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Mindful Feelings - A Lesson in Self-Expression

This illustrated story follows _______'s journey in learning to express their feelings. They discover that using their words instead of actions helps them and others feel happier, prevent conflicts, and strengthen relationships. By sharing their emotions openly, _______ finds support and understanding from friends and family. Through colorful images and relatable situations, this book teaches children valuable lessons in emotional intelligence and communication.

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Mindful Feelings - A Lesson in Self-Expression

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Presentation Transcript

  1. _____'s Story *Picture here*

  2. My name is ______. I am 6______. I go to _______________.

  3. Sometimes I get angry and do sad things that are not nice and make people sad! Like biting somebody. *Insert picture*

  4. When we do this, it makes people at school upset and sometimes cry! Then we get told off! And our friends won’t want to play with us!

  5. When I am upset I will use my ______ to tell people that I’m feeling this way. Then ______ will be happy with me. *Insert picture*

  6. Then everybody will be happy and our friends will want to play with us! And our family will be really happy with us!

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