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Understanding Theory of Mind in Schizophrenia: Cognitive Deficits and Implications

Explore the link between schizophrenia and theory of mind deficits, including cognitive, neuropsychological, and speculative aspects. Understand ToM performance in schizophrenia and its association with cognition, language, and social behavior.

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Understanding Theory of Mind in Schizophrenia: Cognitive Deficits and Implications

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  1. Theory of Mind in Schizophrenia By : Victoria Mak, Cécile Delbouille, Cullen Conerly & Yvan Reynaud

  2. Introduction In 1992, Frithvoiced the hypothesis in which schizophrenia would be linked with a deficit in theory of mind. He explains it with cognitive, neuropsychological, speculative and heuristic hypothesis

  3. - Cognitive : anomaly of a part of informationprocessing : the attribution of mental states to others like beliefs, thoughts, intentions. • - Neuropsychological : this cognitive anomaly is due to morbid signs and cerebral functional anomalies. • - Speculative : it could be tested experimentally • - Heuristic : permit to reinterpret the troubles of schizophrenia in a clinical way, to explain a part of those troubles, and to open to new ideas of research.

  4. WhatisSchizophrenia? Schizophrenia is a mental disorder with clinical signs including: • - Positive symptoms: delusion, hallucinations,… • - Negative symptoms: social retreat, alogia (loss of speaking capacity), apragmatism (loss of capacity to begin actions),… • - Desorganization: language, behavior,… • - Cognitive troubles: memory, attention,…

  5. Biological basis of ToM performance in Schizophrenia By : Victoria Mak


  7. Mirror Neurons ✔

  8. Mirror Neurons ✔ • Superior Temporal Sulcus (STS)-biological motion • Inferior Parietal Lobe-perception of emotions • Inferior Frontal Gyrus- mirroring emotion/motion

  9. Frontal Cortex • Posterior Superior Temporal Sulcus (STS)initialsensing motion cues of animate objects✔ • Medial Prefrontal Cortex ✔mentalizing, intentional stance • Right prefrontal cortex✗metacognition

  10. Basal Ganglia ✔ • Distinguishing self from others • Monitoring intention/consequences • False-belief (self)

  11. Chemical (Genetic)

  12. Dopamine • Dopaminergic System • D4 receptor gene (DRD4) • in ToM • D2 Schizophrenia

  13. Dopamine

  14. Tests about ToM in Schizophrenia By Cécile Delbouille

  15. Aim of research: Understand… • How deficient ToM in schizophrenia is associated with other aspects of cognition • How the impairment fluctuates with acuity or chronicity of the schizophrenic disorder • How it affects the patients’ use of language and social behavior

  16. 1) Tasks involving the detection of irony (Mitchley 1998) • 9 brief written scenarios including irony • 18 schizophrenics Results: • Schizophrenia didn’t understand irony in scenarios • More likely to interpret the stories literally • Lower IQ and negative (only negative) symptoms in schizophrenia.

  17. 2) Metaphor, or ‘‘real intentions’’ behind indirect speech (Corcoran 1995) • 55 schizophrenics, 14 depressed and 30 controls • 10 short stories about a social interaction between 2 characters, read aloud to subjects (‘‘hinting task’’) Results: • Schizophrenics with negative symptomsperformed worst on ToM tasks • Schizophrenics with passivity symptomsperformed equally to controls • Patients with incoherence and paranoid symptoms were in between This study suggests that performance on ToM tasks is a state rather than a trait variable

  18. 3) Short text passages illustrated by cartoons (Frith and Corcoran 1996; Pickup and Frith 2001) • 55 schizophrenics and 22 controls • 6 stories including a first or second order false belief with cartoon drawings Results: • Patients with behavioral and paranoid symptoms performed more poorly on tasks than others • Easier tasks were successful!!

  19. 4) Visual jokes as depicted in cartoon drawings (Corcoran1997) • 44 schizophrenics, 7 depressed and 40 controls • 10 jokes could be understood in physical or behavioral terms • 10 jokes required mental state attribution 7 involving false belief. Results: • impairedin schizophrenic patients • Patients with behavioral symptomsperformed worst,particularly if mental state attribution was involved. • Patients with passivity and paranoid symptoms also performed worse thancontrols

  20. Main conclusion of the tests: It is their lack of understanding of the mental states of the story characters that makes them fail in such tests. (Langdon, Pickup, Frith, Brunet)

  21. Dispute: • Clinical findings of Trognon, Sperber and Wilson impairmentin social interaction reduced capacity to effectively engage in communication • Frith’sthink ToM in schizophrenia is compromised failure to monitor their own and other’s mental states and behavior

  22. Common findings: Many schizophrenics experience a significant loss of metacognitive capacity or previously held capacities : • Firstly, to create complex representations of the self and others • Secondly, to use that knowledge to respond to psychological challenges

  23. Important notice: During experience, researchers noticed that patients are quite aware of their loss. Actually, They can describe it and so they fight to live with that conscious diminishment

  24. II/ Cognitive deficits in Schizophrenia By : Yvan Reynaud

  25. What is cognition? Cognition is the capacity to treat the information, acquire new knowledge and use it. Mental processes : • perception • attention • motors functions • memory • planning • language • learning …

  26. The most severe cognitive functions touched are: • Verbal memory and learning • Semanticmemory • Attention • Executivefunctions • Motorspeed

  27. Patients with Schizophrenia Evidence has shown that patients with Schizophrenia show impaired Systematize ToMand cognitive abilities

  28. The cognitive troubles in schizophrenia: • appear early • correspond to a general deficit but also specific • are frequent and often severe • have important functional consequences • are not simply the result of prescribed treatment or other clinical symptoms • require an assessment and specific management • can’t be stopped by a treatment

  29. A central position in Schizophrenia • Cognitive difficulties are approved since a long time • For some scientists, Schizophrenia is a pathology of cognition. • But cognitive troubles are not a part of the diagnostic criteria of this trouble.

  30. Zakzanis and Heinrichs (1998) In a meta - analysis of 204 studies, they showed that: • - 61 to 78% of patients had scores below the median of control subjects on all cognitive tests • - 75% of patients had an IQ score below the median of control subjects • - A number of patients, however, retain performance "normal"  This study shows the frequency and severity of cognitive impairments.

  31. Research ToMimpairments have been found in schizophrenia in : • natural communication situations • tasksassessing first and second order false beliefs • ironycomprehension • hintingcomprehension • picture-sequencingtasks

  32. An affectedway of living • 10-20% of patients have a job, and only 30% of them work a significant number of hours. • They are often unable to live independently • Their have low self-esteem and quality of life

  33. The procedure to show the deficit in theory of mind for schizophrenic people is based on the one used for autistics. They have for common frame, the cognitiveneuropsychology.

  34. Affective ToM in Schizophrenia By: Cullen Conerly

  35. Affective ToM Affective ToM(or Affective empathy) is the sub-facet of ToM that involves implicit understanding of emotions in others (Shamay-Tsoory, Shur, Harari, & Levkovitz, 2007)

  36. Patients with Schizophrenia Evidence has shown that patients with Schizophrenia show impaired Affective ToM and empathizing abilities Thus, they struggle with basic social engagement and functioning.

  37. Patients with Schizophrenia (continued) Ziv et al. (2011) describes the two main functions of executive functions associated with ToM that would be deficient in patients with Schizophrenia as the ability to inhibit salient information so that less salient information can be considered and the ability to think hypothetically using mental representations for appropriate reactions to stimuli.

  38. Empathy: Reading the Mind in the Eyes Task Empathy was assessed through the Reading the Mind in the Eyes Task by Shimansky, David, Rössler, and Haker (2010) Those with schizophrenia performed poorly on the mentalizing task.

  39. Emotional Recognition A study by Sparks, McDonald, Lino, O’Donnell, and Green (2010), using the Facial Expressions of Emotions: Stimuli and Tests' (FEEST), found that patients with schizophrenia did significantly worse on emotional recognition than did the healthy control group. The study also found, using self-reports on empathy, that there were higher levels of personal distress in participants with schizophrenia. Also, lower levels of perspective taking and empathic concern in those with schizophrenia.

  40. Social Inference and Sarcasm A study by Sparkset al.(2010) used The Awareness of Social Inference Test which assessed sarcasm recognition using a series of both sincere and sarcastic interactions It was found that participants diagnosed with schizophrenia scored significantly lower in recognizing both simple sarcasm and paradoxical sarcasm

  41. Links to Symptoms SANS (Sparks et al. 2010): Avolition/Apathy Alogia (language connection) Attention Affective Blunting SAPS (Sparks et al. 2010): Delusions and Empathic Concern (positive relationship)

  42. Conclusion Schizophrenia is associated with a number of deficits in ToM and social cognitive functions that adversely affect the individual in his or her daily life. Work in understanding both the biological factors and social outcomes of these outcomes is necessary for both the caring for and helping manage the lives of those with schizophrenia.

  43. References : • Heinrichs, R. W. & Zakzanis, K. K. (1998) Neurocognitive deficit in schizophrenia: A quantitative review of the evidence. Neuropsychology, 12,426–445. • Frith, C. D. (1992). The Cognitive Neuropsychology of Schizophrenia. Hove, UK : Lawrence Erlbaum. • Frith, C. D., & Cocoran, R. (1996). Exploring « theory of mind » in people withschizophrenia. Psychologicalmedicine, 26, 521-530.

  44. Schimansky, J., David, N., Rössler, W., & Haker, H. (2010). Sense of agency and mentalizing: Dissociation of subdomains of social cognition in patients with schizophrenia. Psychiatry Research, 178(1), 39-45. doi:10.1016/j.psychres.2010.04.002 • Shamay-Tsoory, S. G., Shur, S., Harari, H., & Levkovitz, Y. (2007). Neurocognitive basis of Impaired Empathy in Schizophrenia. Neuropsychology., 21(4), 431-438. doi: 10.1037/0894-4105.21.4.431 • Sparks, A., McDonald, S., Lino, B., O'Donnell, M., & Green, M. J. (2010). Social cognition, empathy and functional outcome in schizophrenia. Schizophrenia Research, 122, 172-178. doi:10.1016/j.schres.2010.06.011 • Ziv, I., Leiser, D., & Levine, J. (2011). Social cognition in schizophrenia. Cognitive Neuropsychiatry, 16, 71-91. doi:10.1080/13546805.2010.492693

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