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Guides for the Evaluation of 15 Identified PAPs ( Lumpsum and Locally-Funded Projects Budget Line Items). For downloading to the ROs. What do you have so far?. Indicative Regional Situation. Indicative Regional Targets. Strategies. What options you have?.
Guides for the Evaluation of 15 Identified PAPs(Lumpsum and Locally-Funded Projects Budget Line Items) For downloading to the ROs
What do you have so far? Indicative Regional Situation Indicative Regional Targets Strategies
What options you have? • Be Lame – “Usual Thinking Syndrome” – soothed with what you have and “think no more”; • Be Ridiculous - Do things badly; or • Be Strategic – be an agent of positive change; Do the right things right.
What can we initially offer to help you hit your targets? • 15 Centrally Managed items for you to plan. • based on SitAn, which among these 15 PAPs can help you get closer to your targets and which are not, • determine the level of investment.
15 Identified PAPs with corresponding DepEd Orders 15 Identified PAPs with corresponding DepEd Orders
1. Support to Special Science Elementary School SSES is a research and development project designed to develop students with higher aptitude for science and mathematics through the implementation of an enhanced science and mathematics curriculum at the elementary level. Children enrolled in the program are identified using set criteria and are primed to be mainstreamed to the Science and Technology High Schools. The project was piloted in SY 2007 – 2008 to selected 57 schools in 55 divisions in the 16 regions particularly among the gifted and fast learners classes in Special Education Centers and regular schools. Program Coverage : 15 Regions, 99 Divisions and 103 Schools
Continuation: SSES Eligible Expenses: Provision/Conduct of activities such as investigatory projects, leadership training, workshop and/or educational visits and participation in Science-related activities for the development of pupils; Purchase of assessment materials and payment for professional services of psychologists and psychometricians in the screening and identification of Grade-1 entrants; Capability building of teachers and school heads through their participation in conferences, trainings, seminars and immersion training in science-oriented schools; and, Procurement of reference books, textbooks, psychological tests, video materials and software in Science, Mathematics and English, instructional materials/resources including maintenance and minor repairs of devices/facilities e.g. science model, apparatuses, etc.
2. Support to Multigrade Education (Traditional Definition) This program intends to democratize access to and improve the quality of elementary education through the realization of complete elementary schools and the organization of multigrade classes in sparsely populated, isolated and hard-to-reach areas. The program maintains education services in barangays with decreasing enrolment and maximizes the use of thin resources like lack of classrooms, teachers, and other education resources. • Program Coverage : All Regions except NCR, 130 Divisions, 1,573 Schools • Standard: Multigrade - Multigrade - One (1) teacher in 1 classroom per class • (maximum of 30 learners for Grades 1-2, 3-4 and 5-6 per class) • Purely Multigrade - One (1) teacher in 1 classroom per class • (maximum of 30 pupils for Grades 1-2, 3-4 and 5-6) New Definition: acceptable pedagogy/ strategy, not a stop-gap measure
Continuation: Support to MG Education (2) Eligible Expenses (traditional): Improvement of the learning environment through development, procurement, and production of print and non-print instructional supplementary reading and reference materials; Professional development of teachers and school heads through the conduct of division, district, or school-based trainings, participation to conferences/congress/conventions/seminar-workshops and educational visits to schools/institutions which have been known for their best MG education technology; Purchase of pupils’ learning kits and school supplies, support to pupil development activities such as participation to academic contests, educational visits, camping, leadership training, and other co-curricular activities; and Support to Feeding Program of the school.
3. Support to Engineering and Science Education Program High Schools (1) • A program designed to strengthen Science and Math education delivered through special science classes in public secondary schools implementing a specialized Science & Math curriculum. Supported by a subsidy fund since 2008. • Program Coverage : 16 regions, 158 divisions, 198 schools (targets additional 2 schools in ARMM in 2013) • Components: • Program Support Fund at the Central (Science Fairs, Test Development, Curriculum Development); and • Subsidy to Schools • Per school: • Fixed Cost: P140,000.00 • Variable Allocation: P500.00 per student at two (2) sections per year • level but not to exceed 320 students or P120,000.00 • Class size: 1:40
3. Support to Engineering and Science Education Program High Schools cont… (2) • Eligible Activities/Expenses: • Supplies and materials re: conduct of science investigatory projects; • Laboratory/Rental Fees of students’ re: researches/projects by authorized agencies), transport, etc.; • Subscription expenses for print & non-print Ims in Science and Math; • Professional Development/Training of Science and Math teachers;& • Minor repair and maintenance of science labs. & science equipment. • Eligible Students: • Students with general average of 85% in Science and Math & 83% in the rest of the subjects, no grade below 80% in any grading period;
4. Support to Secondary Schools with Special Program for the Arts and Sports (1) SPA is a nationwide program for secondary students with potentials and talents in the arts namely; Music Visual Arts, Theater Arts, Media Arts, Creative Writing and Dance; Piloted in 17 schools and later adopted by 51 secondary schools. SPS is a program aimed to address the needs of secondary students with potentials/talents in sports namely: Archery, Arnis, Badminton, Chess, Gymnastics, Table Tennis, Taekwondo, Tennis, DancesportUnder the program, the students undergo an 4-15 hours per week training under trained coaches. specializing in sports where they excel in. Initially implemented in 15 HSs &later mainstreamed in 300 HSs. Program Coverage: Same schools get the fund support for two (2) consecutive years as developmental fund. Currently covers: Arts: 15 Regions, 17 Divisions and 17 Schools Sports: 17 regions, 17 Divisions, 17 schools Component/Allocation: Subsidy to Schools @P500,000 per school
4. Support to Secondary Schools with Special Program for the Arts and Sports cont… (2) Eligible Activities/Expenses: • Student development activities such as training, workshop, participation in DepEd-approved festivals, competitions; • Procurement of art/music/sports supplies, costumes/uniform and instructional materials in the different art/sports areas; • Training of teachers and administrators on arts/sports; and • Participation of teachers in DepEd-sponsored scholarship programs, professional upgrading of teachers including enrolment in a master’s degree program in arts/sports.
4. Support to Secondary Schools with Special Program for the Arts and Sports cont… (3) • Sports: 1:45 per class at 2 classes per year level with different no. of students per specialization; • Arts: 1:50 per class per class with 7 students minimum per specialization; Requirements: • Recipient schools shall conduct a yearly monitoring training program to schools within the division/region which intend to implement the same program as well as giving access to other schools on the equipment & facilities; • Participants on the program must continue to participate in the national/international events/competition ; • Student-beneficiaries must have achieved the mean percentage score (MPS) above the national average in the National Achievement Test (NAT)
5. Support to SPED Centers/Schools SPED is designed to serve students with special needs. Currently covers 385 elementary SPED centers and 190 secondary schools with SPED classes, across the country. Enjoys fund support since 2008: @ 500,ooo per elem SPED Center; for secondary, a fixed cost & variable allocation depending on enrolment per exceptionality. caters to 11 exceptionalities, namely: mentally retarded, learning disabled, behavior problems, hearing impairment, visual impairment, speech defective, orthopedically handicapped, multiply handicapped, chronically ill, developmental handicapped. Program Coverage : 17 Regions, 174 Divisions, and 381 Schools (except ARMM for secondary)
Continuation: Support to SPED Centers Eligible Expenses: ROs & DOs allocation for monitoring the implementation of programs & projects for children with special needs; Pupil development activities, i.e. training, educational visits, camp activities, sports and pupil participation in SPED related activities; Procurement of instructional and reference materials, psychological and other assessment tests, early intervention materials, supplies for the Transition Program, manipulative materials for the gifted and talented, and other disabilities; Professional upgrading of teachers and school heads/super-visors and travel expenses relative to their participation and attendance to activities relevant to the implementation of the program; and Standard in procuring IMs for the gifted children.
6. Every Child A Reader Program (ECARP) The ECARP is a national program that addresses the thrust of DepED to make every Filipino child a reader at his/her own level. It is designed to equip elementary pupils with strategic reading and writing skills to make them independent young readers and writers. It also provides a year-long training for teachers to make them multi-literate and independent problem solvers. Program Coverage : 17 Regions, 79 Divisions, and 170 Schools
Continuation: ECARP Eligible Expenses: Development of Early Grade Math Assessment (EGMA) Tool Kit Capacity Building on Early Grade Reading and Math (EGRA and EGMA) Administration and Assessment Results Associated Teaching Activities (ARATA) Levelling and reproduction of Existing Reading Materials and Development of Early Math Teaching – Learning Materials Capacity Building on Early Grade Reading and Math Assessment and Basic Intervention Strategies (Training of Trainers) Monitoring and Technical Assistance
7. Implementation of the Alternative Delivery Mode Program (Project e-IMPACT) TRADITIONAL DEFINITION: ADMs are tried and tested alternative modalities of education delivery within the formal system that allow schools to deliver quality education to marginalized students and those at risk of dropping out by helping them overcome personal, social, and economic constraints in schooling; NEW DEFINITION: Same with multigrade, acceptable alternative modality in basic education delivery, not as a stop-gap measure PROPOSED DEFINITION FROM DRAFT CONCEPT NOTE: A program which aims to provide independent, self-pacing and flexible options of study within the formal basic education system with equal opportunities for learners from Grade IV anytime, anywhere.
7. Implementation of the Alternative Delivery Mode Program (Project e-IMPACT) cont . . . • Current Program Coverage: • e-IMPACT – 10 Regions, 20 Divisions and 40 Elem. Schools • MISOSA – 8 Regions, 14 Divisions and 40 Elem. Schools • Open High Schools -159 secondary schools • Other local initiatives • Components: Learner Identification, School Selection, Program Delivery, Monitoring and Evaluation, Fund Management
8. Alternative Learning Systems (ALS) * Two Major Nonformal education (NFE) programs: Basic Literacy Program (BLP) - A program aimed at eradicating illiteracy among out-of-school youth (OSY) and adults (in extreme cases, school-aged children) by developing basic literacy skills of reading, writing, and numeracy. Accreditation and Equivalency (A&E) Program - A program aimed at providing an alternative pathway of learning for out-of-school youth and adults who are basically literate but have not completed the 10 years of basic education mandated by the Philippine Constitution. Through this program, school dropouts are able to complete elementary and secondary education outside the formal system. BLP and A&E Program Coverage: 17 Regions and 206 Divisions
Alternative Learning Systems (ALS) cont. . . . . • * Balik-Paaralan para sa Out-of School Adults (BP-OSA) Program – a school-based Accreditation and Equivalency Program for elementary and secondary levels. Its main features are: • The Instructional Managers (IMs) are the teachers of the school - the Service Provider is the school represented by the school principal. Each Instructional Manager has a learning group made up of not less than fifty (50) learners; • The School principals of those schools serving as Principal-Coordinators (PCs) supervise the conduct of the learning sessions; • The learning sessions are conducted outside the regular class schedule (after class periods or during weekends); • The program uses the ALS Curriculum and learning materials; and • Entry of learners in the program at any time is allowed as a matter of policy. • BP-OSA Program Coverage: 16 Regions and 114 BP-OSA schools
Alternative Learning Systems (ALS) cont . . . * ALS Program Implementation DepEd Delivered by Mobile Teachers & District ALS Coordinators - An ALS program implementation lodged primarily with the Mobile Teachers and District ALS Coordinators who are assigned to conduct intensive community-based learning intervention in Basic Literacy (BL) and Accreditation and Equivalency (A&E) programs for out-of-school children, youth, and adults in far-flung communities in all divisions nationwide. DepEd Procured - An ALS program implementation namely, Basic Literacy (BL), Accreditation and Equivalency (A&E), Indigenous Peoples Program, and Balik-PaaralanparasaOut-of School Adults (BP-OSA) programs, which are delivered through ALS Unified Contracting Scheme, which includes hiring of ALS Literacy Volunteers. Coverage: 17 regions
Alternative Learning Systems (ALS) cont . . . * Literacy Volunteers - Formerly known as ALS GabaysaPamayanan or AGAP Volunteers, serve as volunteer learning facilitators delivering ALS programs to Out-of-School children, youth, and adults in their assigned communities. These are private individuals who handle ALS programs within their community. A minimal allowance is provided by DepED for their service. Literacy Volunteers Program Coverage: 17 Regions & 760 Literacy volunteers
9. Indigenous People (IP) Education This program is the DepEd response to the desire of IP communities for an education that is responsive to their context, respects their identities, and promotes the value of their traditional knowledge, skills, and other aspects of their cultural heritage. Specifically, it aims to improve the appropriateness and responsiveness of the IP curriculum, capacity building for teachers, managers, and personnel and development of culturally appropriate learning resources in public schools with IP enrollees as well as to address the learning needs of those IP learners who are outside the formal education system. Program Coverage • 15 Regions • 100 Divisions
10. Basic Education Madrasah The program was created to provide quality education to Muslim learners in the public schools and private Madaris and to Muslim out of school youths and adults. This is to ensure that all Muslim school children and OSYs have access to an Islamic-friendly educational curriculum and quality basic education. Program Coverage : 17 Regions, 137 Divisions, and 139 Schools
11. Implementation of the Redesigned Technical-Vocational High School Program (STVEP) • The STVEP is devised to provide high school graduates with opportunities to acquire certifiable vocational and technical skills that will allow broader options in pursuing their post secondary career, whether this is a college education, short term technical courses, entrepreneurship or apprenticeship leading to eventual formal employment. It also offers high school graduates employable and entrepreneurial skills that will enable them to support their post-secondary career and/or their family needs. Program Coverage : 16 Regions, 104 Divisions, and 282 Tech-Voc Schools (156 Arts and Trades; 81Agriculture and 45 Fishery)
12. School Based Management (SBM) Installation and Support SBM is a pool of fund composed of school grants and program support funds given to the schools & division/region respectively, to strengthen implementation of SBM. Specifically, the schools use the grants in: 1) processes supportive of the school such as school improvement planning; and/or 2) the implementation of the projects/programs in the SIP/AIP with the ultimate goal of enhancing school learning outcomes. Amount per School: P50,000-P200,000 Program Coverage : 17 Regions and 190 Divisions (benefited 13,025 public elem & secondary schools in FY 2011)
13. Human Resource Training and Development Including Teacher’s Training, Scholarship & Fellowship Grants and Capacity building for Non-Teaching Personnel • HRTD is a pool of fund for human resource development and training programs. More specifically, it aims to make the Department responsive to the organizational needs and manpower requirements by developing appropriate skills and attitudes of personnel. • Program Coverage : Training of teachers and non-teaching personnel, incl.programs related to gender and development. Currently, its focus is on capacity building on K to 12 program.
14. School Health and Nutrition Program School-Based Feeding Program (SBFP) • The SBFP was previously known as the Breakfast Feeding Program (BFP) which was initially conceptualized and launched in 1997 to address the “short-term-hunger syndrome” among public elementary school children. As the program progressed, it shifted from just addressing the short-term hunger to addressing a more serious problem of under-nutrition in schools. The program was renamed to SBFP so as not to limit the feeding to breakfast only. Program Coverage : 17 Regions and 20 Divisions
School Health and Nutrition Program cont. . . . Medical/Dental and Optical Health and Nursing Services • The program aims to promote, protect and maintain the health status of students and school personnel through the provision of various health services such as health appraisal, treatment, consultation, referral, health counseling among others. • Dental Service is the provision of promotive, preventive and curative services aimed to improve the oral health status of the school population specifically the pupil in the public elementary schools. Program Coverage : All Regions and Divisions
School Health and Nutrition Program cont. . . . Gulayan sa Paaralan (GPP) • This program promotes the production of foods in school that are rich in protein, carbohydrates, vitamin A, and iron as a major input to school feeding. It adopts environment-friendly technologies like the Bio-Intensive Gardening (BIG), Food Always in the Home (FAITH), and others to improve the quality and quantity of vegetable crops raised in school and pupils’ homes. • It also covers composting, establishment of plant nursery, tree planting, propagation of medicinal plants, orchard and school landscape development and related livelihood activities. Program Coverage : All Regions
15. Lump-sum for Acquisition, Improvement, Titling and Survey of School Sites This program aims to firmly establish ownership of school sites occupied by elementary and secondary schools nationwide, to contribute to the further development and improvement of the public school system on a more stable basis, to protect the rights and interest from legal and administrative issues affecting school sites. Program Coverage : 16 Regions
BUDGET CEILING • For Fifteen (15) Identified PAPs
Based on the SitAn, determine which among these 15 programs are relevant to your situation. Establish the link of the program with your current situation and direction. Don’t be limited by the 15 items, identify other innovative programs that can address your pressing concerns, then make a proposal. Come up with the budgetary requirements, supported by solid evidence. Actions to be taken: