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Egypt. Egyptian Religion. Religion guided EVERY aspect of Egyptian life! Trends in Egyptian Mythology/Religion Polytheistic o/ 2000 Gods! Gods were Anthropomorphic Part animal part human Strongly influenced by tradition! . Egyptian Religion Continued…. The Horus King

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Egypt

  2. Egyptian Religion • Religion guided EVERY aspect of Egyptian life! • Trends in Egyptian Mythology/Religion • Polytheistic • o/ 2000 Gods! • Gods were Anthropomorphic • Part animal part human • Strongly influenced by tradition!

  3. Egyptian Religion Continued… • The Horus King • Pharaohs considered living form of Horus • Job to maintain order (Ma’at) on earth by issuing laws of Gods

  4. Belief in the Afterlife • Focused on afterlife more than any other ancient society. • To achieve rebirth needed to unite souls with body • Egyptians believed the soul had 3 parts • “ba” the soul “personality” • “ka” the double of the person • “akh” represented the form of dead in the after life (union of ba and ka) • Mummification was crucial!

  5. Mummification

  6. Early Mummification

  7. Mummification as we know it today

  8. The Steps…

  9. Canopic Jars

  10. Wow , What a Great Job!!

  11. Recreating the Ancient Mummification Process

  12. Mummies Around the World

  13. Bogs

  14. Bog Bodies

  15. Bog Bodies

  16. Bog Bodies

  17. Reconstructed Bog Bodies Yde Girl

  18. South AmericanMummies

  19. China’s Mummies

  20. Italian Catacomb Mummies

  21. Pompeii Mummies

  22. AIDS Mummy in Thailand

  23. Looks that Last

  24. Modern Mummification: Plastination

  25. Modern Mummification: Plastination Continued…

  26. Modern Mummification: Plastinationand Controversy…

  27. Stine in 10 Years? 

  28. Egyptian Funeral

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