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NUTRITION. Vitamins . Vitamins are key to our body. 2 types of vitamins Fat-soluble (stored in bile acids) Water-soluble (absorbed quickly ) What vitamins do? Vitamins are essential to our growth They keep our cells alive and healthily, giving them nutrition.

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  2. Vitamins • Vitamins are key to our body. • 2 types of vitamins • Fat-soluble (stored in bile acids) • Water-soluble (absorbed quickly) • What vitamins do? • Vitamins are essential to our growth • They keep our cells alive and healthily, giving them nutrition. • Sources Dairy, Fruit, Vegetables, Meat, Some Wheat's, and Pills.

  3. Fat-soluble Vitamins • Small amounts of A, D, E and K are needed • Body doesn’t need every day • Stores in fat tissues, liver • Mega doses of A, D, E or K lead to health problems • Pose a greater risk for toxicity • Require fats in diet to be properly absorbed • Stored for long periods

  4. Water-soluble Vitamins • B complex, vitamin C are water soluble • Not stored in body • Must be replaced every day • Easily destroyed • Grains, meats, dairy, fruits and vegetables are B complex • Citrus fruits are good sources of vitamin C • B complex group • Thiamin (B1), riboflavin (B2), B6, olate, B12, biotin, pantothenic acid,

  5. Water • Two hydrogen and one oxygen molecule, makes water! • You need water to, survive because it makes up 80% of our body's content • Our body regulates water by sweatingand peeing. • Does many things for our body, • Removes acids, toxins, wastes • Regulates body temperature. • Carries oxygen, nutrients into all cells. • You need water to keep your metabolism working properly. • Our body is like a engine the food is the gas that fuels it, but the water is the oil that help keep everything going • The only way you can receive water is by drinks water or water bases drinks.

  6. Minerals • Minerals are much like vitamins they help our grow, function, and stay healthy • There are two kinds of minerals • Macro Lrg. (Calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, sodium, potassium, chloride, and sulfur.) • Trace Sml. (Iron, manganese, copper, iodine, zinc, fluoride, cobalt, and selenium)

  7. Macro Minerals • Calcium: Builds bones and teeth in dairy, pills, leafy vegetables • Phosphorus: Builds bones, teeth, helps energy production, acid-base balance,! • Magnesium: Regulates absorption of calcium • Sodium: Also known as salt • Potassium: Keeps muscle, nervous system working properly

  8. Trace Minerals • Iron: Transports oxygen from lungs to rest of body • Manganese : Help us grow, and keeps our skin / cartilage healthy. • Copper: Helps transport oxygen through your body, help makes DNA • Zinc: Helps immune system, receive from meat, and vegetables. • Cobalt: Helps red blood cells function • Selenium: Produces enzyme

  9. Carbohydrates • Basic fuel for body • There are two types of carbs>Simple and Complex • When eaten, body breaks down into sugars, absorbed into bloodstream • Gives muscles in body energy when move through bloodstream to muscles • If sugars aren't used, turned into fat • Body needs insulin to help sugars move to cells • Get carbs. From grains, vegetables, meats

  10. Types of Carbohydrates • Simple carbs • Also called simple sugars • Found in refined sugars, like white sugar, candy • Digests quickly, energy burns fast • Complex carbs • Also called starches • Found in grain products like pasta, bread, crackers, rice

  11. Fat • One of the main basic forms on energy in our body. • Three kinds of fat • Trans fat • Saturated fat • Unsaturated fat • Fat provides energy for almost everything we do. • Fat is also stored in the body, when not used • Stored fat is used for extra energy when you need more during movement, or starvation. • You receive fat from, nut, cream, meats, fruits and veggies, oil, and other processed food

  12. Types of Fat • Unsaturated fat • Helps heart, high in calories, good energy • Two main types: Polyunsaturated, monounsaturated • Polyunsaturated found in oils • Monounsaturated found in oils, seeds • Saturated fat • Is a form of quick energy • Raises blood cholesterol, and increases heart diseases. • Cream, fast food, diary, and oil. • Trans fat • Is also a form of quick energy • Raises cholesterol, and also increases rick of heart diseases • Found in processed and fast food.

  13. Fiber • Fiber is a substance found in plants that the human body cannot break down. • Two types soluble fiber and insoluble fiber. • Soluble fiber, helps your blood sugar can and cholesterol levels, dissolve in water • Mainly found in oats, beans and fruit. • Insoluble fiber increases the movement through your digestive system, cannot dissolve in water • Found in whole grain products and vegetables. • Is not essential to body, but very helpful

  14. Protein • Protein is a long line of amino acids that work together to help your body. • Two types of protein • Complete • Incomplete • Builds, maintains, replaces tissues in body • Muscles, organs, immune system made up of protein • Provides structure for teeth, fingernails, hair • Helps for digestion, stomach enzymes • Helps us see, lens of eye

  15. Types of Protein • Complete protein • structure for teeth, fingernails, hair • Helps for digestion, stomach enzymes • Contains all 9 of the essential amino acids • Sources meat and milk • Incomplete protein • Helps repair damaged cells, while keeping cells healthy • Lack one or more essential amino acids • Receive form fruits and vegetables.

  16. Bibliography • http://kidshealth.org/kid/stay_healthy/food/vitamin.html • http://kidshealth.org/kid/stay_healthy/food/minerals.html#cat119 • http://kidshealth.org/kid/stay_healthy/food/carb.html#cat119 • http://kidshealth.org/parent/growth/feeding/fat.html#cat119 • http://kidshealth.org/kid/stay_healthy/food/water.html#cat119 • http://kidshealth.org/parent/growth/feeding/fiber.html#cat119 • http://kidshealth.org/kid/nutrition/food/protein.html#cat119

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