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TECHNICAL WORKING GROUP (TWG). PRESENTATION TO BCM MEETING 25 th NOVEMBER 2011. STRUCTURE. TWG. BCM realised parallel forums (BOTA, GIZ, MESD and BNVQF) with same end goal – quality apprenticeship programme . Pulled them together for synergy hence TWG
TWG • BCM realised parallel forums (BOTA, GIZ, MESD and BNVQF) with same end goal – quality apprenticeship programme. • Pulled them together for synergy hence TWG • Focussed on artisan training with emphasis on heavy plant • Conducted an audit of all vocational technical training institutions in the country to assess capacity and readiness to offer these courses
RESULTS • Utilization • VTIs visited are under utilised, not used during vacations. • No training of trainers at FCTVE despite its design and capacity (35% utilised) • Capacity • Most VTIs enroll target numbers • Some courses not offered because there are no trainers in a given VTI • Practical training capacity low.
RESULTS • Availability of equipment • Most VTIs have right numbers & quality • Equipment either not working or not used, no maintenance plans in place • Programme or curriculum offered is the same: either NCC or BTEP based • Industry input to curricula unknown
RESULTS • Trainers • Numbers inadequate • Not trained in use of certain equipment • Not an attractive job, trainers leave for industry • Trainers divorced from industry changes • Most BOTA accredited
RECOMMENDATIONS • Adopt OrapaTraining Centre standards as the industry base • Improve match between theory and practical training • Training of trainers: • plan and implement ToT for qualified trades people with involvement of GIZ • Improve trainer package
RECOMMENDATIONS • Two institutions as centres of excellence for mining related trades • FCTVE for north and BCET for south; they both offer Heavy Plant training • Industrial attachment critical in the development of artisans and trainers