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Interactive Information on Methods by Stefanie Bott, Catherine Bongard, Felix Gann, Franziska Heller, Prof. Hüttermann, Andrea Kübler, Diemo Platz, Melanie Schnepf. dailyroutine. field work autonomous work groups tools: compass, wind gauge, thermometer, map usage
Interactive Information on Methods by Stefanie Bott, Catherine Bongard, Felix Gann, Franziska Heller, Prof. Hüttermann, Andrea Kübler, Diemo Platz, Melanie Schnepf
dailyroutine • field work • autonomous work groups • tools: compass, wind gauge, thermometer, map usage • usage of field work equipment • logging of observations and findings in the supplied data sheets • team work • conlusion • summary and evaluation of data acquisition • annotation of field work results • morning lessons • introduction/disclosure - subject: map work • explanations to local conditions and features • rehearsal of knowledge of the subject which pupils already required • introduction to new vocabulary and terms • explanation of field work techniques and procedures • explanation of daily routine and study trip operational and organisational structure
introduction Due to wastage, erosion and pollution the soils on this planet are becoming more and more ruined. Therefore it has become essential that even school lessons insistently deal with the subjects of soil protection, conservation and preservation. In particular the composition of soils and their origin should be dealt with. Within this framework the chemical analysis of soils or their compounds is of secondary interest.
work to be done in advance • selection of an easy accessible area – building sites in new developed land-use areas are perfectly suited • general introduction before field trip • explanation of the tasks to perform • call for attention regarding dangers and perils of field work at the building site before field trip
preparation of field work • the pupils work in groups of three in an assigned term of reference and location • in that location the pupils survey and examine the ground of the area in respect to characteristics like colour or soil types • measurements and observations are sketched and written down required material:tape measure, spatula, writing pad (The scale for soil profile draft is given by teacher)
possible observations • parallel layering of soil to surface • different colouring of soil • soil surface appears crumbly and darker in the lower parts of the sample. • Includes many plant roots, floral remains and substrate-specific animals
analysis of soils • soil composition • separation of solid soil components soil composition • visual inspection and analysis of a part of the sample of approx. the size of a hen's egg on a white piece of paper using a magnifying glass
observations determination of soil composition: sand, waste, clay, plant roots, appearance is crumbly, punched, has crannies, etc. recognize that in the compartments between solid soil compounds water, air and life in the soil (worms, arthropods, insects, etc.) can be found. results soils always consist of four main parts: solid components, plants and animals or their remains, water and air.
separation of solid soil components determination of grain size by braying between fingers Principle of sediment separation Sedimentation of a portion of fine gravel (diameter > = 2mm) and sand (diameter >= 0.2mm) using two at least 50 cm long PE-tubes filled with water. The experiment demonstrates the proportional relation between particle size, weight and velocity of fall. results The heavier the particle the faster the sedimentation.
sedimentation experiment A on one side closed PE-tube is filled to 1/4 with the soil sample. Then the tube is filled with water leaving an approx. 3 cm high air pocket after being sealed with a second cork. The on both ends sealed tube is vigorously shaken until the enclosed soil sample and water form a homogenous suspension. Then the tube is fixated on a wood tripod and the sedimentation process can be observed. Results soil particles settle according to their grain size and weight in different layers. time of sedimentation heavy, coarse particles immediately fine sands after 3 - 8 seconds silt particles after several hours
approach Settled sediments are examined using a magnifying glass. This allows the determination of transition zones and therefore the measurement of the heights of individual sediment layers. The volume of the sediment (v) can be calculated using the inner diameter of the tube (d), the height of the sediment (h) and the base area of the tube (q). q= (d/2)2*3.14 v= q*h From this the percentage of the difference in grain size can be calculated. If sand preponderates in the soil sample, the soil is characterized as "sand". Higher portions of clay determine "clay" or "plug" soils. If sand is missing from the sample but the suspension stays muddy in the sedimentation experiment, the sample consists mainly of clays.
additional analysis approaches determination of the air volume in the soil sample determination of water storage capacity of the soil sample filter, buffer and transducer functions in soils determination of capillary forces in different soil substrates determination of acidity of soil substrates using pH
overview of possible experimental analysis setups sedimentation experiment measure the air amount water storage capacity
soil study The pupils apprehended the relation between soil structure and texture, pH, vegetation and land usage. Thus soil samples using the gimlet were taken on four locations on the route from Freshwater Bay to Alum Bay. The pupils worked in teams to determine the rock type (finger testing), vegetation types recorded, land and sea usage determined and environmental impacts discussed. pH values of the soil samples were monitored using a supplied indicator kit. results Acidity of soil is measured on a pH scale from 1 to 14. Alkaline soils present high pH values, acidic soils low pH values. A pH value of 7 is predetermined as "neutral". Most plants have a growth optimum in soils with a pH between 4 - 10. In acid water plant nutrients are dissolving very fast. The result is a drained soil structure. In contrast, minerals are not dissolved well in alkaline water. Anorganic substance are therefore not transported to the plants. The pupils recognized that loamy soil represents a fine mixture of sands and clay. As a result, the vegetation growth here was superior to other soils. Clays display a relatively heavy volume weight, accumulate much water and plant nutrients. Sands are dry, display low volume weights and relatively unproductive.
an example of a soil study sheet SITE 1 OS grid reference SZ 349/857 altitude 15m weather temperature 10.9º C wind speed 10.2 average 7.4 wind direction east land & sea use family houses, hotels rock type chalk, sand soil description alkaline vegetation 4 types of plants, grasses environmental impacts rubbish, pavement
Alum Bay The cliff-section diagram here indicates the main units visible in the cliffs of Alum Bay. It should be noted though, that much of the succession here is not easily correlated with that of elsewhere. The Reading Formation and the London Clay Formation do not present any major problems, although, of course there can be argument about the exact position of the boundaries. The Boscombe Sands, Barton Clay, the Becton Sand are relatively straighforward . It is the Bracklesham Group which is rather difficult. A number of coloured sand units alternate with heterolithic, laminated and lignitic sands and clays. Grey laminated beds like these occur elsewhere in the Bracklesham Group. They alternate elsewhere with greenish glauconitic sands that are quite fossiliferous. These green sands can be identified as specific formations by their fossil content. Alum Bay is unusual in that the sands are yellow or pink and are oxidised and generally without marine fossils. Correlations have been made and those of Insole, Daley and Gale (1998) are used here. There are complications though, such as the upper and lower "leaf" of the Poole Formation and the Wittering Formation. Not every part is confidently tied in with the Whitecliff Bay section and some room for discussion exists. It should also be noted that older literature may use rather different correlations and that much of the Bracklesham Group may be listed as "Bagshot Sands".
Detailed information on the geological succession at Alum Bay in the western part of the Isle of Wigh can be found here. The cliffs at the bay provides impressive cliff faces of vertical Tertiary strata, particularly the tourist attraction of coloured sands. The Barton succession is being studied in some detail by Rachel Helsby partly to help understand the occurrence of an unusual Barton limestone with Nemocardium and Xenophora that has been found offshore in Christchurch Bay by Dr Ken Collins. Alum Bay provides fine views of the Chalk Cliffs which extend out to the Needles. The Needles are isolated stacks of Chalk which are steeply dipping towards the north as part of the Brixton or Brighstone Monocline. This is the uppermost part of the Chalk in this area and is of the Campanian Stage of the Upper Cretaceous.
Aims To investigate the water quality and discharge of the River Caul Bourne at Calbourne Mill Aims could be: • Estimates of the width, cleanliness, speed and depth of the river. • What kind of animals are there ? • Which chemical components? • (nitrate-, phosphate content the water) • Aquatic plants? • pH value and oxygen content
IslandRivers Medina Yar Caul Bourne East Yar Study Place
Course Source Mouth Estuary Catchment Discharge Wetted Perimeter Flow Rate Tributary Confluence Meander Cross-section Pollution
Key Questions 1. How clean is the river? 2. What is the flow rate of the river? 3. What is the discharge? 4. What is the surrounding land use? 5. What effects would polluted water have on the area?
Cross sectional area measuring the depth of creek: (meter ruler or measuring tape with stone) from all bridges. measuring the width of the creek: Fastening stone with string at the measuring tape, throwing measuring tape with the stone over the creek, measuring width. The width (meter) multiplied with the depth (meter) yields the cross-cut of the creek in m². Entry of all data into the measurements record.
Flow rate The flow The course of the creek and the life in the water are determined by the flow. The strength of the flow depends on the gradient of the creek, the composition of the creek base and on the water amount. The water amount is subject to seasonal fluctuations.
measuring the flow-speed: Measuring and marking exact 10 m at the shore edge. At the beginning of the measuring distance put a piece of wood with starting signal into the water. At the end of the measuring distance a class-mate takes the time in which the piece of wood has travelled 10 meters. This is logged into the measurements record. The flow-speed is calculated like this: The flow-speed (meter) divided by the stopped time in seconds yields 10 in meter/second. Spectrum of the flow speed Mark 10 meters along the creek’s course. Throw a piece of wood into the creek and stop the time it swims down. Repeat this test a few times and calculate the flow speed. Formula: Meter/seconds
Calculation of the discharge: • The cross-cut in m² is multiplied by the flow speed • and yields the discharge in m³ per second. • Entry into the measurements record.
measuring of the air temperature and the water temperature (in several measuring places). Important: Entry of the temperatures into a measurements record.
The small living beings are significant in the • determination of the water quality. • Certain indicator organisms indicate the water • quality. To this raises one to and searches over • her after small animals been different build in • creek bed stones as big as a fist or wood • pieces. These are usually found underneath the stones. • With the brush the animals are pushed gently • into the bowl (always hold kitchen sieve • under the stone to be examined.)
The small living animals are counted and results are recorded on the water quality form, so that the water quality can be calculated. The water quality is recorded on the map:very good/blue, good to moderate/green, critical to bad/yellow, very bad/red. After this the animals are sorted and identified with a magnifying glass. In addition, become with the sieve, with the bucket or with the marmelade glass. Of the waters reason or of aquatic plants taken brushes rehearse living beings sortedly and then with which with magnifying glass, thinned down in the bucket on the white bowl or in the cup magnifying glass determined.
The water quality can be measured by the presence of • small animals. • Indicator organisms indicate the water quality. These are collected by the “kick sampling” method. The organisms are caught by kicking the stream bed and by dislodging stones (they often live under these stones). Kick several times in different places for about 30 seconds each time. Then the animals are caught in a fine mesh. Empty the net into a white sampling tray.
After this the animals are sorted and determined • with the magnifying glass. In addition, become • with the sieve, with the bucket or with • the marmelade glass. Of the waters reason or of • aquatic plants taken brushes rehearse living beings • sortedly and then with which with magnifying glass, • thinned down in the bucket on the white bowl or • in the cup magnifying glass determined.
The small animals are counted and • written down on the form to the water quality. • The water quality is calculated with that. • According to that the creek is painted on to the map: • very good/blue, good till moderate/green, critical till • bad/yellow, very bad/red.
the chemistry of the water The chemical composition of the water also determines the animal life of a creek. The pH value for example has a great influence on the life in the water. The pH value indicates the acidity of the water. For fish the optimal pH value lies between pH 7 and pH 8. At lower and higher results the young fish are endangered. E.g. it is impossible for a crawfish to survive at an acidity of pH 6.5 as his lime tank dissolves. Sensitive insect larvae die at a pH value of 5,5.
Spectrum of the pH value Dip a pH-strip into the creek water and compare the result with the colour range. The pH value of the creek water is recorded on a measurement file.
Water quality classification Many different animals and plants can cohabit in healthy waters. The water quality is not defined by the number of animals found but by the diversity of animal life (number of different animals).
Vielaugenstrudelwurm Steinfliegenlarve Flache Eintagsfliegenlarve .. Köcherfliegenlarve Runde Eintagsfliegenlarve Water quality class 1 These animals show a very good water quality:
Großer Schneckenegel Flohkrebs Spitzschlammschnecke .. Köcherfliegenlarve Runde Eintagsfliegenlarve Water quality class 2 These animals show a good water quality:
Rollegel Waffenfliegenlarve Wasserassel Water quality class 3 These animals show a moderate water quality: