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Spring 2013 Catalysts. CATALYST #1 1.23. One of Steve Covey’s 7 Habits of Highly Effective People is “ Begin with the end in mind.” To you, what does it mean to “begin with the end in mind”? Describe a time when you did begin with the end in mind. What was the result? OR
CATALYST #1 1.23 • One of Steve Covey’s 7 Habits of Highly Effective People is “Begin with the end in mind.” • To you, what does it mean to “begin with the end in mind”? • Describe a time when you did begin with the end in mind. What was the result? OR • Describe a time when you did NOT begin with the end in mind. What was the result? • Why might I be asking you this question? How does this apply to English class, or school in general?
CATALYST #2 1.24 Please have out your syllabus and pass up your parent contact sheet and personal info sheet! • What do you believe in? What are the rules, principles or ideas that you live by? • What beliefs do you have in common with any/all of your family or friends? • What beliefs do you NOT have in common with any/all of your family or friends? • Have your beliefs ever helped you to be successful in a situation? Explain. OR Have your beliefs ever caused you difficulty or conflict? Explain.
CATALYST #3 1.28 • How would you define the word culture? • List as many different components of culture as you can. In other words, list things that a group of people would need to have in order to have ‘culture.’ • What things define “our” culture here in Charlotte, NC, the South and/or the United States? • How is “our” or your culture different from other cultures that you have learned about or been exposed to in some way?
Catalyst #4 1.29 • Look back at the iceberg concept of culture chart and the Nacirema article that we examined yesterday. (Copies are in the tray if you were absent yesterday.) • What were (at least) 3 new ideas or thoughts that you had yesterday about culture, based on the iceberg concept? • From the Nacirema article, what description of a cultural ritual or practice did you, at first, find to be most foreign or strange? • From the Nacirema article, what description of a culture ritual or practice did you find to be most accurate in comparison to your perception of our culture? • From the Nacirema article, what description of a culture ritual or practice did you find to be most inaccurate in comparison to your perception of our culture? • If you could go anywhere, where would you travel to study and observe another culture? Why?
Catalyst #5 1.30 • Have out your drafts of your “This I Believe” essays. I will come around to check for them during the warm-up • Take a look back at your notes about the creation stories that you read yesterday. • 1- What did you find interesting, strange or unique about the story that you read? • 2- What were 2 comparisons that you were able to make between your story and one or both of the other stories? • 3- Were there any similar elements between the stories that you read yesterday and other creation stories that you have already read or heard about growing up? Record at least one, or more if you can. • 4- Make at least 2 connections between the stories that we read in class yesterday and the Greek creation story that you read last night. Use your Mythology book to do so! • 5- Why might there be so many creation stories? Make an educated guess!
Catalyst #6 1.31 • 1- What is your favorite OR the most recent book/movie you’ve read/seen? • 2- Who were the major characters in this book/film? • 3- Looking back at your archetype notes, do any of the characters in this book/film resemble any of the character archetypes? Explain which ones and why they fit an archetype. • 4- What were the major settings in this book/film? • 5- Looking back at your archetype notes, do any of the settings in this book/film resemble any of the setting archetypes? Explain which ones and why they fit an archetype. • 6- What is your reaction to the idea of archetypes? Do you believe that there is a collective unconscious that unites all literature? Why or why not?