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PART II SY 2011-2012 Federal Report ~ for NM Homeless Education Programs ~. Title X Part C – Homeless Education Program PED – School & Family Support Bureau. Presenters Lora Church, Homeless Youth Education Coordinator L ora.Church@state.nm.us Tele. 505-827-1804
PART IISY 2011-2012 Federal Report ~ for NM Homeless Education Programs ~ Title X Part C – Homeless Education Program PED – School & Family Support Bureau Presenters Lora Church, Homeless Youth Education Coordinator Lora.Church@state.nm.usTele. 505-827-1804 Jesse Kain, EDFacts Coordinator Douglas.Kain@state.nm.usTele. 505-827-7825
WebEx Etiquette Your phones are not automatically muted. Everyone can hear you and everything going on around you. So please, put your phones on mute. Please do not talk unless you are addressed by the presenter. To ask questions use Chat or Raise Hand. Once your hand is raised the presenter will ask you to state your question or observation. Please be respectful of other participants. Please do not talk over each other.
Goal Have District Homeless Liaisons understand the new STARS Homeless Student reporting processes for the Federal Report (aka, Consolidated State Performance Report (CSPR).
Objective Have District Homeless Liaisons submit the Federal Report to PED by Friday, October 19, 2012.
What the Webinar Covers What we did last year What is different this year. Why we are changing what we did last year. How to run the Federal Report. What to do with the Federal Report.
What we did last year • Last year PED sent you a document entitled “CSPR Federal Homeless Report. This Word formatted-document was an extract from the larger CSPR report that PED submits to ED. • PED asked that you calculate the totals and send it back to PED – Homeless Ed. Program. DISTRICT HOMELESS EDUCATION COLLECTION REPORT EDUCATION FOR HOMELESS CHILDREN AND YOUTHS PROGRAM
What is different this year This year PED asks that you run a STARS report. Download the report to Excel and either accept or change the student count data on the report. When completed, your Superintendent will sign the Assurance Page and either mail the signed report or email a signed PDF to PED – Homeless Education Program.
Why we are changing what we did last year To improve data quality in the STARS snapshot Homeless data submitted by districts to PED. To streamline the Federal Reporting Process. When reporting 2011-2012 you can change the data extracted from STARS and shown on the Federal Report. When reporting 2012-2013 you will not be able to change the data extracted from STARS and shown on the Federal Report. Your Superintendent/Director will still have to sign the form.
Why we are changing what we did last year PED hopes this new process for federal reporting will be easier and more efficient for the Homeless Liaisons. Please provide us with feedback regarding how the process is going.
How to run STARS reports Click on the Homeless Federal Report
How to run the Federal Report • Parameters (on right side of screen) • School Year – Select the year for which the report is to be run • District – If you have only one district, that district will be pre-selected. • Click on the Apply button in the bottom right corner to run the report. Fill in the parameters and click the Apply button to run the report
How to run the Federal Report Export the report to Excel On the top left corner of the screen click “Actions” then “Export” then “Excel”. When prompted save to your desktop.
How to run the Federal Report • Click on the “Back Button” of your browser. • There are so many different browsers and browser versions that I can’t tell you exactly how to do this. • On the right is Internet Explorer 8.The blue circle in the top left corner is the back button. Clicking on this button will return you to the Homeless Menu. Return to the Homeless Menu
How to run the Federal Report In the right hand corner you will see your name. Click on your name and then click on Sign Out. Sign out of STARS
How to run the Federal Report Demonstration
What to do with the Federal Report Open the Excel and follow the instructions on the next slide
What to do with the Federal Report • Change the data to reflect the homeless population during 2011-2012. Though all fields need to be checked, there are 4 fields that need particular attention. • Totals for Age Birth to 2, grades UG (ungraded) and OOS (out of school) have zero counts. STARS does not collect these data. Please enter the count if children in these age / grades if they receive McKinney-Vento funding. Follow these instructions
What to do with the Federal Report • 1.. • b. The Nighttime primary residence of “Other” is invalid. PED allowed the data to be entered in 2010-2011 however ED will not accept “Other”. Please distribute to one of the other nighttime residences. If you do not know where to distribute the “Other” count, please add it to “Sheltered”. Follow these instructions
What to do with the Federal Report • Print the Excel spreadsheet. Forward to your Superintendent / Director to sign the printed report. • Send the signed excel spreadsheet report to Lora Church, Homeless Youth Education Coordinator, PED-SFSB, 120 S. Federal Place, Room 206, Santa Fe, NM 87501. • This provides your District/State Chartered Charter School’s Assurance and will be filed with PED-SFSB. Follow these instructions
What to do with the Federal Report Email the same excel spreadsheet to Lora Church at Lora.Church@state.nm.us This particular excel spreadsheet will be uploaded into the Federal Report electronic template. Follow these instructions
What to do with the Federal Report Demonstration
Survey, Questions and Comments Survey Do you feel you know enough to create and send the Federal Report to PED? Was the presentation easy to follow. Was the presentation understandable. Questions and Comments Do you have any questions or comments?
Thank You Thank you for attending this webinar! Please call Lora or Jesse if you need any assistance. We’ll do our very best to assist you. Lora Church, Homeless Youth Education Coordinator Lora.Church@state.nm.usTele. 505-827-1804/505-250-8946 Jesse Kain, EDFacts Coordinator Douglas.Kain@state.nm.usTele. 505-827-7825