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United We Stand. Text & Music: Terry Miller. Page 181. U-nit-ed we stand, hearts that are grate-ful; to. Verse 1 of 3. God be the glo-ry and to His Son. Verse 1 of 3. Mys-t’ry of a-ges re-vealed in the pa-ges. Verse 1 of 3. Of God’s ho-ly Word, in-spired of love. Verse 1 of 3.
United We Stand Text & Music: Terry Miller Page 181
U-nit-ed we stand, hearts that are grate-ful; to • Verse 1 of 3
God be the glo-ryand to His Son. • Verse 1 of 3
Mys-t’ry of a-ges re-vealedin the pa-ges • Verse 1 of 3
Of God’s ho-ly Word,in-spired of love. • Verse 1 of 3
U-nit-ed we pray let usal-ways re-mem-ber • Verse 1 of 3
To hon-or these days whichare ho-ly time. • Verse 1 of 3
U-nit-ed in spir-it wewor-ship to-geth-er • Verse 1 of 3
With pur-pose andone-ness of mind. • Verse 1 of 3
U-nit-ed we stand, faith-ful and true to the One who is Lord Most High. • Verse 1 of 3
U-nit-ed we stand, fa-thersand sons who be- • Verse 2 of 3
lieve in the ho-ly laws of God. • Verse 2 of 3
Cho-sen and called to loveHis com-mand-ments, • Verse 2 of 3
We lead by ex-am-ple as Christ has shown. • Verse 2 of 3
U-nit-ed we pray let usal-ways re-mem-ber • Verse 2 of 3
To hon-or these days whichare ho-ly time. • Verse 2 of 3
U-nit-ed in spir-it wewor-ship to-geth-er • Verse 2 of 3
With pur-pose andone-ness of mind. • Verse 2 of 3
U-nit-ed we stand, faith-ful and true to the One who is Lord Most High. • Verse 2 of 3
U-nit-ed we stand, moth-ersand daugh-ters who • Verse 3 of 3
Nur-ture the heartsof the fam-i-ly. • Verse 3 of 3
Cho-sen and called to loveHis com-mand-ments, • Verse 3 of 3
Like Deb-’rah and Ruthlet us strive to be. • Verse 3 of 3
U-nit-ed we pray let usal-ways re-mem-ber • Verse 3 of 3
To hon-or these days whichare ho-ly time. • Verse 3 of 3
U-nit-ed in spir-it wewor-ship to-geth-er • Verse 3 of 3
With pur-pose andone-ness of mind. • Verse 3 of 3
U-nit-ed we stand, faith-ful and true to the One who is Lord Most High. • Verse 3 of 3
How Good and How Pleasant Music: Psalm 133; John 17; Ephesians 4; I John 3:23 Words: Ross Jutsum Page 132
How good and how pleas-ant for breth-ren to dwell • Verse 1 of 3
To-geth-er in u-nit-y, so Da-vid did tell; • Verse 1 of 3
Like beau-ti-ful mu-sic, a breath-tak-ing view, • Verse 1 of 3
Like most pre-ciousoint-ment, like fresh morn-ing dew • Verse 1 of 3
That de-scend-ed on the moun-tains of Zi-on long be-fore; • Verse 1 of 3
God com-mand-ed a bless-ingof life for-ev-er-more. • Verse 1 of 3
How good and how pleas-ant for breth-ren to be • Verse 1 of 3
Dwell-ing safe-ly to-geth-er in sweet har-mo-ny. • Verse 1 of 3
Now Je-sus was pray-ingwith fer-vent de-sire • Verse 2 of 3
That all who be-lieve in His great name might be one. • Verse 2 of 3
With voic-es u-nit-ed, to-geth-erwe stand, • Verse 2 of 3
At peace with the Heav-en-lyFa-ther and Son. • Verse 2 of 3
When we come in-to the knowl-edge and u-ni-ty of God, • Verse 2 of 3
And we grow and we fol-low the steps that Je-sustrod, • Verse 2 of 3
How good and how pleas-ant for breth-ren to be • Verse 2 of 3
Dwell-ing safe-ly to-geth-er in sweet har-mo-ny. • Verse 2 of 3
One bod-y, one spir-it, one Lord and one faith, • Verse 3 of 3
One ho-lyCre-a-tor God, the Fa-ther of all; • Verse 3 of 3
One bap-tis-m pic-tur-inglife ev-er-more, • Verse 3 of 3
One hope and sal-va-tion, just as we are called. • Verse 3 of 3