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On Lattices, Learning with Errors, Random Linear Codes, and Cryptography. Oded Regev Tel-Aviv University. Introduction to lattices Main theorem: a hard learning problem Application: a stronger and more efficient public key cryptosystem Proof of main theorem Overview
On Lattices, Learning with Errors, Random Linear Codes, and Cryptography Oded Regev Tel-Aviv University
Introduction to lattices • Main theorem: a hard learning problem • Application: a stronger and more efficient public key cryptosystem • Proof of main theorem • Overview • Part I: Quantum • Part II: Classical Outline
Lattices • Basis: • v1,…,vn vectors in Rn • The lattice L is • L={a1v1+…+anvn| ai integers} • The dual lattice of L is • L*={x | 8 y2L, hx,yi2 Z} v1+v2 2v2 2v1 2v2-v1 v1 v2 2v2-2v1 0
Shortest Vector Problem (SVP) • SVP: Given a lattice, find an approximately shortest vector v2 v1 0
Closest Vector Problem (CVPd) v • CVPd: Given a lattice and a target vector within distance d, find the closest lattice point 0
Let s2Z2n be a secret • We have random equations modulo 2 with error (everything independent): • Without error, it’s easy! s2+s3+s4+ s6+…+sn0 s1+s2+ s4+ s6+…+sn1 s1+ s3+s4+s5+ …+sn1 s2+s3+s4+ s6+…+sn0 . . . Learning from parity with error
More formally, we need to learn s from samples of the form (t,st+e) where t is chosen uniformly from Z2nand e is a bit that is 1 with probability 10%. • Easy algorithms need 2O(n) equations/time • Best algorithm needs 2O(n/logn) equations/time [BlumKalaiWasserman’00] • Open question: why is this problem so hard? Learning from parity with error
Fix some p<poly(n) • Let s2Zpn be a secret • We have random equations modulo p with error: 2s1+0s2+2s3+1s4+2s5+4s6+…+4sn2 0s1+1s2+5s3+0s4+6s5+6s6+…+2sn4 6s1+5s2+2s3+0s4+5s5+2s6+…+0sn2 6s1+4s2+4s3+4s4+3s5+3s6+…+1sn5 . . . Learning modulo p
More formally, we need to learn s from samples of the form (t,st+e) where t is chosen uniformly from Zpn and e is chosen from Zp • Easy algorithms need 2O(nlogn) equations/time • Best algorithm needs 2O(n) equations/time [BlumKalaiWasserman’00] Learning modulo p
Learning modulo p is as hard as worst-case lattice problems using a quantum reduction • In other words: solving the problem implies an efficient quantum algorithm for lattices Main Theorem
For m=poly(n), let C be a random m£n matrix with elements in Zp. Given Cs+e for some sZpn and some noise vector eZpm, recover s. • This is the problem of decoding from a random linear code Equivalent formulation
As part of the reduction, we need to perform a certain algorithmic task on lattices • We do not know how to do it classically, only quantumly! Why Quantum?
We are given an oracle that solves CVPd for some small d • As far as I can see, the only way to generate inputs to this oracle is: • Somehow choose xL • Let y be some random vector within dist d of x • Call the oracle with y • The answer is x. But we already know the answer !! • Quantumly, being able to compute x from y is very useful: it allows us to transform the state |y,x> to the state |y,0> reversibly (and then we can apply the quantum Fourier transform) Why Quantum? x y
Main advantages: • Based on a lattice problem • Worst-case hardness • Main disadvantages: • Based only on unique-SVP • Impractical (think of n as100): • Public key size O(n4) • Encryption expands by O(n2) Previous lattice-based PKES[AjtaiDwork96,GoldreichGoldwasserHalevi97,R’03]
Main advantages: • Practical (think of n as100): • Public key size O(n) • Encryption expands by O(n) • Main disadvantages: • Not based on lattice problem • No worst-case hardness Ajtai’s recent PKES [Ajtai05]
Main advantages: • Worst-case hardness • Based on the main lattice problems (SVP, SIVP) • Practical (think of n as100): • Public key size O(n) • Encryption expands by O(n) • Breaking the cryptosystem implies an efficient quantum algorithm for lattices • In fact, security is based on the learning problem (no quantum needed here) quantum New lattice-based PKES[This work]
Everything modulo 4 • Private key: 4 random numbers 1203 • Public key: a 6x4 matrix and approximate inner product • Encrypt the bit 0: • Encrypt the bit 1: 3·? + 2·? + 1·? + 0·? ≈1 The Cryptosystem 2·1 + 0·2 + 1·0 + 2·3 ≈1 1·1 + 2·2 + 2·0 + 3·3 ≈2 0·1 + 2·2 + 0·0 + 3·3 ≈1 1·1 + 2·2 + 0·0 + 2·3 ≈0 0·1 + 3·2 + 1·0 + 3·3 ≈3 3·1 + 3·2 + 0·0 + 2·3 ≈2 2 0 1 2 1 2 2 3 0 2 0 3 1 2 0 2 0 3 1 3 3 3 0 2 2·? + 0·? + 1·? + 2·? ≈1 1·? + 2·? + 2·? + 3·? ≈2 0·? + 2·? + 0·? + 3·? ≈1 1·? + 2·? + 0·? + 2·? ≈0 0·? + 3·? + 1·? + 3·? ≈3 3·? + 3·? + 0·? + 2·? ≈2 2·1 + 0·2 + 1·0 + 2·3 =0 1·1 + 2·2 + 2·0 + 3·3 =2 0·1 + 2·2 + 0·0 + 3·3 =1 1·1 + 2·2 + 0·0 + 2·3 =3 0·1 + 3·2 + 1·0 + 3·3 =3 3·1 + 3·2 + 0·0 + 2·3 =3 3·? + 2·? + 1·? + 0·? ≈3
Define a Gaussian distribution on a lattice (normalization omitted) • We can efficiently sample from Dr for large r=2n Gaussian Distribution
Assume the existence of an algorithm for the learning modulo p problem for p=2√n • Our lattice algorithm: • r=2n • Take poly(n) samples from Dr • Repeat: • Given poly(n) samples from Dr compute poly(n) samples from Dr/2 • Set r←r/2 • When r is small, output a short vector The Reduction
Lemma 1: • Given poly(n) samples from Dr, and an oracle for ‘learning modulo p’, we can solve • CVPp/r in L* • No quantum here • Lemma 2: • Given a solution to CVPd in L*, we can obtain samples from D√n/d • Quantum • Based on the quantum Fourier transform p=2√n Obtaining Dr/2 from Dr
Classical, uses learning oracle Quantum Samples from Drin L Solution to CVPp/rin L* Samples from Dr/2 in L Solution to CVP2p/rin L* Samples from Dr/4in L Solution to CVP4p/rin L*
Fourier Transform Primal world (L) Dual world (L*)
The Fourier transform of Dr is given by • Its value is • 1 for x in L*, • e-1 at points of distance 1/r from L*, • ¼0 at points far away from L*. Fourier Transform
Assume we can solve CVPd; we’ll show how to obtain samples from D√n/d • Step 1: • Create the quantum state • by adding a Gaussian to each lattice point and uncomputing the lattice point by using the CVP algorithm From CVPd to D√n/d
Step 2: • Compute the quantum Fourier transform of • It is exactly D√n/d !! • Step 3: • Measure and obtain one sample from D√n/d • By repeating this process, we can obtain poly(n) samples From CVPd to D√n/d
More precisely, create the state • And the state • Tensor them together and add first to second • Uncompute first register by solving CVPp/r From CVPd to D√n/d
Proof of the Main TheoremLemma 1: Solving CVPp/r given samples from Dr and an oracle for learning mod p
Lemma: being able to approximate fp/r implies a solution to CVPp/r • Proof Idea – walk uphill: • fp/r(x)>¼for points x of distance < p/r • Keep making small modifications to x as long as fp/r(x) increases • Stop when fp/r(x)=1 (then we are on a lattice point) It’s enough to approximate fp/r
For warm-up, we show how to approximate f1/r given samples from Dr • No need for learning • This is main idea in [AharonovR’04] • Then we show how to approximatef2/r given samples from Dr and an oracle for the learning problem • Approximatingfp/r is similar What’s ahead in this part
Let’s write f1/r in its Fourier representation: • Using samples from Dr, we can compute a good approximation to f1/r (this is the main idea in [AharonovR’04]) Warm-up: approximating f1/r
Consider the Fourier representation again: • For x2L*, hw,xi is integer for all w in L and therefore we get f1/r(x)=1 • For x that is close to L*, hw,xi is distributed around an integer. Its standard deviation can be (say) 1. Fourier Transform
Main idea: partition Dr into 2n distributions • For t(Z2)n, denote the translate t by Dtr • Given a lattice point we can compute its t • The probability on (Z2)n obtained by sampling from Dr and outputting t is close to uniform 0,0 0,1 1,0 1,1 Approximating f2/r
Hence, by using samples from Dr we can produce samples from the following distribution on pairs (t,w): • Sample t(Z2)n uniformly at random • Sample w from Dtr • Consider the Fourier transform of Dtr Approximating f2/r
The functions ft2/r look almost like f2/r • Only difference is that some Gaussians have their sign flipped • Approximating ft2/r is enough: we can easily take the absolute value and obtain f2/r • For this, however, we need to obtain several pairs (t,w) for the same t • The problem is that each sample (t,w) has a different t ! Approximating f2/r
Fix x close to L* • The sign of its Gaussian is ±1 depending on hs,ti mod 2 for s(Z2)n that depends only on x • The distribution of x,w mod 2 when w is sampled from Dtr is centred around s,t mod 2 • Hence, we obtain equations modulo 2 with error: Approximating f2/r hs,t1i ¼dhx,w1ic mod 2 hs,t2i ¼dhx,w2ic mod 2 hs,t3i ¼dhx,w3ic mod 2 . . .
Using the learning algorithm, we solve these equations and obtain s • Knowing s, we can cancel the sign • Averaging over enough samples gives us an approximation to f2/r Approximating f2/r
Dequantize the reduction: • This would lead to the ‘ultimate’ lattice-based cryptosystem (based on SVP, efficient) • Main obstacle: what can one do classically with a solution to CVPd? • Construct even more efficient schemes based on special classes of lattices such as cyclic lattices • For hash functions this was done by Micciancio Open Problems 1/4
Extend to learning from parity (i.e., p=2) or even some constant p • Is there something inherently different about the case of constant p? • Use the ‘learning mod p’ problem to derive other lattice-based hardness results • Recently, used by Klivans and Sherstov to derive hardness of learning problems Open Problems 2/4
Open Problems 3/4 • Cryptanalysis • Current attacks limited to low dimension [NguyenStern98] • New systems [Ajtai05,R05] are efficient and can be easily used with dimension 100+ • Security against chosen-ciphertext attacks • Known lattice-based cryptosystems are not secure against CCA
Open Problems 4/4 • Comparison with number theoretic cryptography • E.g., can one factor integers using an oracle for n-approximate SVP? • Signature schemes • Can one construct provably secure lattice-based signature schemes?