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European actions to improve the energy efficiency of buildings and BUILD UP and ASIEPI

This article discusses the European Union's efforts to improve the energy efficiency of buildings and the targets set for 2020. It highlights the importance of the building sector in achieving these goals and the various directives and regulations implemented to address energy performance and renewable energy use. The recasting of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive is also covered.

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European actions to improve the energy efficiency of buildings and BUILD UP and ASIEPI

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  1. European actions to improve the energy efficiency of buildingsand BUILD UP and ASIEPI Olli Seppänen Secretary general Federation of European Heating and Air-conditioning Associations

  2. Climate Action: Energy for a Changing World This Climate Action from Dec 2008 builds on the many targets the EU set itself in 2007 for 2020 as part of the Energy Policy for the European Union including: • 20% reduction in greenhouse gases; • 20% increase in energy efficiency, and • increasing renewable energy use to 20% of total energy consumption • 10% share of bio-fuels in transport fuels by 2020

  3. Political and Economical Motivation •Environment: Climate change: up to +6.4 Kelvin in 2100 (IPCC)•Financial and Economic Crisis: EU’s Economic Recovery Plan• Social & Economic:Recent energy prices and their volatility• Security & Economy: EU Energy Import Dependency - Forecast: 3/12

  4. Role of the Building Sector • 40 % of EU’s energy use • 36 % of EU’s CO2 emissions • Cost-effective energy savings potential: ~30 % by 2020 • 9 % of GDP, 8 % of employment and • €2 trillionannual turnover 4/12

  5. European Commission - DG TREN Five important energy directives Co-generation 2004 Increase of co-generation up to 18% Building performance – EPBD – 2002 and 2010 improvement of energy performance of buildings End use efficiency and energy services -ESD Member States to save at least an additional 1% of their final energy consumption each year for the next 9 years Energy using products – EuP - 2005 Free movement of Energy using products (Art 95) All aim at protecting the environment and securing energy supply Renewable energies – December 2008 Increase the use of renewables up to 20%, biofuels upto 10%

  6. Energy Performance Buildings Directive (EPBD) • Adopted in 2002, revision 2010 • Deadline for implementation: January 4, 2006 • Extension possible for Art. 7 to 9 until January 4, 2009 • Unsatisfactory progress in a number of MS • A good examples available

  7. Recasting of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive • 2007 preparatory work started in DG TREN Unit of energy efficiency – two experts working full time • Seminar by invitation in in February 2008 during EUSEW–also REHVA invited • Public Consultation June 2008 via inernet- 250 responses including REHVA´s • Revised (recast) version was submitted to EU-parliament and Council in November 2008 • Appointement of rapporteur (EPBD-Mrs Ticau from Romania) • Committee meetings (EPBD in Industry, Research and Energy Committee) Jan- March 2009

  8. Recasting of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive • First time in the Council in Feb 2009 • Informal consultations: political groups, comission, council president • Exchange of views • 500 amendments proposed in EPBD recast – 93 in the final versions to parliament • Recast approved in the plenary meeting of the Parliament April 24, 2009

  9. Legislative power is in hands of the Parliament and Council The European Commission Commission proposal First reading in Parliament (Parliament opinion) The Council of the European Union The European Parliament First reading in Council (Council position) Second reading in Parliament (if necessary) Second reading in Council (if necessary) Conciliation committee (if necessary) Final vote in third reading (if necessary) Final vote in third reading (if necessary)

  10. Most significant changes in the recasting of EPBD 2002 • Omit 1000 m² thresholds within the existing EPBD • Better use and improved quality of energy performance certificates and follow up • Requirements on heating and air-conditioning systems, and better inspection procedures • Minimum energy performance requirements • National plans towards zero energy buildings • Strengthening of the leading role of the public sector • Reporting as part of NEEAP

  11. Energy using products directive - EuP • Directive addresses all member states • Implementing measures address manufacturers • Applied to all energy using products, excluding vehicles • Sold in important quantities ~ 200.000 • Significant environmental impact + potential for improvement • Life-cycle cost approach used in the analysis to set the criteria

  12. Regulations based on Energy using products directive • Apply without any national approval to all EU- countries • Apply to all manufactured and imported products in the common market • First regulations given in January 2009 • Fans, pumps etc later in 2009

  13. Ecodesign and Labelling : current status (1) • 25 products under preparation • Implementing Measures that were/will be voted by the regulatory committee before 2Q 2009: Total estimated savings (347 TWh) = about 10% of gross annual electricity generation in the EU

  14. Directive on the promotion of the use of energy from renewable sources(December 2008) • electricity, heating and cooling and transport • a 20% target for the overall share of energy from renewable sources and • a 10% target for renewable energy in transport • the proposed directive sets the principles how the use of renewable is defined, for example, the heat pump heating system

  15. Increasing the share of renewable energies from 2005 to 2020 (more than 10% from all national primary energy use) The Netherlands 2.4% -> 14% Finland 28.5 -> 38% Denmark 17.0% -> 30% Germany 5.8% -> 18% Estonia 18.0% -> 25% Ireland 3.1% -> 16% Greece 6.9% -> 18% Spain 8.7% -> 20% France 10.3% -> 23% Italy 5.2% -> 17%

  16. Renewable sources defined • Active solar • Hydro • Biomass (boilers or co-generation) with min fuel efficiency >0.8 • Wind • Geothermal • Heat sources of heat pumps (air, water, ground) Not included in renewables to avoid double counting: • Improvements in energy efficiency • Passive solar

  17. Heat sources of heat pumps • Heat taken from outdoor air, ground and water considered renewable – minus the electricity used by heat pump • Only the heat pumps with seasonal COP over app. 3 (depending the structure of electricity generation)

  18. The Intelligent Energy Europe Programme Converting policy into action http://europa.eu/agencies/executive_agencies/ieea/index_en.htm Executive Agency for Competitiveness and Innovation -EACI

  19. Advanced ventilation systems www.buildingadvent.com www.energyagency.at/projekte/harmonac.htm www.asiepi.eu/ www.iee.cense-eu Air-conditiong inspections Assessment of impact of EPBD Use of CEN standards in EU MSs

  20. Let’s build better buildings for Europe Presentation of the BUILD UP initiative

  21. Objectives of BUILD UP Inform and update public authorities, building professionals and building occupants about the energy legislation for buildings Transfer and promote best practices of energy savings measures in buIdings and update public authorities, building professionals and building occupants about the energy legislation for buildings

  22. Target groups of BUILD UP

  23. Public authorities Target groups Energy Legislation Energy Efficiency Web Portal Database of Cases & Tools • EU & National info • EPBD Database • Links Building professionals • National info • Practical info • Links Building occupants • Context • Simplified info Your guide to energy efficiency

  24. What can it DO for you?

  25. Public authorities BUILD UP will provide specific solutions for specific target groups Building professionals Building occupants

  26. If you are a professional with interestin energy legislation or energy efficiency... Database of events Database of cases Database of news items Database of library items

  27. and you want to inform othersof your activities

  28. We give you the opportunity to create or to be part of your community of interest Select Select cases Select CommunityNewsletter Select

  29. Build Up is a tool from the commission for the market. Success will be there if the portal is popular!! Therefore, important efforts for promotion and marketing are foreseen: Media desk Cooperation with umbrella organisations Fairs, events,… Promotion material First version will be launched in the end of May The portal will be fully functional in June

  30. Tasks of REHVA in BUILD UP • 1) promotion campaigns to support Certificates and improvements of the efficiency of boilers and air-conditioning systems (from national experience)2) Collect leading examples of  energy efficient public buildings and implementation of EPBD3) Establish and moderate an internet community energy efficient public buildings • 4) Events data base5) Links data base6) Promotion of BUILD UP in national and international events 7) Promotion on BUILD UP in international and national journals

  31. ASsessment and Improvement of the EPBD Impact (for new buildings and building renovation)www.asiepi.eu

  32. ASIEPI background Currently, there is very little reliable information available about the relative severity of the requirements levels in the different MS, about procedures of compliance and control, about effective strategies 2003EPBD is published 2006 EPBD shouldbe implemented 2008-2009 EPBD recast ASIEPI ESD 20-20-20 approved

  33. ASIEPI aims to support the Member States in their implementation of the EPBD Level of requirements in MS control and compliance, thermal bridges, building and duct airtightness, evaluation of innovative systems in EPBD contex, summer comfort and cooling. ASIEPI support the European Commission for the monitoring of the EPBD implementation and for the ongoing EPBD-recast. (*) except for benchmarking (WP2)

  34. 17 countries covered by ASIEPI MS represented by one participant, including INIVE members and national contact points. There might be a second participant from this MS. MS represented by a national contact point as subcontractor Country outside EU-27 represented by a full participant MS not represented NO: SINTEF(1) FI: VTT DK: SBi IE: UCD UK: BRE NL: TNO(1) LT: KAUNAS University BE: BBRI(1) International: INIVE, REHVA(2)EURIMA(3), PCE(3), ES-SO(3), EUROACE(3), FIEC(3), Acciona I (for ECTP)(3) DE:Fraunhofer-IBP(1), E-U-Z PL: NAPE FR: CSTB(1), CETE de Lyon CZ: ENVIROS HU: University Budapest RO: University Bucharest ES: AICIA, IT: ENEA (1) INIVE member(2) Umbrella association as partner (3) Umbrella association as associateIn the MS where there are two participants, the national contact point is in italic. GR: NKUA(1)

  35. Objectives To develop a concept for inter comparison and benchmarking of EPBD requirements in the Member States To obtain a good overview how compliance and control of legislation is done in the individual Member States with suggestions for improvement To raise awareness about the bottlenecks and possible solutions for: limiting thermal bridges improvement of building airtightness summer comfort and low energy cooling using the EPBD implementation as driving force for innovation in energy efficient technologies

  36. Expected results of the ASIEPI project Expected result : increased awareness of the potential problems related to the analysed aspects and of the possible solutions !!! Tools to achieve this result : a benchmarking method and tool to compare the current EP-requirement levels in the Member States and able to follow the evolution of the requirements in time information papers internet conferences workshops presentations on demand, available through internet databases reports participation in conferences

  37. Available publications so far (04/2009) Information paperspublished by the EPBD Buildings platform, available from Assessment of innovative systems Comparing energy performance requirements Thermal bridges Building airtightness Innovative ventilation systems International comparison of envelope airtightness Impact of thermal bridges on the energy performance of buildings Tools for evaluating thermal bridges www.asiepi.eu www.buildingsplatform.eu:

  38. Web eventsrecordings available at www.asiepi.eu: Airtightness Energy Performance Requirements Across Europe Innovative systems in the framework of the EPBD Thermal bridges in the EPBD context Presentations available at website

  39. International workshops • National ventilation markets - see 15 VIPs at www.aivc.org • Summer comfort and cooling in national building codes (papers at www.aivc.org • Brussels 1-2.9.2009 Impact, compliance and control of the EPBD related legislation in EU-member states – flyer tomorrow • Amsterdam March 2010 How to prove the benefits of new innovative systems for better energy efficiency (more info: www.asiepi.eu)

  40. ASIEPI contacts International Network for Information on Ventilation and Energy Performance INIVEc/o Belgian Building Research Institute BBRI Peter Wouters Dirk Van Orshoven Nicolas Heijmans c/o National and Kapodistrian University of Athens NKUA Mat Santamouris Marianna Papaglastra @ www.asiepi.eu

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