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Eric Steltzer Energy Policy Analyst eric.steltzer@nh.gov Office: 603-271-2155

Wind Turbines and Land Regulations. Eric Steltzer Energy Policy Analyst eric.steltzer@nh.gov Office: 603-271-2155. Context: Types of Turbines. Small Scale. Utility Scale. Rated Under 100 kilowatts (kW) Height: 40’ – 150’ Rotor Diameter: 4’ – 46’ Size of Units:

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Eric Steltzer Energy Policy Analyst eric.steltzer@nh.gov Office: 603-271-2155

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  1. Wind Turbines and Land Regulations Eric Steltzer Energy Policy Analyst eric.steltzer@nh.gov Office: 603-271-2155

  2. Context: Types of Turbines Small Scale Utility Scale • Rated Under 100 kilowatts (kW) • Height: 40’ – 150’ • Rotor Diameter: 4’ – 46’ • Size of Units: • 1-10 kW (Residential) • 20 kW (Agricultural) • 50 kW (Municipal/Industrial) • Height: 100’ – 250’ • Rotor Diameter: 70’ – 350’ • Size of Units: • 660 kW (MMA- Bourne, MA) • 1.8 MW (Landfill site- Hull, MA) • 3.6 MW (Cape Wind, MA)

  3. Context: Height Comparison

  4. Context: Purpose of Turbines Offset On-site Consumption Commercial Sale • Residential or Business • Small Scale • Receive Credit/Payment for electricity generated • Wind Farms • Utility Scale • Sell Electricity for Profit • Large Contiguous Land/Water Resource

  5. Market Forces vs. Regulations Market Forces Regulation • Market Forces Control: • Height of Turbine • Number of Turbines • Siting: Wind Resource • Appropriate For: • Review Process • Size of Lot • Type of Turbine • Location on Lot • Setbacks (Sound and Fall Zone) BALANCE IS CRUCIAL

  6. Public Concerns Offset Onsite/Small Scale Commercial/Utility Scale • Sound • Visual Disruption • Types of Turbine • Transmission/Distribution • Visual • Sound • Economic • Wildlife (Avian) • Tourism • Historical • Shadow Flicker • Wetlands • Social (value of preserving land) • All development has impacts • Cost Benefit Analysis • Impacts Mitigated • Balance Property Rights with public impact • Public Concerns are diminished through exposure to wind turbines

  7. New Hampshire Jurisdiction Local Jurisdiction or Petition to State: Normal Site Plan Review (In most cases ZBA action) 100 kW to 30 MW Electricity Providers State Jurisdiction: Site Evaluation Committee 30 MW or More Electricity Providers Turbine(s) Capacity Organizational Oversight 100 kW or Less Used Primarily for Onsite Consumption Local Jurisdiction: Small Wind Energy System Ordinance Approximately 20 towns have small wind energy system ordinances adopted

  8. New Hampshire Laws HB310 (2008)- Municipal Regulation for Small Wind Energy Systems • State Laws: • (RSA 672:1, III-a) Zoning shall not unreasonably limit renewable energy • Outright Prohibition • Restrict height via generic structure height • Setback requirements > 150% system height • Sound requirements < 55 decibels • Stricter electrical or structural requirements • (RSA 672:1, III-d) Renewable energy systems are an accessory use • Joins agriculture, forestry and fisheries

  9. New Hampshire Review Process Municipality WITHOUT ordinance Municipality WITH model ordinance • Building Inspector Review • Public Comment 30 days • Abutter Notification • Governing Body • Regulations: • Height: 150 feet, or 35 ft above treeline • Sound< 55 dbA • Setbacks 110% to property line, 150% to occupied abutting buildings • Type of Turbine: CA or NY Approved SWES • Aviation and Building Codes as well • Building Inspector Review (or Fire Marshall) • Public Comment 30 days • Abutter Notification • Governing Body Notification • Regulations: • Aviation: Meet FAA requirements • Setback: 150% of system height • Building Codes: NH State Codes

  10. New Hampshire Review Process Lessons Learned • Review Process • Burdensome on Building Inspectors • Planning Board and ZBA are geared better for public comment • Height Restrictions • Measuring 35 feet above treeline • Turbine Type • Vertical axis generally not covered • Roof mounted systems not covered • Turbine Size • 50 kw turbine is different than 100 kw turbine • Planning Review (100kw-30MW) • Void in guidance on local review of 100Kw – 30Mw projects

  11. Summary • Review Process is dictated by: • Type of Turbine Purpose of Turbine • Small Scale (< 100kw) Offset On-Site Consumption • Utility Scale (> 100kw) Commercial For-Profit • Market Forces and Regulations • Market forces control many factors without the need for regulations • Public Impacts Vary • Small wind does not have the same impacts as Utility • Ensure private property right • Familiarity of turbines reduces public concerns(Steltzer, E., 2006) • People who have seen a turbine are less concerned about perceived impacts

  12. Resources NH Office of Energy and Planning: Small Wind Energy System Tech. Bulletin www.nh.gov/oep/resourcelibrary/swes/index.htm National Renewable Energy Laboratory: Wind Resources Mapping www.nrel.gov/eis/imby/ New England Wind Energy Education Project: Impacts of Wind Turbines Webinar wpadev.nrel.gov/newengland/neweep/index.asp My Energy Plan: Central location of NH residential incentives www.myenergyplan.net

  13. Questions?? Eric Steltzer Energy Policy Analyst eric.steltzer@nh.gov Office: 603-271-2155

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