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University McGill / Université de Montréal Curriculum Vitae for Simon Rigoulot Date of Last Revision: September 2012. IDENTIFICATION. Name: Simon Rigoulot Nationality : French Address: Université de Montréal, BRAMS Pavillon 1420 boul. Mont Royal Montréal (Qc) H3C 3J7 CANADA
University McGill / Université de Montréal Curriculum Vitae for Simon Rigoulot Date of Last Revision: September 2012 IDENTIFICATION Name: Simon Rigoulot Nationality: French Address: Université de Montréal, BRAMS Pavillon 1420 boul. Mont Royal Montréal (Qc) H3C 3J7 CANADA Telephone: office: (514) 343 – 6111(ext. 2593); cell: 438 – 380 - 7618 Email: simon.rigoulot@mcgill.ca Web: http://simonrigoulot.wordpress.com EDUCATION 2005-2008 PhD thesis in Health Sciences (summa cum laude) University Lille 2 specialty: Cognitive Neurosciences “Behavioral and electrophysiological impact of Emotional information in peripheral vision” Jury members: S. Campanella (Bruxelles, Belgium), J. Martineau (Tours, France), J. Stauder (Maastricht, The Netherlands), P. Derambure (Lille, France), H. Sequeira (Lille, France). 2004-2005DEA of Health Sciences University Lille 2 french equivalent to one year of predoctoral research Main topics: Physiopathology and Neurosciences 2003-2004 Master’s degree in Cognitive Sciences University Lille 3 Main topics: Attention, Memory, Language, Emotion, IT 2002-2003 B.S. Bachelor in Cognitive Sciences University Lille 3 Main topics: Attention, Memory, Language, Emotion, IT 2001-2002 B.S. Bachelor in PhysiologyUniversity Lille 1 Main topics: Genetic, Cellular biology, Animal Physiology
Simon Rigoulot – Ph.D. in Neurosciences APPOINTMENTS 2012-2013 Postdoctoral Fellowship in the BRAMS (McGill University/Université de Montreal), supervisor, J. Armony: « Brain correlates of the processing of emotional music». 2010-2012 Postdoctoral Fellowship in the Neuropragmatics and Emotion Lab (McGill University), supervisor, M. Pell: « Cross-modal interactions in emotion processing ». 2009-2010 Research and Teaching Assistant (University of Lille 1, France). 2004-2008 PhD research and predoctoral research in Laboratory of Functional Neurosciences and Pathologies, (University of Lille 2, France), supervisor : Henrique Sequeira. « Processing of emotional stimulations presented in peripheral vision ». 2003-2004Practical training in the laboratory of Emotion and Adaptation (University of Lille 1, France) supervisor : Henrique Sequeira. « Emotional valence and arousal influences on P3a and P3b components ». 2002-2003Practical training in Laboratory URECA (University of Lille 3, France), supervisor : Yann Coello. « Perception and action ». GRANTS - AWARDS 2011-2012 McGill MedStar Award, McGill University, $500. 2011-2012 Postdoctoral Fellowship Award, McGill University, $25,000. 2009-2010Research and Teaching Assistant, $ 22,000. 2005-2008Grant for the Ph.D. research from the Ministère de la Recherche of France, $65000. 2007 Price of Best Poster at LARC-Neuroscience, $400. PUBLICATIONS – PEER REVIEWED ARTICLES Published or in press S. Rigoulot, F. D’Hondt, S. Defoort-Dhellemmes, P. Despretz, J. Honoré, H. Sequeira (2011) Perceiving fearful faces in peripheral vision: behavioral and ERP evidence, Neuropsychologia, 49, 7, 2013-2021. S. Rigoulot & M.D. Pell, Seeing emotion with your ears: Emotional prosody implicitly guides visual attention to faces (in press, PLOSOne).
Simon Rigoulot – Ph.D. in Neurosciences PUBLICATIONS – PEER REVIEWED ARTICLES Published or in press S. Rigoulot, F. D’Hondt, J. Honoré, H. Sequeira (2012). Implicit emotional processing in peripheral vision: Behavioral and neural evidence. Neuropsychologia. In press. S. Rigoulot & M.D. Pell (2012). Seeing emotion with your ears: Emotional prosody implicitly guides visual attention to faces. PLOS One, 7(1): e30740. M.Rossignol, P. Philippot, C. Bissot, S. Rigoulot, S.Campanella (2012). Electrophysiological correlates of enhanced perceptual processes and attentional capture by emotional faces in social anxiety. Brain Research, 1460, 50-62. S. Rigoulot, F. D’Hondt, S. Defoort-Dhellemmes, P. Despretz, J. Honoré, H. Sequeira (2011). Perceiving fearful faces in peripheral vision: behavioral and ERP evidence, Neuropsychologia, 49, 7, 2013-2021. S. Rigoulot, S. Delplanque, P. Despretz, S. Defoort-Dhellemmes, J. Honoré, H. Sequeira (2008). Peripherally Presented Emotional Scenes: A Spatiotemporal Analysis of Early ERP Responses, Brain Topography, 20, 4, 216-23. S. Delplanque, L. Silvert, P. Hot, S. Rigoulot, H. Sequeira (2006). Arousal and valence effects on event-related P3a and P3b during emotional categorization, International Journal of Psychophysiology, 60, 3, 315-322. F. D’Hondt, O. Collignon, A.S. Dubarry, M. Robert, S. Rigoulot, J. Honoré, F. Lepore, M. Lassonde, H. Sequeira (2010). Early brain-body impact of emotional arousal. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, Vol.4, Article 33. In Review S. Rigoulot & M.D. Pell, Emotion in the voice influences the way we scan emotional faces (submitted, Quaterly Journal of Exp. Psychology). In Preparation S. Rigoulot & M.D. Pell. Cross cultural effects in the audiovisual processing of emotional information. S. Rigoulot , K. Fish, M.D. Pell. Is she really sincere ? Electrophysiological correlates of the detection of sincere compliments and white lies. M.D. Pell, B. Radlinska, S. Rigoulot, E. Klepousniotou, B. Pike. Neural correlates of vocal expressions of basic emotion. S. Rigoulot , E. Wassiliwizky, M.D. Pell. Feeling backwards: Time course of the recognition of backwards emotions.
Simon Rigoulot- Ph.D. in Neurosciences REFEREED PAPERS IN CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS S. Rigoulot, F. D’Hondt, M. Taisne, S. Defoort-Dhellemmes, J. Honoré, H. Sequeira (2008). Neural processing of peripherally presented emotional faces: an ERP study,14th World Congress of Psychophysiology, IOP, September, 8-13th, St-Petersburg, Russia, Int. J. of Psychophysiology, 69, 3, 174. S. Coeugnet, H. Sequeira, A. DiPastena, S. Rigoulot, J. Honoré (2008). Emotion and spatial properties of objects 1 — Arousal effect. 14th World Congress of Psychophysiology, IOP, September, 8-13th, St-Petersburg, Russia, Int. J. of Psychophysiology, 69, 3, 221. A. Dipastena, J. Honoré, S. Coeugnet, S. Rigoulot, H. Sequeira (2008). Emotion and spatial properties of objects 2 — Effect of valence depends on trait-anxiety. 14th World Congress of Psychophysiology, IOP, September, 8-13th, St-Petersburg, Russia, Int. J. of Psychophysiology, 69, 3, 221. INVITED LECTURES / CONFERENCE PRESENTATIONS WITH REFEREED ABSTRACT Invited lecture S. Rigoulot(2011) Influence de la prosodie sur l’analyse visuelle d’expressions faciales émotionnelles. Les 4 a 7 de la Recherche, November, 17th, University of Trois-Rivières (Qc, Canada). Oral presentations S. Rigoulot, F. D’Hondt, S. Defoort-Dhellemmes, P. Despretz, J. Honoré, H. Sequeira (2009) Perceiving emotional faces in peripheral vision : neural and behavioral evidence from explicit and implicit tasks, International Society for Research on Emotion (ISRE), August, 6-8th,Leuven (Belgium). S. Rigoulot, F. D’Hondt, M. Taisne, S. Defoort-Dhellemmes, J. Honoré, H. Sequeira (2008) Neural processing of peripherallypresentedemotional faces: an ERP study,14th World Congress of Psychophysiology (IOP),September, 8-13th, St-Petersburg (Russia). S. Rigoulot, S. Delplanque, J. Honoré, S. Defoort-Dhellemmes, H. Sequeira, (2007) Traitement neurocognitif de l’information émotionnelle en vision périphérique, Doctoral Journey of University of Lille 2, September, 26th, Lille (France). S. Rigoulot, S. Delplanque, J. Honoré, S. Defoort-Dhellemmes, H. Sequeira (2006) Traitement de l’information émotionnelle en vision périphérique: résultats préliminaires, Société de Psychophysiologie cognitive, November, 17-18th, Lyon (France). Posters S.Rigoulot & M.D. Pell, (2011) Implicit effects of emotional prosody on visual behavior, Cognitive Neuroscience Society (CNS), April, 2-5th San Francisco, (USA).
Simon Rigoulot- Ph.D. in Neurosciences S. Rigoulot, F. D’Hondt, S. Defoort-Dhellemmes, P. Despretz, J. Honoré, H. Sequeira (2010). Peripheral emotion processing: effects of facial expressions in a clinical population, Cognitive Neuroscience Society (CNS), April, 17-20thMontreal (Canada). M. Rossignol, P. Philippot, F. D’Hondt, S. Rigoulot, H. Sequeira, S. Campanella (2010). Early modulation of face processing in social anxiety: a spatiotemporal analysis of ERP responses, Human Brain Mapping (HBM), June, 6-10th, Barcelona (Spain). S. Rigoulot, F. D’Hondt, S. Defoort-Dhellemmes, P. Despretz, J. Honoré, H. Sequeira (2009). Behavioral and electrophysiologicalresponses to emotional faces in peripheral vision, International Conference on InnovativeResearch in Autism (IRIA),April,15-17th Tours (France). F. D’Hondt, O. Collignon, A.S. Dubarry, M. Robert, S. Rigoulot, J. Honoré, F. Lepore, M. Lassonde, H. Sequeira (2009). Emotional arousal: a new evidencefrom MEG and autonomiccorrelates.International Society for Research on Emotion (ISRE), August, 6-8th, Leuven (Belgium). H. Sequeira, F. D’Hondt, O. Collignon, A.S. Dubarry, M. Robert, S. Rigoulot, J. Honoré, F. Lepore, M. Lassonde (2009). MEG and neurovisceralintegration of Emotion : New perspectives. Annual ANT Neuromeeting, Burgundy, January 28-31st, Beaune (France). S. Rigoulot, M. Taisne, F. D’Hondt, P. Despretz, S. Defoort-Dhellemmes, J. Honoré, H. Sequeira (2007). Implicit neural coding of happy faces in peripheral vision, LARC-Neuroscience, October, 12th, Rennes (France). Price of Best Poster. S. Rigoulot, F. D’Hondt, M. Taisne, P. Despretz, S. Defoort-Dhellemmes, J. Honoré, H. Sequeira (2007). Implicit neural coding of fearful faces in peripheral vision, LARC-Neuroscience, October, 12th, Rennes, France, Price of Best Poster. S. Rigoulot, S. Delplanque, J. Honoré, S. Defoort-Dhellemmes, H. Sequeira (2006). Analyse de scènes visuelles émotionnelles en vision centrale et périphérique: Mesures comportementales et électrophysiologiques, LARC-Neuroscience, November 10th, Lille (France). S. Rigoulot, S. Delplanque, J. Honoré, H. Sequeira, Exploration comportementale et neurocognitive de l’information émotionnelle en vision centrale et périphérique (2005). LARC-Neuroscience,October, 14th, Amiens (France). S. Delplanque, L. Silvert, P. Hot, S. Robert, S. Rigoulot, H. Sequeira (2004). ERP discrimination betweenimplicit and explicit emotionalcategorization: effects on P3a and P3b components, 4th Forum of the Federation of European Neuroscience Societies (FENS), Lisbonne (Portugal).
Simon Rigoulot- Ph.D. in Neurosciences TEACHING EXPERIENCE and SERVICE Teaching 2009-2010A.T.E.R. (research and teaching assistant) University of Lille 1, France. Lecturer of graduate-level courses: Mental representations (10h.) Psychology 3rd year, Memory and Emotion (6h.) Psychology 3rd year, Motor control of facial expressions (6h.) Cognitive Sciences, 3rd year Dopamine and appetitive stimulations (16h.) Psychology, 2d year Teaching assistance Neuroanatomy (64h.) Psychology, 2d year Audiometry ( 16h.) Psychology, 2d year 2007-2010Lecturer of graduate-level course inUniversitary and Polytechnic Federation of Lille, Psychopharmacology (6h), Psychology 3rd year, 2005-2010Lecturer of graduate-level course in Universitary and Polytechnic Federation of Lille, Psychobiology (Evolution) (10h), Psychology 1st year, 2006-2007Teaching assistance in University of Lille 3, on electrophysiological measures and electrodermal activity (EEG, ECG, EMG, EDA) (40 h), Psychology 2nd year, Supervision Graduate student 2010-2013Member of committee of evaluation of Ph.D. thesis, P. Liu, School of Communication Sciences and Disorders. Undergraduate student 2010-2011S. Lee, « Understanding How Emotional Prosody Guides Eye-Movements : A Cross-Cultural Eye-Tracking Study, Cognitive Sciences, 3rd year, 26 p. 2008-2009C. Brochot, « Expressions faciales dynamiques en vision centrale et périphérique », Psychology 3rd year, 42 p. 2007-2008F. D’Hondt, « Impact de l’expression faciale de peur en vision périphérique », Psychology 3rd year,49 p. M. Taisne, « Impact de l’expression faciale de joie en vision périphérique », Psychology 3rd year,44 p. Research Assistant 2010-2012 I co-supervised two research assistants in the Pell Lab LANGUAGES French Mother tongue. English Strong oral and writing skills.
Simon Rigoulot- Ph.D. in Neurosciences CONTRIBUTIONS to the RESEARCH COMMUNITY and RESPONSABILITIES Journal manuscripts: Neuroimage; Social, Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience; Speech Communication; Frontiers in Human psychopathology; Journal of Affective Disorder. 2005-2009. Student representative in Laboratory Counsel, CNRS UMR 8160, Lille, France TECHNICAL ABILITY EEGBrain Vision, ASA, eemagine (recording). EEGLab, Cartool, sLORETA (analysis). Eye-tracking Eye Link II, SR Research (recording).Data Viewer, SR Research (analysis). Autonomic indices Electrodermal response, Heartbeatfrequency, BIOPAC Systems. StimulationsEprime-2 (PST Inc.), Presentation (Neurobehavioral Systems), Photoshop (Adobe), FantaMorph (morphing, Abrosoft), ExperimentBuilder (SR Research). Statistics SPSS (IBM), Statistica (Statsoft). BureauticOffice : Excel, Powerpoint, Word (2010). LANGUAGES French Mother tongue. English Strong oral and writing skills.