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Enhancing Traffic Flow with Zipper Merge System

Explore the benefits of Zipper Merge in alleviating traffic congestion, reducing road rage, and improving lane occupancy. Learn about the active and passive Zipper Merge systems, its findings, expected benefits, issues, and Minnesota DOT's efforts in implementing this innovative traffic management approach.

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Enhancing Traffic Flow with Zipper Merge System

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  1. Traffic TopicsDoes the Zipper Merge threaten our way of life?Ken E. Johnsonken.johnson@state.mn.us651-234-7386Office of Traffic, Safety and Technology

  2. ZipperMerge • Recent media attention: • “Turns out those “jerks” were right…” • Pioneer Press 5/17/10 • “I’ve seen a threat to our very way of life – The Zipper Merge” • Joe Soucheray 5/23/10

  3. Why Zipper Merge? What are the benefits? What have been the problems? Where are we and what is Mn/DOT doing?

  4. Terminology Zipper Merge: Merging behavior where drivers are encouraged to use both lanes prior to defined merge area Active Zipper Merge: Sensors and intelligence telling drivers when to use the Zipper Merge Passive Zipper Merge: Signs or PCMS notifying drivers to use Zipper Merge when backups occur

  5. Why Zipper? Existing Merging Problems • Backups • Can extend beyond the advance warning signs when motorists queue up in a single lane • Can block access or interchanges • Rear end crashes caused by: • Traffic flow disruptions caused by erratic merging along the entire length of the queue during backups • Speed differential between lanes • Increased Road Rage against those “cheaters” • Self-appointed “cops” straddling lanes • It’s perfectly legal…

  6. Why Zipper? This scenario commonly occurs duringlane closures

  7. Why Zipper? Preferred Traffic Flow — UtilizingEqual Lane Occupancy

  8. Why Zipper? 2004 Dynamic Late Merge Study • Four Deployments: • I-494 Northbound in Plymouth • I-494 Southbound in Plymouth • US 52 in St. Paul • I-35 around Lakeville • Evaluation of 2004 Dynamic Late Merge System by URS

  9. Why Zipper? Dynamic Late Merge Study (2004) Before and After Deployment http://www.dot.state.mn.us/trafficeng/workzone/doc/MnDOT%20Video%20DLMS.mpg

  10. Why Zipper? Findings and Results of 2004 Dynamic Late Merge Study • Not enough info to evaluate crashes but it was clear: • Reduced aggressive driving • Less confusion • Queue Lengths were reduced by 40% • Lane occupancy increased everyday during congestion - reached near equal lane occupancy after short duration • Throughput not increased – 1600 vph

  11. Why Zipper? Passive Zipper Merge • Signs added: • USE BOTH LANES DURING BACKUPS • TAKE TURNS AT MERGE • Used over the past few years successfully • I-35 between Pine City and Hinckley • I-35 near Faribault and Owatonna • Hastings bridge maintenance project • State Highway 61 in St. Paul Park • I-494 in Woodbury • Similar benefits to what was found in the DLMS

  12. Expected Benefits • Speed differential reduced • No Zipper - 1 lane stop and jerk and 1 lane fast • Both lanes moving at same speed • Reduced length of queue • Theoretically up to 50% • Reduced blocking of accesses and interchanges • Fair • Both lanes are equally disadvantaged by the backup • Reduced Road Rage • More protection for work area when both lanes have queues • But – it won’t get you through faster

  13. Problems? • Inconsistent application • Some mixed messages • Advance warning sign that tells the driver which lane is closed • Some road rage issues even at locations signed for Zipper • Online Community Surveyed • 80% Early Mergers • 2/3 unhappy about late mergers • 14% would block late mergers • 40% Zipper Merge concept is new to them • Statewide Work Zone Safety Committee • We know it works, what can we do?

  14. Where are we? What is Mn/DOT doing? • Decision made: • Work to change typical driver behavior to do the Zipper Merge as standard • When driving highway speeds – merge early • When backups occur – use both lanes • How: • Public education effort • More standard implementations of Zipper Merge • Construction • Maintenance • In Metro – will implement when volumes exceed 1800 vph (Lane Closure Manual)

  15. Layouts…

  16. Layouts…

  17. Where are we? What is Mn/DOT doing? • CO Communications: • Working to develop Public Education blitz • CO Traffic: • Created layout for Field Manual • Trying to get funding for signs for Maintenance • Construction: • Received Destination Innovation Funding to implement for 2011 construction projects • Active Zipper Merge systems in Metro projects • Stopped Traffic Ahead systems in Greater MN projects • Maintenance: • Implement Zipper Merge where appropriate

  18. Resources… • Handout available on web: • Late Merge…the Zipper System • Google mndot zipper • Layouts in the Field Manual • Dynamic Late Merge System information • http://www.dot.state.mn.us/trafficeng/workzone/wzreports.html • Dynamic Late Merge System Evaluation • DLMS Video

  19. Not the only ones Taupo, New Zealand – Courtesy of Derrick Dasenbrock

  20. Final thought… When you go to the grocery store – what line do you get into? Why are highway projects different?

  21. Questions?

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