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Prešov and famous people. Basic facts Position Tourist attractions. Ivan Tásler. He was born on 16 th July 1979 in Prešov, Czecho-Slovakia .
Prešov and famouspeople
Basicfacts • Position • Touristattractions
Ivan Tásler Hewasborn on 16thJuly 1979 in Prešov, Czecho-Slovakia. Heis a Slovak composer, guitarist and siger, famousespeciallyforhissinging in thebandIMT Smile. Thisbandwascreated in 1992. Theyhavealreadyrecorded 6 albums. Thebestknownsongs are: Nepoznám, Za dedinou, Nedá sa újsť, Duch človeka... . Nowadaysthe most playedsongs on theradio are fromthenewest album Odysea dva . Itwasrecorded in 2010.
Peter Nagy He was born on 9thApril 1959 in Prešov, Czecho-Slovakia. He is a singer, composer, producer and photographer and he plays the guitar. He was one of the most popular singers in Slovak pop music in 80´s and 90´s of 20. century. Hestartedas a folk singer. Hisfirstbands were Profils and Fultura. When he was 17, he recordedhisfirst song. Hisfirstfamous song was “Profesor Indigo” which was recorded in August 1982. He composed some songs for children like Ferrrari, Bobiand DarinkaMandarinka. Nowadays, he devotesoneselftotakingphotos, mostly act photos of Slovak and foreign women.
Katarína Knechtová • She was born on 14th March 1981 in Prešov. • She is a Slovak singer and composer. She also plays the guitar and piano. • In thebeginingofhercareershewassinginginthebandofherfriend Ivan Tásler. • Latershewassinging in herownbandPehathatdisbanded in 2009. Thisbandwonanaward“Objav roka” in 1999. • Her most popularsongs are : Slnečná balada, Za tebou , Spomaľ, Môj Bože.
Katarína Koščová She was born on 11thFebruary 1982 in Prešov. Sheis a singerbutshestudiedphilosophy and esthetics. Atfirstshewassingingwithhersister in thebandcalledHaven´sShore Later in 2004 shetook part in thevocalcompatitionSuperStar and shebecamethefirst Slovak SuperStar. Itmadeherfamous. Her most playedsongs are: Pehatá, Pomätená, Koľko ešte krát ...
Michal Hudák • Hewasborn on 27thJune 1969 in Prešov. • HisnationalityisRuthenian. • Heis a Slovak actor and moderator of manydifferentcompetitions and TV programmes. • Hestudieddramaticart in Kiev. • Heplayed in the Theater of Alexander Duchnovičin Prešov and workedforradio Flash in Prešov ,too. • “Správny kľúč“ wasthefirstprogrammewhereheworked. • Nowadays, hedubsthemovies.
Thankyouforattention. Katarína Jarošová Jana Gogová 1.E