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Embracing Grace: The Path to Spiritual Love

Discover the higher way of life in Christ that combines grace, faith, and freedom. Learn to love one another as Christ loved us, fostering fellowship and spiritual growth.

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Embracing Grace: The Path to Spiritual Love

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  1. Galatians Chapter Five Galatians 5: 14 For the whole law in word has been summed up (summary), Thou shall love thy neighbor as thyself.

  2. Two negative reactions: 1. The total rejection of grace and the acceptance of another system, legalism 2. The rejection of grace out of reaction that freedom will lead to a life of sin But Paul gives a third option, a higher way of life including grace, faith and freedom in Christ, the life of the Spirit.

  3. The Advantage of the Flesh is the work of the OSN 1. Freedom in Christ does not exclude responsibility 2. But freedom in Christ doesn’t go beyond mandated responsibilities and bring in legalism 3. Trends of the OSN are either towards Self- righteousness or lasciviousness 4. As a believer in freedom you have the free will to get out of fellowship and when you do you will gravitate towards the trends of your OSN

  4. The Advantage of the Flesh is the work of the OSN 5. Both trends are works of the flesh yet manifest themselves on opposite poles of pseudo- Christianity 6. One error of the Self-righteous legalistic crowd is to over think in terms of biblical rules 7. The lawless crowd operates out of the OSN. They ignore any legitimately biblical conduct

  5. John 13:34-35 A New Commandment A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another, even as I have loved you, that you also love one another. By this all men will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another.

  6. Love is the Attitude in which we will not: 1. Gossip about others 2. Involve others in sexual misconduct 3. Lie about others 4. Steal from others 5. Or get involved with any action that hurts others

  7. Galatians 5:14Thou shall love thy neighbor as thyself. Paul quotes Mark 12:31 and also found in Leviticus 19:18, Matthew 22:39, Luke 10:27, Romans 13:9, and James 2:8. And this is done (verse 13) DIA TES AGAPES dia thV agapeVThrough the Love

  8. The Sphere of Spiritual Love (power, relationship, attitude and action): 1. Begins with the Power of the Holy Spirit 2. Includes orientation to Grace 3. Orientation to Authority 4. Residence and function of learning, thinking and the applying of Bible Doctrine 5. Developing and advancing personal love for God 6. Developing and advancing spiritual love for others 7. The ability to handle problems with biblical, D/Vpt solutions 8. Sharing in the very happiness of God

  9. The mandates given regarding the Filling of the Holy Spirit are both absolute and relative: ABSOLUTE: Confess or admit your sins and by faith be filled with the Spirit RELATIVE: Walk in the Spirit, remain in the Spirit

  10. The two Mandates Provide two Challenges: CHALLENGE #1 Are you going to admit, acknowledge, confess any known sin as a prerequisite to being to seeing the need to be filled with the Holy Spirit by faith? CHALLENGE #2 Are you going to stay F/HS and therefore have a Christian walk that is in the Spirit?

  11. SPIRITUALITY: 1. Spirituality is the post salvation work of God the Holy Spirit in ministry to the believer 2. Spirituality (F/HS) is commanded for every believer 3. More than any other writer, John expressed spirituality as an absolute: Fellowship, light, power

  12. SPIRITUALITY continued: 4. Paul wrote of spirituality as the experience of the Christ Centered Life: staying in fellowship, staying in the light, walking in the Spirit 5. Thus, John, in I John 1:9 John removes the barrier to fellowship which is denied sin. 6. And in I John 2:1-2 we are recall by faith what does get back in fellowship (The Cross of Christ): My little children, I am writing these things to you that you may not sin. And if anyone sins, we have an Advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous; and He Himself is the propitiation for our sins

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