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Unit 8 Functions/ Themes Cancel plans Give an excuse Give advice Ask permission

Unit 8 Functions/ Themes Cancel plans Give an excuse Give advice Ask permission Ask a favor of someone Agree or refuse to do a favor Say thank you Discuss arrangements and obligations. Forms Infinitives after direct objects Had better and had better not Be supposed to.

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Unit 8 Functions/ Themes Cancel plans Give an excuse Give advice Ask permission

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  1. Unit 8 Functions/ Themes Cancel plans Give an excuse Give advice Ask permission Ask a favor of someone Agree or refuse to do a favor Say thank you Discuss arrangements and obligations

  2. Forms Infinitives after direct objects Had better and had better not Be supposed to

  3. Vocabulary suppose vt -posed, -posing (常与that连用)认定;猜想 What do you suppose you will do after school? 你放学后想什么? 应该;准;允许 We are not supposed to play football on Sundays. 不准我们在星期日踢足球

  4. upset up + set vt. vi upset, upsetting 打翻;弄翻;推翻 I upset the soup all over the table.. 我把汤打翻在桌上了。 把…洒了出来;把…溅了出来 使烦乱 James was upset because he had lost his ticket. 詹姆斯很烦躁,因为他把车票丢了。 吃坏了肚子

  5. I really wish I could go. • wish 后的宾语从句表示愿望,如果是现在或将来的愿望,一般用一般过去时;如果是过去的愿望,则用过去完成时。 • e.g. I wish John was here now. • We went to a party last week. I wish John had been there. • count on • 依靠 • e.g. When he was in middle school, their family completely counted on his mother’s 200 yuan salary. • (2)指望;期待 (= count upon) count out 〈拳击〉宣告失败

  6. let…down 使失望, , 辜负 edgy急躁的 adj. -ier, -iest 急躁不安的 stuffy stuff –y adj. -ier, -iest (1)不新鲜的(空气);气闷的 This room seems stuffy — open a window. 这间房子好像挺不通气的,开一扇窗子吧。 (2) 僵化的,陈旧的(思想)

  7. issue 出版, 发行, (报刊等)期、号, 论点, 问题, 结果, (水, 血等的)流出 vi. 发行, 流出, 造成...结果, 进行辩护, 传下 vt. 使流出, 放出, 发行(钞票等), 发布(命令), 出版(书等)发行。 quiz n. 测验, 提问, 恶作剧 v. 对...进行测验, 盘问, 挖苦 aptitude n.天资,倾向。 career aptitude 职业倾向。

  8. appreciat[e]估价+-ion名词后缀 n 评定;评价 鉴定书;评价报告 感激;感谢 She showed an appreciation of my help. 她感谢我的帮助。 (财产等)增值 appreciation of a currency 货币升值

  9. budget (1)预算 a family budget 家庭预算 a government budget 政府预算 (2)预算金额 factual adj. 事实的;实际的 a factual account 真实记载 flair n. 天赋,天资, 眼光 a flair for writing 写作的天才

  10. Forms: 1. I’d appreciate it if you could help me. 注意向别人提出请求时情态动词的用法。 以前学过I’d…,If you would…中的表示委宛语气。本句话也表示客气的语气。 2.be supposed to &have to 的用法区别:前者指已经有了某种安排,但具体是否去做还不一定;而后者表示必须去做某件事。

  11. Exercises: 1.P84 Ex.4 2. I’m going to stay at home. I have six letters to write. 3. I’m sorry, but I can’t talk to you right now. Would you mind having a seat and waiting? I’ve got an article to finish reading. 4. Do you mind stopping at the post office? I have some bills to mail.] 5. I’m sorry, but I can’t go to the movie tonight. I have a big exam to study for.

  12. 2 Page 87 Ex. 3 2.Bill and Sue have to go to another meeting. 3. Jim and Barbara are supposed to go out of town. 4. Carol has to teach. 5. Don is supposed to go shopping with a friend. 6. Jane is supposed to go to a friend’s house.

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