'Family budget' presentation slideshows

Family budget - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

FP 100T Week 2 WileyPLUS Weekly Exam//tutorfortune.com

FP 100T Week 2 WileyPLUS Weekly Exam//tutorfortune.com

FP 100T Week 2 WileyPLUS Weekly Exam//tutorfortune.com Click on below link to buy https://tutorfortune.com/products/fp-100t-week-2-wileyplus-weekly-exam FP 100T Week 2 WileyPLUS Weekly Exam In this graded assignment, you are assessed on the content covered in this weeku2019s readings, activities, and assignments. To help you prepare, it is recommended that you first complete this weeku2019s Learning Path and Self-Test Learning Activities prior to completing this exam. Complete the Week 2 WileyPLUS Weekly Exam covering this weeku2019s assigned readings: u201cChapter 3: Budgeting and Cash Managementu201d u201cChapter 4: Tax Planningu201d Note: Work submitted in WileyPLUS does not count toward attendance. Be sure to post at least two times each week in the online classroom to avoid being auto-dropped from the course. Question 1 Your answer is correct. If you write a check or use your debit card when there isnu2019t enough money in your account to cover the payment, this is known as being unbanked. skimming. a stop payment. an overdraft. Question 2 Your answer is correct. Simone spent an average of $500 each month on groceries last year for herself and her family. She is now forecasting the family budget for next year. She read that an inflation rate of 5% is expected. How much should Simone budget for the monthly food expense next year? $500 $475 $525 $750 Question 3 Your answer is correct. One approach to forecasting variable expenses is to use a wide range of estimates. assign probabilities to different outcomes. Click on below link to buy https://tutorfortune.com/products/fp-100t-week-2-wileyplus-weekly-exam FP 100T Week 2 WileyPLUS Weekly Exam//tutorfortune.com

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