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FP7 Storm S OLAR SYSTEM PLASMA T URBULENCE: O BSERVATIONS, INTE R MITTENCY AND M ULTIFRACTALS. Annual review and update Graz, 25/11/2013. http://www.storm-fp7.eu. outline. Scientific and technical achievements of STORM in 2013 Financial aspects of STORM in 2013
FP7 StormSOLAR SYSTEM PLASMA TURBULENCE: OBSERVATIONS,INTERMITTENCY AND MULTIFRACTALS Annual review and update Graz, 25/11/2013 http://www.storm-fp7.eu
outline • Scientific and technical achievements of STORM in 2013 • Financial aspects of STORM in 2013 • International collaboration within STORM in 2013 • Dissemination results and publications of STORM in 2013 • STORM Management • On the FP7 Reporting
WP1 – Scientific coordination Task 1.1. Consortium Coordination (IASB) Technical and scientific coordination of the Consortium through progress reports, workshops, meetings, visits, teleconferences, email, FAX communication (IASB). The scientific coordination and monitoring of work-packages. • The kick-off meeting held in Brussels, February 20-21, 2013 • 1st Amendment of the STORM GA is signed (21/10/2013), FINALLY … • Two general teleconferences by webex (September and October 2013) • Several bilateral teleconferences by skype. • Several WP meetings (Brussels, Warsaw, Bucharest,…) Task 1.2. Progress monitoring (IASB) Organization of project progress meetings (IASB). The preparation of the scientific part of the reports and deliverables to be submitted to the EU. • STORM Steering Committee: Marius Echim, EmiliyaYordanova, Roberto Bruno, Giuseppe Consolini, Peter Kovacs, Karl-Heinz Glassmeier, WieslawMacek, HerveLamy, Yasuhito Narita, ZoltanVoeroes, Dragos Constantinescu • STORM advisory board: prof. Vincenzo Carbone, prof. Tony Lui, prof. Andre Balogh, prof. Joseph Lemaire, prof. Bruce Tsurutani, prof. Hiroshi Hasegawa, prof. Sunny Tam, dr. Nicolas Andre • Two deliverables (D1.1, D1.2) have been submitted to REA (March, June 2013) • Annual Meeting, Graz, 25-26 November, 2013 Task 1.3. Reporting Preparation of STORM scientific meetings (drawing up the agenda, the minutes). taking decisions concerning the dissemination and publications policy within the Consortium.
STORM SCIENCE WP2 - Turbulence, Intermittency and Multifractals in the solar wind, at solar max and solar min • Task 2.1. Definition of Data bases (IASB, SRC, UOulu) • define and construct solar wind databases at solar maximum, D1MAXSW (1999 Ulysses, 2000-2001, Ulysses, Cluster - SRC, INAF, IASB), • define and construct solar wind databases at solar minimum D3MINSW (2007-2008, Ulysses, Cluster, Venus Express), D5MINSW (1997-1998, Ulysses – SRC, INAF, IASB) • Ulysses and Cluster data selection is completed; the procedure implements selection of fast and slow wind intervals (SRC, IRF, INAF) • Work in progress for Venus Express data in SW (IASB, INFLPR-ISS) • Task 2.2. Power spectral density and Probability Distribution functions in the solar wind (IASB, SRC, MFGI) • compute PSD and PDFs of magnetic field and velocity fluctuations from selected data bases (IASB) • realize a catalog of PSD for magnetic field fluctuations for each of the databases D1MAXSW, D3MINSW, D5MINSW (IASB, MFGI) • Computation of PSDs for the databases selected for Ulysses, Cluster and Venus Express is partially achieved (UOULU)
STORM SCIENCE WP2 - Turbulence, Intermittency and Multifractals in the solar wind, at solar max and solar min • Reminder Deliverables WP2: UOULU IASB SRC
STORM SCIENCE WP3 - Turbulence, Intermittency and Multifractalsin the planetary plasmas • Task 3.1.Planetary data base definition (IASB, INAF, OEAW, MFGI, OEAW) • define and construct planetary plasma databases at solar maximum, D2MAXMSPH (2000-2001, Cluster -OEAW) • define and construct planetary plasma databases at solar minimum D4MINMSPH (2007-2008, Cluster, Venus Express – OEAW, IASB) • Cluster magnetosheath data base selection is completed (IRF) • Task 3.2. Power spectral density and Probability Distribution functions in the planetary plasma (IASB, OEAW, MFGI, INAF) • compute PSD and PDFs on magnetic field and velocity data from selected planetary plasma data bases (MFGI) • realize a catalog of PSD for magnetic field fluctuations for each of the databases D2MAXMSPH, D4MINSMSPH (MFGI) • Work in progress to finalize the catalog of PSDs in the terrestrial magnetosheath (INAF, OEAW, INFLPR-ISS) • Analysis completed for Giotto, Cassini, MGS (OEAW)
STORM SCIENCE WP3 - Turbulence, Intermittency and Multifractals in the planetary plasmas • Reminder Deliverables WP3: OEAW MFGI IASB
STORM SCIENCE WP4 - Intermittency and multifractals in ground-based magnetic measurements • Task 4.1. Create geomagnetic indices data base (MFGI, UOulu, INFLPR-ISS) • extract AE, AL, AU, ASYM-H, ASYM-D, SYM-H and SYM-D geomagnetic indices from the World Data center for geomagnetism in Kyoto, Japan for 2000-2001 and 2007-2008 respectively (INFLPR-ISS) • Indices database (Dst, AE, AL, AU, PC) is selected for 1985-2013; SYM-H and ASY-H is selected for 1995-2013 (INFLPR-ISS); some preliminary analysis already performed • Task 4.2. Evaluation of “turbulence” and intermittency of geomagnetic indices fluctuations (INFLPR-ISS, OEAW, IASB, INAF, MFGI, UOulu) • compute PSD and PDFs on the selected values of the geomagnetic indices (INFLPR-ISS) • Wavelet analysis performed for geomagnetic indices 1985-2013 (IASB) • Task 4.3. Multifractal analysis of geomagnetic indices fluctuations (INFLPR-ISS, IASB, MFGI) • compute the partition function multifractal spectrum for the selected values of the geomagnetic indices (IASB) • compute the ROMA spectrum for the selected geomagnetic indices (IASB)
STORM SCIENCE WP4 - Intermittency and multifractals in ground-based magnetic measurements • Reminder Deliverables WP4: OULU INAF
STORM SCIENCE WP5 - Data driven insight on multifractals, ROMA and the (Forced) Self Organized Criticality • Task 5.1. Theoretical understanding driven by data analysis (IASB, SRC, INAF, prof. Tom Chang external consultant) • define data bases illustrating solar wind and magnetospheric turbulence to be used as test-beds for theoretical investigation of ROMA and SFOC (IASB, prof. Tom Chang external consultant) • test the power-law fit of data and finite-size scaling with ROMA (IASB, prof. Tom Chang external consultant) • preliminary search for finite size effects (IASB) • preliminary simulations for SFOC (INAF) • Reminder Deliverables WP5: IASB IASB
STORM SCIENCE WP6 - Anisotropy, Nonlinearity, Nonstationarity with data analysis methods and discriminating statistics • Task 6.1. Data base selection (IRF) • Establish a database of Cluster high quality plasma, electric and magnetic fields measurements from the selected regions in space; • Cluster data selected • Task 6.2. Scaling properties of magnetospheric fluctuations (IRF, INAF, IASB, OEAW) • Obtain the scaling properties of the dispersive range of the magnetic and electric field by FFT, structure function exponents, PDF collapsing, and a sign singular measure constructed from the magnetic helicity (IRF, IASB); • Estimate at which characteristic plasma (ion or electron) scale the dispersive and dissipation range commence (IRF, INAF) • Task 6.3. Investigation of weak turbulence (IRF, OEAW) • Identify the wave modes presented in the dispersive range determining the wave polarization and propagation, and the respective dispersion relation (IRF, TUBS) • Determine and respectively compare the scaling of structure function tensor in different spatial directions using datasets with and without compressibility (IRF) • Task 6.4. Source regions of plasma turbulence (INFLPR-ISS, OEAW) • apply source locator techniques to Cluster and THEMIS data (OEAW) • Task 6.5. Application to solar wind and planetary plasma data(OEAW) • Determination of energy spectra in the frequency-wave vector domain already mentioned at 6.3 (wave mode, TUBS) • Higher order statistics such as correlation of three or four wave fields (OEAW) • Evaluation of Taylor's hypothesis in solar wind turbulence using THEMIS data (OEAW) • Task 6.6. Discriminating statistics to evaluate nonlinearity and nonstationarity (INFLPR-ISS, Dr. Jay Johnson) • Creation of a surrogate data and definition of the null hypothesis • Mutual information analysis to falsify the null hypothesis, Cumulantbased costs analysis to evaluate nonstationarity of time series in the solar wind and planetary plasma turbulence • Comparison with the multi-spacecraft methods
STORM SCIENCE WP6 - Anisotropy, Nonlinearity, Nonstationarity with data analysis methods and discriminating statistics • Reminder Deliverables WP6 : 30 OEAW IRF
STORM SCIENCE WP7 - Software library for nonlinear analysis of fluctuations in space plasmas time series • Task 7.1. Integration of PSD, PDFs and intermittency evaluation routines (INFLPR-ISS, MFGI) • Programming of PSD and PDFs computing routines in a common language to be chosen between IDL and MATLAB (MFGI) • Integration of wavelet analysis package (INFLPR-ISS) • MATLAB chosen as programing environment • Integration of PSD, PDFs and wavelets in INA v0 (INFLPR-ISS) • Validation and Release of alpha module for PSD calculation (MFGI, INFLPR-ISS) • Semi-automatic algorithm for downloading, down-sampling and computing the PSD spectra (adapted for CAA) based on open source Python (INFLPR-ISS). • Task 7.2. Integration of multifractal routines (INFLPR-ISS, IASB) • Integration of elements of the multifractal analysis (IASB, SRC) Reminder Deliverables WP7 : MFGI INFLPR-ISS
STORM SCIENCE WP8 – impact and dissemination Task 8.1 Dissemination of project results (IASB, IRF, SRC, INFLPR-ISS, UOulu, MFGI, INAF, OEAW) Publication of scientific papers in scientific journals with broad impact (IASB, IRF, SRC, INFLPR-ISS, UOulu, INAF, MFGI, OEAW) Presentation of contributed and oral talks; invited seminars, public lectures (IASB, IRF, SRC, INFLPR-ISS,UOulu, INAF, MFGI, OEAW) • STORM Session at EGU 2014 ACCEPTED • 1 published paper, 9 dissemination activities Reminder Deliverables WP8 : OEAW IASB UOULU IRF INAF INFLPR-ISS
STORM MANAGEMENT WP9 – management Task 9.1. Administration and reporting (IASB and all the participants) Financial administration of the project using the integrated management tools available at IASB (IASB) Drafting and submitting to REA the required Periodic Reports within 60 days of the end of each period of 12 months (IASB + all participants) Review of Financial Statements of the other members of the Consortium (IASB) Drafting and submitting the Financial Statements through the WEB financial tools (IASB) Collecting the Certificates of Financial Statements, if the case. Task 9.2. Administrative tasks resulting from the execution and post-processing of project meetings such as Steering Committee meetings, General Assemblies and meetings with the advisory board (tasks: agendas, invitations, location of meeting places, organization of rooms and equipment, preparation distribution and archiving of materials, minutes and action lists). Task 9.3 Maintaining the dissemination plan following REA requirements. • Negotiations with REA on the 1st Amendment of the GA, started in February 2013, ended in September 2013 • Modifications and updating documents in NEF • New rules concerning the electronic-only submission of financial reports applicable to STORM only for the final reporting
Storm Delivrables - Summary • 2013 • 28/02/2013: Establishing the Consortium Advisory Board (CAB) and Consortium Steering Committee (CSC) – IASB • 30/06/2013: STORM webpage –IASB • 31/12/2013: Catalog of PSD in the solar wind – solar max and min - UOULU • 31/12/2013: Catalog of magnetic field PSD in planetary plasmas; solar cycle tendencies – OEAW • 2014 • 30/06/2014 : Catalog of PDFs in the solar wind – IASB • 30/06/2014: Catalog of magnetic field PDFs in planetary plasmas; solar cycle tendencies – MFGI • 30/06/2014: Beta version of the software library –INFLPR-ISS • 30/06/2014: publication of original scientific papers – IRF • 30/06/2014: Consortium financial reporting tools -IASB • 31/08/2014: convene a session at EGU 2014 – OEAW • 31/12/2014: Multifractal and ROMA spectrum for SW B-field – solar max/min – SRC • 31/12/2004: Catalog of PDFs and PSD for geomagnetic indices – solar max and min – UOULU • 31/12/2004: convene a session at AGU 2014 – IASB
Storm Delivrables - Summary • 2015 • 31/05/2015: convene a session at IUGG 2015 - UOULU • 30/06/2015:Organisethe STORM workshop – INFLPR-ISS • 30/06/2015 : Multifractal and ROMA spectrum of geomagnetic indices – solar max and min – INAF • 30/06/2015: Finite size scaling procedure derived from ROMA and SFOC – IASB • 31/12/2013: Spectrum of turbulence from the wave telescope; implications of the Taylor hypothesis –OEAW • 30/06/2015: Quantitative measure of small scale anisotropy from multi-spacecraft data – IRF • 31/08/2015: Multifractal and ROMA spectrum B-field in planetary plasmas; solar cycle tendencies – IASB • 30/11/2015: Theoretical and data insight on the potential relationship existing between ROMA and SOC – IASB • 31/12/2015: Final version of the software library – INFLPR-ISS • 31/12/2015: publication of original and review scientific papers – INAF • 31/12/2015: Minutes of meetings - IASB
STORM FINANCIAL Grant agreement changes • TUBS participation to STORM is terminated starting from 1st of January 2013; • the funds allocated to TUBS are entirely transferred to OEAW, the scientific responsibilities as well. The advance payment allocated initially to TUBS has been also transferred to OEAW (October 2013); • Rearrangement of budget chapters for SRC and INFLPR-ISS included in the GA 1st Amendment Financial execution • Financial Execution of the project: examples of some data from some beneficiaries • IASB (83.000 EUR – first nine months 2013, 110.000 EUR - estimated 2013, ~30% of total EU budget for IASB, within the safe side, perhaps some rearrangements necessary) • INFLPR-ISS (62000 EUR first nine months of 2013, 83000 estimated 2013, ~31% of total EU budget) • Some beneficiaries received from national resources the complementary funding (25%) for the RTD activities (Poland, Hungary, Romania) • please check at the end of 2013 how much money did you spent, how much is left, how the expenses fit in the Grant Agreement plan; if correction measures are necessary (e.g. reallocation between budget chapters) please contact the Coordinator such that we can start negotiations with EU and REA as soon as possible
STORM INTERNATIONAL COLLABORATION MUTUAL VISITS • Tom Chang visited IASB Brussels in February and October 2013 and worked on the Intermittency, Multifractals, Rank Ordered Multifractal Analysis and Forced and/or Self Organised Criticality (WP3, WP4, WP5) • Tom Chang visited INAF-IAPS Rome in October 2013 and worked on the Forced and Self Organised Criticality (WP4, WP5) • Roberto Bruno visited SRC Warsaw and collaborated to Ulysses data selection (WP2) • Marius Echim organised a one day workshop in Bucharest on space weather activities in Romania (WP3, WP8) • Anna Szczepaniak visited Brussels in September 2013 to work on ULYSSES solar wind data selection (WP2) • Peter Kovacs visited Bucharest in October 2013 to work on the integrated analysis library (WP7) • Costel Munteanu visited Oulu in May-August and in November 2013 to work on solar wind turbulence and data selection, and the integrated library (WP2, WP3, WP7) • Costel Munteanu and Gabriel Voitcu visited Brussels in November 2013 to work on turbulence and intermittency in the planetary environments and the integrated analysis library (WP3, WP7)
STORM DISSEMINATION Publications and dissemination • 1 publication: Munteanu et al., JGR, 2013 (WP2) • 1 Ph.D. thesis: Ilpo Virtanen (UOULU, November 2013) • 9 conferences and presentations
STORM MANAGEMENT STORM MANGEMENT • A new Amendment of the Ga is necessary in order to adopt the electronic-only submission of financial reports; it will be effective for the last reporting period • We need confirmation that all the partners agree on this change, see last message from Michael Mitternacht • A third amendment of STORM GA is probably needed to include modification of the deliverable dates for D6.1 to June 2015. • The STORM webpage is launched at http://storm-fp7.eu; the webpage has a private zone where we can upload files, share documents, store publications • Deliverables D2.1 and D3.1 should be prepared until the end of the year • Perhaps we need better coherence between teams in order to share the efforts necessary to achieve the objectives and realize the deliverables; the Beneficiary formally responsible for a deliverable is not supposed to do the entire work • UOULU proposes a list of topics relevant for D2.1 but also for other deliverables • The experience of teleconferences is rather positive although the technical conditions could be improved; webex offers adequate possiblities, skype may be an alternative • I suggest to have one teleconference each two months to evaluate the project advances • We may have a STORM splinter during the EGU in April 2014 (to summarize the session , etc.) • The STORM workshop is scheduled for the summer of 2015; a visit of possible venues in Romania by STORM representatives could be useful/necessary, • Possible idea: to couple the STORM workshop with a regional school on turbulence and nonlinear processes in geophysics (EGU may provide some support)
STORM MANAGEMENT 5th Call Brochurehttp://bookshop.europa.eu/en/beyond-the-sky-pbNB3112308/
Storm – scientific Reporting Click to enter the Scientific reporting section
Storm – scientific Reporting Click to enter the Scientific reporting section
Storm - scientificReporting Delivrables
Storm - scientificReporting Publications
Storm - scientificReporting Dissemination Activities
Storm – financial Reporting Click to enter the Financial reporting section
Storm - financial Reporting FORM C
Storm - Reporting • REPORTING REQUIREMENTS • (from “Guidance Notes on Project Reporting”, http://ec.europa.eu) • 1) During the course of the project • To be submitted: • 1. The deliverables identified in Annex I to the Grant Agreement, according to the timetable specified in the Deliverables list. • 2. A periodic report within 60 days from the end of each reporting period (including the last reporting period). The reporting periods are defined in Article 4 of the Grant Agreement. The periodic report comprises: • An overview, including a publishable summary of the progress of work towards the objectives of the project, including achievements and attainment of any milestones and deliverables identified in Annex I. This report should include the differences between work expected to be carried out in accordance with Annex I and that actually carried out, • An explanation of the use of the resources, and • A Financial Statement (Form C – Annex VI to the Grant Agreement) from each beneficiary and each third party, if applicable, together with a summary financial report consolidating the claimed Community contribution of all the beneficiaries (and third parties) in an aggregate form, based on the information provided in Form C by each beneficiary. • Financial statements should be accompanied by certificates, when this is appropriate (see Article II.4.4 of the Grant Agreement).
Storm - Reporting REPORTING REQUIREMENTS (from “Guidance Notes on Project Reporting”, http://ec.europa.eu) 2) At the end of the project In addition to the periodic report for the last period of the project, a final report has to be submitted, within 60 days after the end of the project. This final report shall comprise: A final publishable summary report which includes: an executive summary, a summary description of project context and objectives, a description of the main S&T results, potential impact (including the socio-economic impact of the project) and the main dissemination activities and exploitation of results/foregrounds A plan for the use and dissemination of foreground, to spread awareness. A report covering the wider societal implications of the project, in the form of a questionnaire, including gender equality actions, ethical issues, efforts to involve other actors.
STORM- The Fundamental Questions • [FUNDAMENTAL] How is the energy transferred between scales in the solar wind and magnetospheric turbulence? Is the process dominated by wave effects or by the interaction of coherent structures ? • [FUNDAMENTAL] Which are the mechanisms ensuring the energy dissipation in collisionless solar system plasma turbulence? • [FUNDAMENTAL] Which are the sources of intermittency? • [SPACE WEATHER AND SPACE CLIMATE] What are the effects of the solar wind turbulence and intermittency on the turbulence of the planetary magnetosheaths downstream quasi-parallel and quasi-perpendicular shocks? • [SPACE WEATHER AND SPACE CLIMATE] Are there any significant changes of the heliospheric turbulence and intermittency from solar maximum to solar minimum ? • [SPACE WEATHER AND SPACE CLIMATE] What is the response of the magnetosphere-ionosphere and of the geomagnetic field to intermittent turbulence in the solar wind? Are there any significant solar cycle trends?
STORM- The TargetedPhenomena The main objective of the project is to: • make a systematic investigation of the in-situ space plasma data bases • make a systematic analysis of electromagnetic and plasma fluctuations in order to find evidence of turbulence and intermittency. • to reveal new universal properties of intermittent and anisotropic turbulence and multifractals in solar system plasmas and how these properties vary within the solar cycle and with the distance from the Sun. • Turbulent energy cascade and dissipation • the topology of the energy transfer (wave dispersion and/or coherent structures interaction) • improve the understanding of the dissipation mechanisms • investigate the solar cycle effects • Intermittency, Multifractals, Scaling • identify the sources of intermittency • address the problem of scaling and rescaling of non-Gaussian Probability Distribution Functions • use existing geomagnetic indices data bases as a test bed for investigating possible connections between multifractals and the concept of (Forced) and/or Self Organized Criticality (SFOC) • Anisotropic and imbalanced turbulence • evaluate the anisotropy and intermittency of turbulence at solar maximum and minimum • evaluate the sunward and anti-sunward Poynting fluxes ratio and its spectral behavior at various distances in the heliosphere