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Replacement of City Commissions with New Citizen Engagement Program.

Replacement of City Commissions with New Citizen Engagement Program. The City of Sedona’s progressive approach to getting residents involved. The Issue and History. Operate in subject matter silos Confusion about commissions’ role Staff intensive

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Replacement of City Commissions with New Citizen Engagement Program.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Replacement of City Commissions with New Citizen Engagement Program. The City of Sedona’s progressive approach to getting residents involved.

  2. The Issue and History • Operate in subject matter silos • Confusion about commissions’ role • Staff intensive • Commissions initiated work plans before City Council approval and without resources to accomplish work items • Not productive • Open meeting laws cumbersome and inherently inefficient • Frustration over misalignment between Council and Commission priorities • 2 to 3-year commitment to monthly meetings limited who could participate • Difficulty filling vacancies & getting quorums • Flexible, efficient • Centers around task-oriented work groups that are results driven • Interdisciplinary • Deeper and more meaningful engagement • Unencumbered by open meeting requirements • Broader participation • Innovative with digital platforms and use of technology • Easy, open participation

  3. What Does the Citizen Engagement Program Entail? • Two fundamental components • Idea Generation/Solicitation of Input • Work Groups – Tactical • Staff led • Citizens participate alongside staff in a deeper more meaningful way • Registry of citizen volunteers to draw from • Based on Council-established priorities – projects have support

  4. Collecting Ideas and Input from the Community

  5. Ideas and Input go Unfiltered to City Council List of City Council Priorities for the upcoming year is established

  6. Once Council sets their priority work items, staff/citizen teams work together to address each issue or project • Current work group examples (15+ work groups, 85+ citizens): • Bike Park Work Group • Citizens Budget Work Group • Service Contract Review Work Group • Roundabout Art Work Group • Land Use at Wastewater Treatment Plant • Development Review Work Group • Community Focus Area Work Groups • Uptown Parking and Traffic Work Group • Off Road Vehicles Work Group • Small Grants Review Work Group • Barbara’s Park Design Jury Work Group • Alcohol in the Parks Work Group

  7. Contact • Contact Karen Daines: 928-203-5067 or KDaines@SedonaAZ.gov • Be a Fan on Facebook: www.facebook.com/SedonaCitizenEngagement • Follow the program on Twitter: twitter.com/EngageSedona • Follow the program on Instagram: instagram.com/cityofsedonacitizenengagement

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