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The Future Panchayats A presentation on e-Panchayat MMP by

The Future Panchayats A presentation on e-Panchayat MMP by. Ministry of Panchayati Raj. Structure of Presentation. NeGP & ePanchayat Background Status of e-Panchayat ePanchayat & CSCs e-Panchayat - Approach Union Ministries’ Expectations Panchayats’ Roles Important Findings

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The Future Panchayats A presentation on e-Panchayat MMP by

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  1. The Future PanchayatsA presentation on e-Panchayat MMP by Ministry of Panchayati Raj

  2. Structure of Presentation • NeGP & ePanchayat • Background • Status of e-Panchayat • ePanchayat & CSCs • e-Panchayat - Approach • Union Ministries’ Expectations • Panchayats’ Roles • Important Findings • Core Common Software Applications

  3. NeGP Vision & ePanchayat Importance The CSCs can perform tasks where decision-making is not required. Enabling Panchayats will bring the decision makers (GP) and the Service Delivery outlets (CSCs) closer, leading to better service delivery. "Make all Government services accessible to the common man in his locality, through common service delivery outlets, and ensure efficiency, transparency, and reliability of such services at affordable costs to realise the basic needs of the common man" 70% rural population, living in Panchayat jurisdiction. ePanchayat will enable the lowest tier of Governance and enable service provision at doorstep. The Gram Panchayat is constituted by the representatives of people and is best suited to define and provide for the basic needs of common man. ePanchayat will provide technology solutions to help GP manage these citizen needs better. Need for urgent approval since NeGP is to be operationalized by 2014

  4. Background Jul ‘10 Jul – Dec ‘04 Apr – Jun ‘05 Feb – May ‘06 2006 - 2009 Jan – Dec ‘09 • National Advisory Council (NAC) in Apr, 2005 suggested • A “National IT for Panchayati Raj” project to monitor fund flows • Recommended back-end support at all levels of PRIs / PR departments for operationalization of services • DIT included e-Goverance for Panchayats as a MMP under NeGP • NREGA & BRGF launched – Provided big thrust to Panchayats and brought them to centre stage • Increasing role of Panchayats in flagship schemes Increasing Importance of Panchayats

  5. Background Jul ‘10 Jul – Dec ‘04 Apr – Jun ‘05 Feb – May ‘06 2006 - 2009 Jan – Dec ‘09 • IT interventions for Panchayats across the country • ePanchayat in AP, InfoGram in Goa, eGram in Gujarat, PRIASoft in Orissa, Panchlekha in MP, Asthi in Karnataka, DRISHTI in WB • Most of these projects focussed on IT infrastructure & software related to Certificates, Tax collection & Fund Management • MoPR formulated eGovernance in Panchayats (ePanchayat) Need for a comprehensive & integrated eGovernance programme for Panchayats

  6. Background Jul ‘10 Jul – Dec ‘04 Apr – Jun ‘05 Feb – May ‘06 2006 - 2009 Jan – Dec ‘09 • MoPR initiated the e-Panchayat Study Project to assess: • Role of Panchayats across various sectors • Needs of various Union Ministries / State Deptts that can be best fulfilled by the Panchayats • IT interventions made at the State level • ICT readiness of Panchayats • Service delivery needs of the citizens • Comprehensive nation-wide study across 114 Panchayats, 38 Districts and 27 States Roadmap prepared for comprehensive induction of eGov in Panchayats

  7. Status of ePanchayat ISNA conducted in 27 states / UTs, 38 districts and 114 Panchayats ISNA study currently underway in 3 NE States and 3 UTs 27 State ISNA and National ISNA reports submitted BPR of 20 services formulated in all 27 states. 27 State BPR reports and National BPR report submitted DPR prepared for all 27 states and National DPR submitted All reports are available on http://panchayat.gov.in

  8. The Real Picture • ePanchayat will enable the work-flow leading to internal automation and back-end decision making • ePanchayat is for “Future Panchayats” and will augment the Institutional Capacity building initiatives for Panchayats • ePanchayat & CSC complement each other and CSCs could be additional channel to deliver the service • CSC can only do non-decision making tasks for Panchayats & other line departments • DIT acknowledges that some of the CSCs have become non-operational due to lack of G2C services CSCs unfairly seen as an alternative to ePanchayat

  9. ePanchayat Study Project - Approach Wide-base consultative approach followed • 11 Central Line Ministries consulted • State PR Department was the anchor & over 10 State Line Departments consulted • 23 Central Schemes studied to understand the data / information needs from grassroots & existing challenges • District Administration, ZP, DRDA consulted & their opinions sought • Block Administration, BP consulted and their needs assessed • GP, Field level functionaries consulted and their challenges & needs assessed • Citizens interacted and their aspirations & challenges captured by conducting Gram Sabha & one-to-one / focused group interactions • Assessment of existing ICT initiatives done • Plan to leverage the SWAN, SDC & CSC wherever available ePRI designed in a very Logical & Comprehensive Manner

  10. Gram Sabhas • Discussions with citizen groups ISNA Approach • Assessment tools used • Structured questionnaires designed specifically for Centre, State, District and Citizens • Workshops at State and district level • Gram Sabha Meetings • Citizens discussions with focus groups like women, widoes, SC/STs, special abilities, senior citizens. Consultation with stakeholders at Central line ministries Assessing status of capacity, ICT readiness, key G2C services State PR & line departments to understand expectations ISNA Interactions with all PRIs (ZP,PS,GP) Identifying the pain areas of panchayats & citizens Identifying the needs of citizens

  11. ISNA – Key Areas Studied Information & Services Needs • I&S Needs of citizens • I&S Needs of PRIs • I&S Needs of State PR Department • I&S Needs of Central line ministries Capacity Assessment eGovernance Readiness Rural Service delivery • Capacities - No. of officials, elected representatives, staff, trained manpower etc. • Skills & Capabilities – Trainings needs • Structural issues, if any • Initiative for computerization of PRIs • Extent of Integration of relevant NeGP initiatives with PRIs • ICT Infrastructure Assessment • Delivery channels available • Services rendered • Challenges faced by citizens in service delivery PR Governance • Organization structure of PRIs • Extent of involvement in schemes (P, I, M, A)* • Extent of involvement in committees • Assessing status of devolution * P: Planning, I: Implementation, M: Monitoring, A: Accounting

  12. Schemes Covered NFSM RKVY NHM ICDS NREGS SGSY PMGSY IGNOAPS IAY NRHM TSC SSA 13. NLRMP 14. IWDP PYKKA Hostels for SCs / STs 17. Central Sector Scheme of Free Coaching for SC and OBC Students 18. Babu Jagjivan Ram Chhatravas Yojna (Hostels for SC/ST) 19. Tribal Sub plan 20. National Rural Drinking Water Programme 21. Rashtriya Madhyamik Shiksha Abhiyan 22. Mid-day Meals Scheme Scholarship Schemes

  13. Union Ministries’ Expectations ICT based solutions at PRI for • Data needs to be captured electronically at source • Delays in reporting are often due to challenges in data entry • Data needs to be captured to enable better planning for Central Schemes • Better Implementation & Monitoring of the schemes is required at all levels • Need for convergence of various schemes through PRIs • Provision for information sharing between schemes viz. • BRGF, NHM & NREGA as indicated during NHM study • Information sharing between State pension data and IGNOAPS • Connectivity needs to be provided to the GPs & BPs

  14. Union Ministries’ Expectations …Contd • Training is required for Panchayat officials • to enable PRI involvement in Implementation, Service Provisioning & Selection of Beneficiaries • for Data Capturing of Physical & Financial progress of Schemes • Panchayats to be utilized for Information dissemination & publicity of Central Schemes • Need specifically expressed by stakeholders of NFSM, RKVY, Scholarship, Tribal Sub Plan • Management of lowest level legacy data & facility; & updation of data • Need for scheme related data digitization & data capturing at source

  15. Panchayats’ Roles Data entry related to planning, implementation of schemes Spreading awareness about schemes and projects Information Creator Maintaining databases and generating various MIS Information Disseminator Information Manager Monitoring Agency Monitoring schemes and functionaries PRIs – the support structure for grassroots Scheme Management

  16. Scheme Execution at Grassroots (Recommended Roles)

  17. Important Finding – Citizen Service Delivery GP Office performs the back-end functions that can be delivered through CSCs

  18. Important Finding – Citizen Service Delivery GP Office performs the back-end functions that can be delivered through CSCs

  19. Important Finding – Citizen Service Delivery GP Office performs the back-end functions that can be delivered through CSCs

  20. Important Finding – Citizen Service Delivery GP Office performs the back-end functions that can be delivered through CSCs

  21. Important Finding – Citizen Service Delivery GP Office performs the back-end functions that can be delivered through CSCs

  22. Important Finding – Citizen Service Delivery GP Office performs the back-end functions that can be delivered through CSCs

  23. Core Common Applications

  24. Core Common Applications … Contd

  25. National Panchayat Portal GIS Financial Progress Physical Progress Accounting & Taxation Scheme Impl. Monitoring Grievance Redressal Social Audit Planning & Budgeting Approved Works Approved Works Training & Capacity Building Panchayat Profiler Asset Directory • Employment eligibility • Income data • Old age benefits • Widow / disability pension • SSA/RMSA Enrollment data / MDM data • Scholarship eligibility • From NREGA • From BRGF etc • From other Central Schemes • From State Schemes • Own Sources Employment Social Welfare Education Data on Expectant mothers Birth data – Health monitoring Monitoring of mal-nutritioned children Immunization readiness Assets Health National Panchayat Directory

  26. Citizen Service Delivery – Service Plus • Through Extensive BPR • Identified 15 existing and 5 new services for all States • Identification of services through validation across the hierarchy viz. State, District, ZP, Block, BP, Gram Sabha & GP • Detailed To-Be process maps defined for each of these services • Service Plus Software • Defines a generic service so that any service can be easily defined / modified – Highly customizable • Web interface for direct access to citizens • Can integrate seamlessly with other software of the Panchayat Application Suite • Certificates • Pension disbursements • NREGS

  27. Thank You 2nd Oct, 09 to 2nd Oct, 10 “Year of the Gram Sabha -for empowered people & accountable Panchayats”

  28. Broadband Coverage – 30/Apr/2010 Sources: (1) BSNL

  29. Broadband Coverage – 30/Apr/2010 …Contd Sources: (1) BSNL

  30. Computers in over 80% of ZPs & BPs; But only 35% of GPs

  31. CSC Status – DIT Website • As on 31st October 2009, a total of 55,979 CSCs have been rolled out in twenty-five States. • Master Service Agreements (MSA) have been signed in 25 States covering 109,348 CSCs. • The rollout is more than 75% complete in 5 States & in another 7 States the implementation has crossed half way mark. • Another 2 States have completed the bid process & rollout is expected to commence shortly. • Expected roll out of 100,000 CSCs to be largely complete by June 2010. • SPV is being formed, so that the Government can progressively migrate to an e-Governance platform and enable services through the CSC network. Government of India is in the final stage of forming the SPV. The name of the SPV is "CSC e-Governance Services India Ltd". Some of the CSCs have reportedly become non- operational in view of lack of availability of adequate G2C & other services

  32. Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS) Objective: Lay the foundation for proper psychological development of the child E-Readiness No IT Initiatives for the ICDS as of now. Central Line Ministry Ministry of Women and Child Development Challenges Faced • Information not readily available • Information regarding other scheme entitlements like PDS to all the poor women given or not • Anganwari register monitoring • Availability of Health worker at village level • Immunization Status • Capturing status of availability of drinking water • Intended Beneficiary • Women & Children Key Stakeholders • Ministry of Women and Child Development • Ministry of Health and Family Welfare • Medical Officers incharge of Health Sub-Centres and Primary Health Centres • ANM • District Programme Officers (DPOs) • Child Development Project Officers (CDPOs) • Anganwadi Worker • Lady health visitors (LHVs) • Auxillary Nurse Midwife and female health workers • PRIs (Data repository at village, block, Tehsil/Talluk and District level to facilitate District Planning Process & Maintain latest Parivar Register) Expectations from ePRI MMP Information management Tracking of actual delivery of service to the intended beneficiaries

  33. National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (NREGS) Objective: To enhance livelihood security in rural areas by providing at least 100 days of guaranteed wage employment Central Line Ministry Ministry of Rural Development E-Readiness • Use of web application for entering fund flow details and Planning and Works Management Module • Intended Beneficiary • Rural households whose adult members volunteer to do unskilled manual work Challenges Faced • Currently data being entered at the block level, it is desirable to have the data entered at GP • The manpower at GP level is not capable enough in using computer and the web based IT applications. Key Stakeholders • Wage seekers • Gram Sabha • PRIs, specially the gram panchayat • Programme Officer at the block level • District Programme Coordinator • State Government • Ministry of Rural Development • PRIs (involved in the complete lifecycle of the scheme from Planning to implementation and monitoring) Expectations from ePRI MMP Data entry from GPs Trained manpower at GP for accounting & IT application usage

  34. Sarv Shiksha Abhiyaan (SSA) Objective: Availability of quality elementary education to children Central Line Ministry • Ministry of HRD • Department of School Education & Literacy E-Readiness • No scheme specific software. A web based MIS reporting tool is being used for provide MIS and scheme related information Intended Beneficiary • Children Challenges Faced • Monitoring of scheme Key Stakeholders • Ministry of HRD • Department of School Education & Literacy • Department of Rural Development • Department of Panchayati Raj • NGO • Panchayats • Monitoring & supervision of scheme at Gram level Expectations from ePRI MMP • ICT based solutions / interventions at PRI level • Connectivity at the lowest level • Management of lowest level legacy data and facility to update data at the lowest level • Integration with other scheme data such as state pension schemes etc • Capacity Building interventions required at PRI level for: • Trained and skilled manpower at Village level

  35. PANCHAYAT ENTERPRISE SUITE National Panchayat Portal GIS Financial Progress Physical Progress Accounting & Taxation Planning & Budgeting Scheme Impl. Monitoring Approved Works Approved Works Asset Profile Resource Profile Completed Assets PRI Profiler Asset Directory Citizen / Employee Details Receipt & Exp Details Approved Plan Resident & Employee Details Service Delivery Social Audit Grievance Redressal Employee / Elected Representative Details Physical Progress Skill Management National Panchayat Directory

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