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Wolfgang Burtscher Deputy Director General for Research and Innovation European Commission

Research and Innovation are crucial for boosting European competitiveness and achieving sustainable growth. The Europe 2020 strategy aims to bridge gaps in R&D investment and innovation, with targets like investing 3% of GDP in R&D and implementing flagship initiatives like Innovation Union and Youth on the Move. The EU faces challenges in closing the innovation gap with countries like the United States and Japan, as emerging nations like India and Brazil make significant progress. The EU Budget Review emphasizes aligning funding with Europe 2020 priorities, promoting innovation, and simplifying funding mechanisms. Stakeholder consultation is ongoing to enhance research and innovation funding for the future, focusing on common strategic priorities, excellence in science, societal challenges, and competitiveness. The goal is to establish a Common Strategic Framework that integrates and simplifies funding instruments to drive impactful innovation in Europe.

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Wolfgang Burtscher Deputy Director General for Research and Innovation European Commission

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  1. Research and Innovation – preparing the ground for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth in Europe. Wolfgang Burtscher Deputy Director General for Research and Innovation European Commission Research and innovation – The key to European competitiveness Oslo, 20 May 2011

  2. Europe: Gaps in R&D investment and innovation compared to international competitors Europe 2020 strategy for smart, sustainableandinclusive growth Headline targets, including 3% of GDP invested in R&D 7 flagship initiatives, including Innovation Union, Digital Agenda for Europe, Resource Efficient Europe, Industrial policy for the globalisation era and Youth on the move Endorsed at several occasions by European Council as key for growth and jobs Communication of European Commission on « EU-Budget Review » (19 th October 2011) Interim evaluation of 7 th Framework Programme Framework conditions for next generation of research and innovation funding

  3. The world share of the EU in R&D expenditure has decreased by 1/5 since 1995 Source: DG Research and Innovation Data: Eurostat, OECD, UNESCO,

  4. Innovation gap with US and Japan, emerging countries catching up EU Percentage gaps between EU performance (0) and other countries across 12 indicators. Other counties, such as India and Brazil, are developing fast. Source: 2010 Innovation Union Scoreboard

  5. The EU does not get enough revenues from the world market of technology 0.7 0.64 0.6 0.53 0.5 0.43 0.4 % 0.3 0.22 0.21 0.19 0.2 0.1 0.0 United States Japan EU 2000 (1) 2009 (2) License and patent revenues from abroad (% of GDP) Source: DG Research and Innovation Data: Eurostat Notes: (1) EU: 2004. (2) US, JP: 2008.

  6. EU Budget = key tool for implementing Europe 2020 and Innovation Union Budget Review: key principes for future budget Close alignment with Europe 2020 priorities; Stronger EU added value; Clearer focus on results and impact (innovation!); Leveraging other sources of funding ‘Full range of research and innovation instruments should work together in a Common Strategic Framework’ EU Budget Review – Main messages

  7. Enable cross-border poolingof resources to achieve critical mass and diffusion of knowledge Promote competition in research and innovation, thereby raising levels of excellence Offers a wide range of training possibilities Provides a way to deal with pan-European policy challenges (societal challenges) Raises the international attractiveness of EU research and innovation Act as a catalyser and for development of common solutions Financial instruments with high leverage EU added value of research and innovation funding

  8. Complexity- too many instruments and funding mechanisms, complex landscape Further simplification- less variation in rules, simpler audits and controls, avoid duplicate information Better strategy for innovation – involve users, how to commercialise results, generate impacts Need to focus resources – with critical mass to address the grand challenges Broaden participation – industry, SMEs, new Member States, women, new innovation actors Clearer agendas - driven by scientific, industrial, social objectives Shortcomings of research and innovation funding - Interim evaluation of FP7

  9. Seeking stakeholders’ views on key issues and questions regarding the Common Strategic Framework Consultation until 20 May 2011 Feeding into Commission’s formal proposals for CSF by the end of 2011 4 blocks of questions: Delivering on Europe 2020: level of ambition of CSF, simplification, links to other sources of funding; Tackling societal challenges; Strengthening competitiveness; Strengthening the science base and the European Research Area. What is the Green Paper “Towards a Common Strategic Framework for research and innovation funding” about

  10. Consultation closed on 20 May: More than 900 questionnaire responses received About 300 position papers Strong support for concept of Common Strategic Framework, with simplification a key issue Clear messages on need for more openness in calls and for more high-risk projects out of mainstream to stimulate innovation Consultation on the Common Strategic Framework

  11. Major improvements to EU research and innovation funding for post 2013 period Scope: The Framework Programmefor research, technological development and demonstration (currently FP7, €53 billion 2007-2013) The Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme (CIP) (€3.6 billion 2007-2013) The European Institute for Innovation and Technology (EIT) (€309 million 2007-2013) Strengthening complementarities with the Structural Funds (€86 billion) Coherent set of funding instruments along the whole innovation chain Basis for far reaching simplification of rules and procedures Common Strategic Framework

  12. FROM different priorities in each programme and initiative TOcommon strategic priorities, focusing on Excellence in the science base (e.g. ERC, Marie Curie, research infrastructures) Tackling societal challenges such as health and wellbeing, food security, secure, clean and efficient energy, smart transport, resource efficiency and climate, etc.) Creating industrial leadership and competitive frameworks (SMEs, RSFF, JU, etc.) FROM gaps between the stages (R&D, demonstration, market take up, etc) TO coherent supportfor projects and organisations across the innovation cycle from research to retail FROM difficult translation of research results into products/services TOstronger support for innovation, including non-technological innovation and market take up CSF will increase IMPACT

  13. FROM different rules in each programme and initiative TOmore standardised rules across all initiatives – which meet the different needs and with flexibility where needed (e.g. for the EIT) FROM a large variety of funding schemes within and between programmes TOa rationalised toolkit of schemes across the Common Strategic Framework FROM multiple websites, guidance documents, applications TOcommon entry points, one stop shops, common IT platforms CSF is basis for SIMPLIFICATION

  14. Participants are at the heart of the simplification agenda Broad acceptance of participants usual cost accounting practices including average personnel costs Greater resort to flat rates and lump sums where appropriate Review of audit strategy towards risk based audits and implementation of single audit principle CSF is basis for SIMPLIFICATION - Principles

  15. Thank you for your attention Find out more and participate in the debate at: http://www.ec.europa.eu/research/csfri/

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