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LA Commons Upgrade of Website

LA Commons Upgrade of Website. ARB Team 01. Team Member. Remote Team Member. Herman Steiniger. Team Strength and Weakness. Operational View Strength – Client is engaged in project and being informed design ideas Weakness – Uncontrolled changes in scope causing rework in artifacts

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LA Commons Upgrade of Website

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  1. LA Commons Upgrade of Website ARB Team 01

  2. Team Member

  3. Remote Team Member Herman Steiniger

  4. Team Strength and Weakness • Operational View • Strength – Client is engaged in project and being informed design ideas • Weakness – Uncontrolled changes in scope causing rework in artifacts • Technical View • Strength – Became knowledgeable in using Wordpress and its plugins • Weakness – System design lacks in covering outlier cases

  5. Overall Project Evaluation • System design meets current Win Conditions • Majority of system has been prototyped • Some instability with constant the changes in win conditions • Need to start looking into how to train client in maintaining site

  6. Acceptance Test Plan and Cases

  7. Operational Concept DescriptionHuaiqi Wang

  8. System objectives • Create culture connections among neighbors in Los Angeles through the sharing of stories and creating temporary works of public arts

  9. Constraints • Staff working at LA Commons have limited knowledge about computer technology. • The website is written using WordPress.

  10. Current processes

  11. System capabilities • Interactive Map: The map is used to integrate all neighborhoods in a map and is able to provide the users with a better navigation to browse all neighborhoods’ information on the website. • Community Arts Project Page: The page is aimed to provide information about past Community Arts’ projects. In addition, in the Community Arts Page, add additional links to direct this page to the related Community Arts’ project pages to make them connected. • Neighborhood Page Upgrade: Add a small gallery of community arts ’ arts work on the bottom-right page. Images from this small gallery direct users to the related neighborhood’s project page. • Social Network Share Function: Visitors can share upcoming events, art works and information of posted projects on their social network page. • Gallery of Art Works: Add a gallery tab on the main page’s navigation bar. Visitors can see the most wonderful photos selected from all Community Arts’ projects on this gallery page.

  12. Level of services • Scalability: System shall be able to expand as new documentations of future art programs will be added to the website. (About 10 art programs per year, 15-20 pictures per art program) • Downtime: Consistent and no more than four hours per month.

  13. Prototype HualongZu

  14. WC_2697:Neighborhood Page WC_2700: Interactive Map WC_2699: Layout of Website WC_2561: Community Arts Project Page WC_2557: Gallery of Art Works WC_2817: Community Arts Project Page Connectivity WC_2563: Social network sharing Requirement Priority

  15. User Interface Mismatch/ Requirement Mismatch Requirement Changes Risk Resolving

  16. Neighborhood Page

  17. Interactive Map

  18. Community Arts Project Page

  19. Gallery of Art Works

  20. Community Arts Page Upgrade

  21. Better layout of website

  22. System Architecture Yueheng Li

  23. System Context Diagram

  24. Artifacts & Information

  25. Behavior

  26. Deployment Diagram

  27. Life Cycle Plan Qihua Wu

  28. Overview Modification on estimations Implementation After last ARB Plans for 577b Construction, Transition, & Support (CTS) Foundation Phase Rebaselining Core CapabilityIteration Full CapabilityIteration Transition Iteration

  29. Modification on estimations There are little modification on estimations: Code base estimation was largely correct Modules remain unchanged even though implementation details were changed after several more Winwin negotiation sessions and client meetings. Team members for 577B

  30. Implementation After last ARB 32

  31. Construction Interations Plan 33

  32. As-built Operational Concept Description (OCD) As-built System and Software Requirements Definition (SSRD) As-built System and Software Architecture Description (SSAD) As-built Rose Model Files (MDL) As-built Feasibility Rationale Description (FRD) Updated Risk Management Plans Key Documents for Construction

  33. Detailed Transition Iteration Plan 35

  34. Transition Plan (including some Training planning) User Manual Transition readiness assessment Key Documents for Transition

  35. Support Plan Training materials (including tutorials and sample data) Key Documents for Support

  36. Feasibility Evidence TianyiLuo

  37. Assessment Approach • Research and select our NDI options • Website solution • Hosting solution • Gallery solution • Interactive map solution • Social media sharing solution • Setup Evaluation Criteria according to Win_Conditions • NDI/NCS Attributes • NDI/NCS Features • Use Evaluation Results Screen Matrix to do evaluation by 4 members in our team • Give Evaluation Summary for our evaluation on NDI • Which NDI we should pick to do implementation

  38. NDI/NCS Alternatives

  39. Evaluation Criteria NDI /NCS Attributes NDI /NCS Features

  40. Evaluation Results Screen Matrix for NDI Attributes (Example)

  41. NDI/NCS evaluation & analysis results • After calculation and our analysis on positive and negative side of each NDI, we decide to use • BlueHost • WordPress • WOW Slider • NextGen Gallery • Leaflet Maps Marker • Add This

  42. Business Case • Cost Analysis • Personnel effort • During CSCI 577a – 68H • During CSCI 577b – 111H • During operational phase (maintenance) – 78H / year • Hardware and software cost • Bluehost – $120 / year • Domain – $16.4 / year • Benefit Analysis (Time saved) • Search time of documents – 120 hrs / year • Maintenance time for uploading documents: 24 hrs / year • Marketing Time – 80 hrs / year • Return on Investment Analysis • LA Commons staff salary is $15/hr from mid 2013. • Assume 10% increase in salary in middle of each following year. • ROI = (Cumulative Benefit – Cumulative Cost) / Cumulative Cost • Result is shown in next page.

  43. ROI Analysis Result

  44. Conclusion C1: As the evaluation and analysis of the NDI item. WordPress is selected as the main solution for the whole website. It is what the client currently uses, and therefore should be inherited. But the built-in functions for wordpress are limited. R1: We can use WordPress plugins, such as “WOW Slider”, “NextGen Gallery”, “Leaflet Maps Marker” and “Add This” to solve the limitation. C2: “WOW Slider” is currently our best solution for gallery to be shown in Community Arts Programming page. And “Leaflet Maps Marker” is the best solution for the interactive map. However we are still not sure whether to go with the free version or upgrade to the pro version of these two NCS. R1: Keep Prototype with the gallery functions. Look deeper about what is added in the pro version. Talk to the client to see if they are willing to pay the subscription fee these two pro versions may need.

  45. Transition Plan Taizhi Li

  46. HW/SW/Site Preparation • Hardware Preparation Client’s existing laptop is sufficient, and it can be a Apple Macintosh machine or a Windows machine. • Software Preparation • WordPress installed on laptop devices • WordPress plugins installation WOW Slider and NextGen Gallery installation on the WordPress MapPressEasy Google Maps and Leaflet Maps Marker installation on the WordPress • Add this and Share this installation on the WordPress • Site Preparation • Computer rooms for training • Computers with WordPress which contains required plugins • Backup computer for testing the website

  47. Support Environment • Noextrarequirementforthewebsite, • Justmentionedinpreparation • OperatingsystemcanbeMacintosh/Windows

  48. Release Strategy • Perform unit test in a testing environment that hosts a version of the upgraded LA Commons website. • Set up the development environment on client environment to enable the scope for further development • Install required plugins on WordPress • Perform the testing on the client environment containing the final upgraded website • Test the website on different browsers • Provide the training to the client

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