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Science Notebook. Bell Work 8/9/13 (page 8 of your IN). What is the left side of your IN (Interactive Notebook) used for? Give at least 3 examples !. Bell Work Thinking Maps Reflections Diagrams (your own) Real world applications Summaries Exit Tickets Poems, songs Cartoons
Science Notebook Bell Work 8/9/13 (page 8 of your IN) • What is the left side of your IN (Interactive Notebook) used for? • Give at least 3 examples! Bell Work Thinking Maps Reflections Diagrams (your own) Real world applications Summaries Exit Tickets Poems, songs Cartoons Foldables Lab analysis
TABLE OF CONTENTS 8/8/13 Interactive Notebook Introduction 7 8/9/13 Scientific Method 9
The Scientific Method • Seven steps: • Choose problem • Research problem • Develop hypothesis • Write procedures • Test hypothesis • Organize data • State conclusions
1. Choose a Problem • What do you want to learn more about? • Ask a specific question • Example: • Do plants need water to grow?
2. ResearchYour Problem • How can you find the answer to your question? • Research! • Library • Internet • Adults • Your own background knowledge!
What do you think the answer to your question will be? Hypothesis- A statement that tries to explain a relationship between two variables THE 3. Develop a ….. They’re sisters…
Use the words IF and THEN Example: IF you water a plant more, THEN it will grow taller IF IFIFIFIFIFIFIFTHEN THEN THEN Still Developing Hypothesis…
What’s Yo’ Problem?? • In order for the scientific method to help you solve a problem, the problem must be a specific one. For example, if you want to learn about water conservation, you need to focus on a particular problem, such as, “Does washing dishes by hand use less water than a dishwasher?” • Once your problem has been identified you can then gather information in order to state your hypothesis. A hypothesis can be best described as an educated guess. A hypothesis for the above problem might be: “Washing dishes by hand uses less water than a dishwasher.” Be that as it may, a hypothesis needs to be written with an IF and THEN statement. Therefore, the above hypothesis could be re-written as: “IF you wash dishes by hand instead of using a dishwasher, THEN you use less water.” Instructions: • You will be given a topic to write in your IN. For the topics given, you need to choose a problem, and then develop a hypothesis. The blank spaces need to be filled in by you, and you then need to choose a problem and develop a hypothesis. The hypothesis needs to be written as an IF and THEN statement.
What’s Yo’ Problem?? Brainstorm topics!!
Bell work 8/12/13 1. What are the seven steps of the scientific method? • Choose problem • Research problem • Develop hypothesis • Write procedures • Test hypothesis • Organize data • State conclusions
4. Write Procedures • How will you test your hypothesis? • List materials • List each thing that you will do • Number each step • Write down EVERYTHING you will do • Anyone should be able to replicate your experiment
5. TestYour Hypothesis • Obtain materials • Conduct experiment • Follow your procedure… exactly • Be sure to control your variables • Variable- • Anything that can be changed or manipulated during an experiment • Example: • Type of plant, amount of water, sun exposure, etc
Controlling Variables • You need to know exactly what you are testing… • …You have to control EVERYTHING • Three different types: • Independent variable • Dependant variable • Control variables
Independent Variable • Independent variable- • The variable that you are changing or testing • Example hypothesis: • IF you water a plant more, THEN it will grow taller • Water is the independent variable • It will always be the IF portion of your hypothesis
Dependent Variable • Dependent variable- • Changes in response to the independent variable • The variable you are measuring • Example hypothesis: • IF you water a plant more, THEN it will grow taller • Plant height is the dependent variable • It will always be the THEN portion of your hypothesis
Control Variables • Control variables- • Variables that are unchanged throughout the experiment • Example hypothesis: • IF you water a plant more, THEN it will grow taller • Controlled variables: • Soil, age of plant, type of plant, amount of sunlight, etc..
How How many types of variables are there in an experiment?
If you have the new breath mint after eating a crabby patty, THEN you will not have bad breath. Group B New breath mint Breath
6. Organize Data • Organize data into the following: • Tables • Charts • Graphs • Draw pictures • Take photos
7. State Conclusions • What did you see, hear, smell, taste, etc? • Qualitative data • Data that can’t be measured • This baby has perfect teeth • What does your numerical data show you? • Quantitative data • Data that can be measured • This baby is 86 cm long
State Conclusions • Decide what your data tells you about your hypothesis • Decide how your hypothesis might change based on your results • Evaluate your strengths and weaknesses • Communicate your results with others!
Scientific Method Song • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MV8lSmIo4Ac