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Capacity Building for Improvement of Vehicle Fuel Quality in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Sreten Leki ć Faculty of Sciences Department of Physics Banja Luka slekic@blic.net. Introduction.
Capacity Building for Improvement of Vehicle Fuel Quality inBosnia and Herzegovina Sreten Lekić Faculty of Sciences Department of Physics Banja Luka slekic@blic.net
Introduction • The aim of this paper is preview of actual situation in traffic monitoring in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Main part of this presentation is particularly based on report from group on Faculty of Traffic and Communications University of Sarajevo under the leadership Dr Osman Lindov. For improvement the capabilities for monitoring and statistical analyses of traffic, a pilot data base in access program was developed in Banja Luka
Project was supported by Ministry of traffic Republic of Srpska as a part of Spanish international project. • More then 26 000 vehicles with register number as personal ID are constituents of this base. Numerous relation between the attributes of vehicles will improved and accelerated monitoring and analyzes great number of parameters. • Our intention to make a serious steps in fuel quality control is immobilized by many factor. We hope that is efficient way for further steps.
Specific Data for BiH **Reporting data under Council Regulation 2964/95
Air Quality Institutional framework of air quality legislation
Steps towards EU approximation: air quality legislation • Problems: • Insufficient instruments for monitoring and qualified people for implementation of legislation • Procurement of the equipment for monitoring and for personnel training
Received technical assistance for EU approximation: air quality legislation • Phare program – The funded and expert assistance for Act of environment FBiH and RS. This project is funded by the European Union and is implemented by Umweltbundesamt GmbH (Federal Environment Agency Ltd),Vienna, Austria, as the leading partner in consortium with CEEN Economic Project & Policy Consulting GmbH, Vienna, Austria; Environmental Management and Law Association of Hungary, The Institute for European Environmental Policy, UK; and in sub-contractual relation to TMC Asser Institute, The Hague, Netherlands and SNEDE, Portugal. • The project refers to financial and expert assistance within the development of environmental protection laws (six laws).
The project refers to financial and expert assistance within the development of environmental protection laws (six laws). • Law on water protection • Law on waste • Law on nature protection • Law on air protection • Law on environmental protection • Law on fund for environmental protection • This set of laws has been adopted by Parliaments of the FB-H and the RS during 2003, although a significant part of regulations hasn’t been adopted yet.
* Repealed by Directive 96/62/EC and its daughter directives **Full transposition/Partial transposition/No transposition
Comment (footnotes) *The table includes pollutant measurements according to the requirements of EU legislation. In some countries, pollutants such as PM10, NO2, NOx, etc. are measured in other forms (TSP, Total N). **If data for 2003 is not available, older data inserted ***Anthropogenic emissions only
Fuel Quality Institutional framework of fuel quality control
Fuel quality controlSteps towards EU approximation • Problems: The decision on fluid oil combustions’ quality doesn’t correspond to the Instruction on the way of realization of the Decision on fluid oil combustions’ quality (Official Register B-H no. 27/02). In conformity with the Decision, the energy inspection is competent for the monitoring and the quality, while according to the Instruction, the federal trade inspections is competent for the verification of the harmonization of quality and release of the quality certificate (Official Register FB-H 2/95). The other problem is an inadequate equipment in the existing laboratories.
Steps: Urgent solution of the problem, related to the adoption of the final solution of the way to realize the Decision on fluid oil combustions’ quality, the adoption of regulations of the Law on the supervision of quality of determined imported and exported products (Official Register 13/03), as also the procurement of the equipment.
Fuel quality legislation *Full transposition/ /No transposition
Market fuels used in vehicles with spark ignition engines (petrol)*(1) (only data for sulphur content and lead content are separated) *According to the common format for submission of summary of national fuel quality data (Directive 98/70/EC) (1) The data are from 01.01.2005 - 30.06.2005. Are there any other additives in the fuel? If so, what are they and what quantity? Around 97 % of oil in B-H is imported from Croatia (64%), Hungary (18%) and from Serbia and Montenegro (11%).
Market fuels used in vehicles with compression ignition engines (diesel)*
Vehicle fleet structure *If data for 2003 is not available, older data was inserted
Conclusion • Although there are numerous old and new legislatives at cantonal and Entity level, the greatest problem in B-H is represented by the lack of implementation of the approved regulations, there is by the inexistence of instruments, persons and desire to implement the approved legislation. • In several areas, the regulation is old, while some of them are even 10 years old. Moreover, a great problem is represented by the unavailability of data, there is the irresponsibility of determined institutions and persons to implement determined legislatives. The data, presented in the upper tables, were collected by the responsible person with great difficulty.
Literature • “Management of air quality in BiH; CBA on transportation project in BanjaLuka; preliminary study” Dr. Victor Platon (PM); victor.platon@xnet.ro Prof. dr. Lazo Roljic; lazor@blic.et Prof. Dr. Petar Gvero; pero@urc.bl.ac.yu