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TS Alliance Grant Analysis

TS Alliance Grant Analysis. 1984-2010. TS Alliance Research Grants Programs. Since 1984, the TS Alliance has supported investigator-initiated research in the general areas of: G enetics of TSC B asic mechanisms of tumor growth Basic mechanisms of CNS manifestations of TSC Cognition

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TS Alliance Grant Analysis

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  1. TS Alliance Grant Analysis 1984-2010

  2. TS Alliance Research Grants Programs • Since 1984, the TS Alliance has supported investigator-initiated research in the general areas of: • Genetics of TSC • Basic mechanisms of tumor growth • Basic mechanisms of CNS manifestations of TSC • Cognition • Clinical trials • Translational research • Development of research tools

  3. Funding Mechanisms • This has been accomplished through funding of: • Predoctoral Student Awards • Postdoctoral Fellowship Awards – Basic and Clinical • Junior Investigator Awards • Senior Investigator Awards • Conference Awards

  4. Research Grants Programs • During the period of 1984-2010 the TS Alliance has supported the following programs: • Research Grant Awards • Center Without Walls • TS Alliance Rothberg Courage Awards • TSC Drug Screening Program

  5. Research Resources • In addition, the TS Alliance has supported the development of research tools and resources, including: • TSC Patient Registry (N. Lenn) • TSC1/2 Variation Database (S. Povey & R. Ekong) • Seizure Tracker Clinical Trial Tool (L. & R. Moss) • TSC Tissue Bank (Stein)

  6. Analysis of TS Alliance Research Grant Programs • The following slides illustrate: • Analysis of TS Alliance funds directed to each grant mechanism (Conference, Predoctoral, Postdoctoral, Junior and Senior); • Analysis of TS Alliance funds directed to specific TSC research areas (Basic Mechanisms of CNS Manifestations, Basic Mechanisms of Tumor Growth, Genetics, Cognition, Clinical Trials, Research Tools, and Translational Research); • Distribution of funding across funding mechanisms for each research area; • Analysis of PIs who continue to be involved in TSC research and/or clinical care; • Funding of specific PIs by the TS Alliance, NIH and DoD; and • Analysis of TS Alliance funding that was used to leverage funding from NIH and DoD

  7. Data for Analysis • Data for analysis was derived from: • TS Alliance funding information from 1984-present • NIH Reporter • CDMRP Award Search

  8. (2/2) (2/2)

  9. Kwiatkowski Walker Bissler Sahin

  10. Conclusions and Recommendations TS Alliance-funded researchers have successfully leveraged funding from NIH and DoD for TSC. The use of different funding mechanisms varies by research area, but significant funds have been invested in Postdoctoral and Junior Investigators across all research areas. Providing funding for basic, translational, clinical research, clinical trials, and research tool development has served the TSC research community well. Continued and increased flexibility in funding is needed to support not only young investigators, but also for Junior and Senior Investigators who provide expertise, experience and dedication to TSC research.

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