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REPUBLIC OF TURKEY Ministry of Forestry and Water Affairs. Turkish State Meteorological Service Research Department. Hayreddin BACANLI Head of Research Department Turkish State Meteorological Service February 2013, Istanbul. Linked Divisions. Research Department.
REPUBLIC OF TURKEY Ministry of Forestry and Water Affairs Turkish State Meteorological Service Research Department Hayreddin BACANLIHead of Research DepartmentTurkish State Meteorological Service February 2013, Istanbul
LinkedDivisions Research Department Division of Atmospheric Modeling Division of Hydrometeorology Division of Meteorological Disasters Division of Climatology Division of Agricultural Meteorology Division of Environment
Division of Atmospheric Modeling Research Department
WRF - Regional Weather Forecast Model WRF and WRF-3DVar have been running for operational and case study purposes. Forecast products have been publishing at website. 24 saatlik toplam yağış tahmini
DREAM8bDust Transport Model The BSC-DREAM8b dust transport model has been established at TSMS in cooperation with Spanish Met. Service. The operational forecasts by BSC-DREAM8b have been started in June 2010. Forecast products are published at the website. http://www.mgm.gov.tr/tahmin/toz-tasinimi.aspx
Satellite Based Solar Radiation Model "Satellite-Based Heliosat Model" software was completed in 2012. Günlük Küresel Güneş Radyasyonu
METCAP+ Visualization Package METCAP+ package is a meteorological visualization software developed by Turkish State Met. Service to combine meteorological observations, forecasts and images received from different sources.
Training Activities "Meteorology, Sand and Dust Transport, Erosion and Desertification in" an international workshop was organized at 26-28 November 2012 in Ankara.
Division of Hydrometeorology Research Department
Evaluation of Daily Precipitation Daily evaluations are done by using 255 stations precipitation data.
Monthly And Cumulative Precipitation Evaluations January 2013 Precipitation: Precipitation is higher than normal's but less than last year’sJanuary precipitation. Mean precipitation in January is of 96,4 mm, its normal is of 72,6 mm and 2012 January mean precipitation is of 136,6 mm. Precipitation is 24,2 % less compared to normal's and 29.4% less compare to last year. http://www.mgm.gov.tr/veridegerlendirme/yagis-raporu.aspx
Seasonal Precipitation Evaluations 2012 Autumn Evaluation: Autumn season precipitation decreased 17% wrt its normal’s and 6% wrt last year’s autumn.
Monthly and Cumulative Precipitation Evaluations for Watersheds Cumulative and total precipitation were compared with normal’s and last year’s precipitation and put on http://www.mgm.gov.tr /veridegerlendirme/havzalara-gore-yagis.aspx web site.
Preparation of Return Period Charts From 5 minutes to 24 hours (5, 10, 15,30 min, 1, 2,3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 12, 18 and 24 hours), return period charts are prepared for maximum and intensive precipitations.
Black Sea and Middle East Flash Flood Guidance Project Black Sea and Middle East Flash Flood Guidance project initial meeting was held in Istanbul on 29-31 March 2010 and Turkey elected as regional center with 6 participating countries. In Addition, South East European Countries Flash Flood Initial Meeting was held in Ankara on 22-24 January 2013 and Turkey was elected as regional center.
QPE/QPF Training Workshop The training workshop on ‘’Quantitative Precipitation Estimation and Forecasts’’ held in 5-9 November 2012 in Ankara was organized by Turkish State Meteorological Service and the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) within the framework of the cooperation.
Division of Meteorological Disasters Research Department
ForestFiresEarlyWarningSystem (MEUS) Meteorological Early Warning System for forest fires developed by the Turkish State Meteorological Service determines the forest fire risk potential three days in advance and products are shared with General Directorate of Forestry. 18/2
HazardMaps Long-term Meteorological disasters hazard maps, observed between the years of 1940-2010, are prepared for Turkey Regional
RecurrencePeriodAnalysis Extreme maximum, extreme minimumtemperaturesanddailymaximumrainfall data were analyzed with respect to their recurrence periods at 2,5,10,50, and 100-year.
MeteorologicalDisastersImpactMaps Impact of MeteorologicalDisasters on Settlements (2012) Impactmaps of allmeteorologicaldisastersforeachsectors (urban areas, agricultureand transport ) havebeencompleted.
RegionalProjects Building Resilience to Disasters in Western Balkans and Turkey Participatingcountries : SoutheasternEuropeanCountries Project Budget : 2,590,000 Euro Duration : 2 year
Division of Climatology Research Department
Temperature Analysis In this study, we are performing monthly, seasonalannual climate assessments.
Climate Classification Studies We are doing climate classification via different methods (Aydeniz, Erinç, De Martonne, Thornthwaite, Trewartha, etc)
Climate Change Senarios for Turkey (TUBITAK KAMAG Project Output, 2006-2008) RegCM3-ECHAM A2 Senarios (Pessimist Scenario) 2011-2100 Temperature Projections • Limited increasing up to 2040 • 6°C increasing at the end of century. • RegCM3-ECHAM A2 Senarios (Pessimist Scenario) • 2011-2100 • Precipitation Projections • Important decreasing in Winter season • Increasing in northern part in Spring and Summer
Eastern Mediterranean Climate Center (EMCC) • Turkey is been serving as Eastern Mediterranean Climate Center since 2009 in TheWMO RA VI. Regional Climate Center Network. • Countries benefited from this virtual website are Greece, Turkey, Cyprus, Syria, Israel, Palestine, Lebanon, Jordan and Egypt • Products offered on the website are: • Climate monitoring (Temp., Prec.) • Seasonal Prediction (Temp., Prec.) • Eastern Mediterranean Dataset
Monitoring of Climate Change and Determining the Effects of our country TSMS is contributing National Communications, Adaptation Plan and Climate Change Coordination Board (IDKK) studies.
Ozone and UV Observation Total and profile ozone and UV (UV-A ve UV-B) radiation are observing via Brewer Spectrophotometer 10 UV-B sensors are continuing observation in the AWOS network Daily ozone and UV indices model output has been publishing at: http://www.mgm.gov.tr/kurumici/tahmin-ozon-mgm.aspx
1 2 3 Publications… Ozone and UV Radiation Data Analysis Climate Change effect on Health State of the Climate in 2011
Division of Agricultural Meteorology Research Department
Plant Frost Risk Forecast Maps Plant frost risk maps using meteorological predictions for the next four days include mild, moderate, strong and very strong frosty risky places in different colours on the maps are published MGM web site.
Agricultural Frost Warning System (ZDUS 2.0) Users by selecting their province, district or town and plant variety are able to control their products’ frost sensitivity for the next four days.
PNI SPI Drought Analyses The most preferred methods of monitoring droughts for the international respect are as follows: Standardized Precipitation Index; (SPI) Percent of Normal Index; (PNI) PALMER Drought Severity Index (PDSI)
Palmer Drought Severity Index (PDSI) Agricultural Drought Analysis with Palmer method has been started in 2012. In this method, average monthly temperature data, monthly total precipitation data and values of holding water capacity of soils are used.
Drought Analyses of 2010-2011 Agricultural Year 2010-2011 and 2011-2012 agricultural years are evaluated for our country by using precipitation, temperature and drought analyses.
Division of Environment Research Department
Air Pollution and Acid Rain Precipitation Samplers Acid rain and precipitation chemistry studies have been being carried out.
Precipitation Chemistry Automatic precipitation samplers are very important tools for determining the source and the path of pollutants. Results of laboratory analysis have been archived by Meteorological Data Processing Department. Technical reports have been preparing as quarterly newsletter and publishing at the MGM website.
REPUBLIC OF TURKEY Ministry of Forestry and Water Affairs Thanks four your attention Hayreddin BACANLIHead of Research DepartmentTurkish State Meteorological Service February 2013, Istanbul