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Galatians Chapter Four

Delve into Galatians Chapter Four to understand Paul's rejection of legalism, embrace of mercy and grace, principles of personal appeal, and the importance of responding to suffering. Discover how rejecting truth can lead to spiritual downfall and the scheme of legalists. Apply biblical teachings to your own life struggles and interactions with others.

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Galatians Chapter Four

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  1. Galatians Chapter Four Galatians 4:16Have I therefore become your enemy by telling you the truth?

  2. Two words in the Greek New Testament: PARAKALOparakalw as in Ephesians 4:1 and means to encourage But here we have DEOMAIdeomai, which means to beg Used in the Book of Acts for Pray, a term which means to earnestly beseech another.

  3. HOW IS PAUL, what has he become? 1. Rejecting legalism 2. Rejecting the bondage of the Judiazers. Remember Galatians 2:4-5, did not give the legalist the time of day 3. Oriented to Mercy and Grace 4. Life style of a Gentile: Ministering to and defending the Gentiles

  4. PRINCIPLES of v 12: Paul Personal Appeal 1. Personal appeals are a legitimate way to persuades the people to fulfill the plan of God 2. Paul has been laying down principles but now switches to the personal 3. These principles are for people. They are not theoretical. Every word of doctrine demands application

  5. PRINCIPLES of v 12: Paul Personal Appeal contiued 4. No matter how harsh the W.O.G. may seem it is for my benefit 5. Paul has been harsh, and will get even harsher but it is for the ultimate well being of these Galatian believers PRINCIPLE Any authority must eventually make tough decisions. Some call this tough love as if it is something new. But it is not new; we see it over and over again in the W.O.G.

  6. PRINCIPLES: 1. Paul learned: It is not what happens to you in life that matter but how you respond to it 2. Perfectionist often falls apart when their plans do not work out. But Isaiah 55:8 God said My ways are not your ways 3. We too often give into the circumstances and let them become an excuse 4. Paul was sick, probably longed for home, but instead he ministered the W.O.G. 5. How many people today would have given up? But Paul preached Jesus Christ

  7. APPLICATION You will suffer in life: 1. Self-Induced misery 2. Divine Discipline 3. Providential Preventative Suffering 4. Momentum Testing 5. Evidence Testing PRINCIPLE OF SUFFERING God can eliminate or lessen suffering. He will never allow you to suffer beyond His provision for you. There is often greater blessing when He takes you through the valley of the shadow of deathrather than taking you around it

  8. Despise is EXOUTHENEO exouqenw, which means to make of no account. To listen to what is said and then decide it is of no account, means nothing, not relevant to them People do this with Bible doctrine today; they listen and then make it of no account Loathe or Disdain is EXPTUW exputw, which means in its root break down to throw up, or spit out. This is to reject with contempt. To spit out what has been communicated. And there are people, even believers today who completely reject the idea of learning the Word of God

  9. ADDITIONAL PRINCIPLE: 1. Paul's bodily illness was a test for these people 2. Paul was not able to do anything about his overt appearance. The test was set by God. 3. This potential stumbling block was something Paul could do nothing about. 4. We must take care not to be an offence or a stumbling block in those areas that we can do something about it. 5. We must be sensitive to the standards of others. We must not purposefully cause an offence but an offense is out of our hands we accept the situation

  10. Verse 16 Principle: I am telling to you the truth . . . 1. Verses 14 and 16 demonstrate man’s instability 2 Here the change in attitude regarding Paul came as a result of his communication of the truth 3. Paul's job was to remain loyal to the truth regardless of popularity or lack of popularity 4. Nothing hurts a pastor more than seeing people who were once zealous for the truth turn away from the truth 5. And when people reject grace and truth they will reject and even turn against the source or the communicator or that grace and truth

  11. Verse 17 The Legalist’s Scheming: 1. To accomplish their ends they had to win the Galatians' confidence by building them up as something really special 2. Then eliminate grace orientation. This is the excluding they did. Once they got rid of grace, these believers had nothing to turn to 3. Once grace was gone, the legalists were there to offer their brand of spirituality, Judaist legalism. 4. PRINCIPLE: That same evil process which was working in Galatia is working today with man centered religions, churches and cults


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