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A.L.S.I.A. Agenzia Lucana di Sviluppo e di Innovazione in Agricoltura. A.A.S.D . PANTANELLO. BIOREM LIFE11 ENV/IT/000113 Meeting Metaponto, 25 July 2013. Preparatory actions Implementation actions Monitoring of the impact of the project actions Communication and dissemination actions
A.L.S.I.A. Agenzia Lucana di Sviluppo e di Innovazione in Agricoltura A.A.S.D. PANTANELLO BIOREM LIFE11 ENV/IT/000113 Meeting Metaponto, 25 July 2013
Preparatory actions • Implementation actions • Monitoring of the impact of the project actions • Communication and dissemination actions • Project management and monitoring of the project progress Progetto Biorem - Actions
The followingthreedemostrationplots (360 m2each) willbe set up by PANTANELLO: -Bernalda-Metaponto (MT): vertisolcharacterizedby high erosion and low water input; -Bernalda-Pisticci (MT): overexplitedcambisolwithpoorvegetable cover; - Bernalda-Metaponto (MT): poorlydevelopedsemi-aridregosol B. Implementationactions B.1Demonstrationof the innovative soilmonitoringmethodthrough a characterizationof the initialsoilconditions: Samplesofsoilfrom the 3 demostrationplotswillbecollected (3 months) at 0-20 and 20-40 cm depth
B.2Demonstrationof the additionofexogenousorganicmatterto 3 differenttypesofsoil The NATURE (compost, freshorganicmatter, sewagesludge…) and the AMOUNT (about 20-25 kg m-2) of the organicamendmentwillbeestabilished on the base of the initialsoilconditions (actionB.1). The organicmatterwillbeincorporatedinto the soil top layer (0-20 cm depth). Responsable: Alsia B. Implementationactions
B.3 Demonstrationof BIOREM revegetationstrategies The plantswillbechosenastobewelladaptedto water stress conditions and willdepend on the initialsoilcharacterization (action1.1). The followingplantscouldbeselected: Pino halepensis, Pistacialentiscus. The useofplantsinoculatedwithmicorrhizzamightbecontemplated. Responsable: PANTANELLO B. Implementationactions
16 set 2013 B2. Demonstrationadditionorganicmatter
The threeselectedfieldswillbe set up and managedby PANTANELLO (3-5 months) Demostrationplots (360 m2each) B. Implementationactions 2.5 m wide stripswillbeleftbetweensub-plots Duringall the phasesof the actions, photos and videos willbetaken
Plant distance: 1x1 m B. Implementationactions Pino halepensis Pistacia lentiscus
B.2Demonstrationof the additionofexogenousorganicmatterto 3 differenttypesofsoil The NATURE (compost, freshorganicmatter, sewagesludge…) and the AMOUNT (about 20-25 kg m-2) of the organicamendmentwillbeestabilished on the base of the initialsoilconditions (actionB.1). The organicmatterwillbeincorporatedinto the soil top layer (0-20 cm depth). Responsable: ALSIA B. Implementationactions
B.4 Demostrationof the innovative biochemicalmonitoringmethodology Soilsamplesfromall the sub-plotswillbecollectedeverysixmonths: - immediatelyafter the applicationof the remediationstrategies(3-5 months) - monitoringgeneticplantwithsupportof CNR Firenze Each soil sample will consist of three subsamples collected at 0-20 and 20-40 cm depth Each sample will consist of leaves plant used for soli regeneration Duringthesemonths, PANTANELLO willperform the ordinary management and empiricalmonitoringof the involvedsoils. PANTANELLO willprovideenvironmentalreportscontainingall the environmentallyrelevant information gatheredfrom the previousactions. B. Implementationactions
B2. Demonstrationrevegetationstrategies 25 settembre 2013
25 ottobre 2013 Weed elimination B2. Demonstrationrevegetationstrategies
Project poster pubblication C. Disseminationactions
Seminars january and february C. Disseminationactions
Project poster pubblication C. Dissemination actions
B.4 Demostration of the innovative biochemical monitoring methodology Soil samples from all the sub-plots will be collected every six months: -immediately after the application of the remediation strategies (3-5 months) -6 months later (10 months) -12 months later (16 months) -18 months later (22 months) Each soil sample will consist of three subsamples collected at 0-20 and 20-40 cm depth During these months, PANTANELLO will perform the ordinary management and empirical monitoring of the involved soils. PANTANELLO will provide environmental reportscontaining all the environmentally relevant information gathered from the previous actions. B. Implementationactions