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Promoting empathy through 360 degree video

Promoting empathy through immersive 360-degree videos to enhance understanding and compassion in healthcare. Learn why empathy is crucial for improved patient outcomes and how experiential learning can increase cultural empathy. Explore how seeing from another's perspective fosters empathy and transforms attitudes toward patient care.

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Promoting empathy through 360 degree video

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Promoting empathy through 360 degree video Associate Professor Jane Frost Program Director for the School of Nursing, Midwifery & Public Health

  2. "You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view. Until you climb inside of his skin and walk around in it." "People generally see what they look for and hear what they listen for.” Harper Lee Empathy

  3. Why empathy is important: Compassionate care, understanding and empathy have been shown to improve health outcomes for patients

  4. Experiential learning

  5. “Having watched the video, I feel I have a much bigger insight into how a stroke victim feels in hospital. Allowing me to have more compassion and empathy towards these patients. I have learnt that attitudes like patience make such a difference to the patient in the bed that’s having a really bad day.”

  6. Everson, N., Levett‐Jones, T., Lapkin, S., Pitt, V., van der Riet, P., Rossiter, R., ... & Courtney‐Pratt, H. (2015). Measuring the impact of a 3D simulation experience on nursing students' cultural empathy using a modified version of the Kiersma‐Chen Empathy Scale. Journal of clinical nursing, 24(19-20), 2849-2858 Kolb, D. A. (2014). Experiential learning: Experience as the source of learning and development. FT press. Lee, Harper. ( 2006). To kill a mockingbird. New York :Harper Perennial Modern Classics, Mezirow, J. (1997). Transformative learning: Theory to practice. New directions for adult and continuing education, 1997(74), 5-12.

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