Surveillance audits by TSI auditors in June 2008 and 2009 not only at Headquarter but also at different RD’s Revised documents for adoptation of TS EN ISO 9001:2008 After completing revising documentation, internal audits and management review, application to TSI for renewal of certification in May 2010 After external audits by TSI auditors at Headquarters and 9 reginal Directorates in June 2010, having QMS Certificate, fulfilling the requirements of TS EN ISO 9001:2008 at 02 August 2010 for 3 years again

  14. Organization Scheme of QMS of TMS Director General Quality Management Officers Management Representative Representatives of 6 Departments at Headquarter Representatives of 23 Regional Directorates Process owners Personnel Department Auditors

  15. Documentation requirements(Clause 4.2.1, ISO 9001) The quality management system documentation shall include Documented Statements of Quality Policy and Quality Objectives, Quality manual, Documented procedures and records required by ISO 9001 Documents determined by organization to be necessary to ensure the effective planning, organization and control of processes

  16. Processes of QMS of TMS I- Processes related to management responsibility: Strategic Planning, resource management and management review (3) II- Processes related to Product/Service realization: Observation Prosesses: synoptic/climatological obs., rawinsonde, Forecasting Processes: Meteorological forecasts, numerical forecasts, TAF, Agricultural Froze Forecasts, Meeting and presentation of requirements of customers related to Data/Product/Service (9) III- Supporting Processes: Internal audit, design and development, process related to customer complaint, education, repairment and maintenance of equipment etc. (7) (Total 19 processes)



  19. Training status of Staff related to QMS

  20. Quality Policy of TMS In the light of scientific and technological developments to fulfill; Meteorological observations, weather forecasts and early warnings, Environment, forestry, transportation, agriculture, defense, energy, urbanization being in the first place, all sectors demands related to meteorological services, Studies in climate change on time, reliably, speedy and effectively in accordance with international standards, To increase the customer and staff satisfaction, to improve and to develop the service quality continuously by performing Quality Management System; To become one of the leading meteorological service in its region is Quality Policy of our Service.

  21. Internal audits have been performed in accordance with documented prosedure, Internal Audit Prosedure 2 internal audits performed in 2007 and 2008 1 internal audits performed in 2009 1 internal audits performed/will be performed in 2010 Audits were performed at Headquarter, all international/national airport meteorological services, all RD’s Headquarters as well as rawinsonde stations and at least 2 synoptical/climatological stations of each RD. The findings of Internal Audits are important input of Management Review Meetings Internal Audit Applications at TMS

  22. Top management shall review the organization's quality management system, at planned intervals, to ensure its continuing suitability, adequacy and effectiveness. This review shall include assessing opportunities for improvement and the need for changes to the quality management system, Top Management Review (MR) meetings have been arranged twice a year in accordance with a documented prosedure, Prosedure of Management Review. QMS Performance Report has been prepared by QMS Office and sent to members of Top Management at least two weeks before than that meeting. Top Management Review Meetings at TMS

  23. The Performance Report for the management review includes information on results of audits (internal and external), customer feedback, process performance and product conformity, status of preventive and corrective actions, follow-up actions from previous management reviews, changes that could affect the quality management system, and recommendations for improvement. Top Management Review Meetings at TMS - II

  24. The output from the management review includes any decisions and actions related to improvement of the effectiveness of the quality management system and its processes, improvement of product related to customer requirements, and resource needs. The records of the management review meetings, including its outputs, are presented in electronic media for all Staff as well as Top Management members. Top Management Review Meetings at TMS - III

  25. Customer and/or Staff Satisfaction Measurements Applications at TMS

  26. From where do you get meteorological forecasts?

  27. How do you get meteorological products/services? (2010)

  28. Results of customer satisfaction arranged on Internet (2009/2010)

  29. Results of TMS Staff satisfaction Not 1- Questionnaries for measurement of Staff Satisfaction were carried out manually in 2008, and on Intranet in 2009 and 2010. Not 2- Questionnaries for measurement of Staff Satisfaction and/or Customer Satisfaction were carried out twice a year as much as possible in accordance with documented Instructions.

  30. Simplifying of the QMS Reducing number of processes Revising prosedures/working instructions Having Quality Manager directly under the top management (directly connected to General Director/Deputy General Director) Reducing internal audits expenses by Performing effective audits by well-trained/skillful auditors Performing audits once per two year Audits better focused on core questions in the checklist Implimenting other management systems in the frame of QMS An environmental management system (ISO 14001) A work safety and health management system (ISO 18001) by 2015 Future plan

  31. thank you for your attention...

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