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Treatment according to ALT and LSM. < 8 kPa. > 8 kPa. EASL 2011 - D’après Leroy V et al., abstract 128, actualisé. Study Design. Year 2. Randomisation 1:1. • OLT recipient for CHB infection • ≥ 12 weeks of prophylactic therapy including HBIG • HBV DNA negative
Treatmentaccording to ALT and LSM < 8 kPa > 8 kPa EASL 2011 - D’après Leroy V et al., abstract 128, actualisé.
Study Design Year 2 Randomisation 1:1 • OLT recipient for CHB infection • ≥ 12 weeks of prophylactictherapyincluding HBIG • HBV DNA negative • HBsAgnegative FTC/TDF FTC/TDF+HBIGN = 40 FTC/TDF+HBIG Enrollment Week 24 Week 96 FTC + TDF isgiven as a fixed-dosecombinationtablet (Truvada) taken once daily. EASL 2011 - D’aprèsTeperman L et al., abstract 574, actualisé.
Virologicalresponse* by baselineviremia 99% 97% DNA ≤ 5 log 63% DNA 5-8 log DNA ≥ 8 log P < 0,0001 • 75 68 26 9 4 3 2 • 171 161 96 48 25 12 5 • 35 34 30 22 17 10 7 Patients stillatrisk * Kaplan-Meierestimates EASL 2011 - D’aprèsLampertico P et al., abstract 731, actualisé.
Conclusion Entecavirtreatmentpreventsdisease progression and increased the survival of patients with HBV-ACLF. The established TPPM scorring system offerssuperiorpredictory value in bothspecificity and sensitivityfor HBV-ACLF patients whencomparedwith MELD Multivariatelogisticregressionanalysis of independentriskfactors for mortality in patients with HBV-ACLF Entecavirtreatment NA free Fig. 1-month and 3-month survival rates of patients treatedwithentecavirwere 72,58% and 61,29%, respectivelywhilethose of patients not treatedwithentecavirwere 53,23% and 45,97%, respectivelly. (1-month survival rates p = 0,002; 3 monthsurvival rates p = 0,022). Comparison of curves, (p = 0,0054, HR = 0,596, 95% CI 0,413-0,861) B: coefficient for the constant; SE: standard error; Wald: chi-square value; EXP(B): exponentiation of the B coefficient. EASL 2011 - D’aprèsNing Q et al., abstract 742, actualisé.
Results: cumulative incidence of HCC 11,1% Persistentlydetectable HBV DNA Seroclearance of HBV DNA 1,5% EASL 2011 - D’après Liu J et al., abstract 68, actualisé.
IL28B genotypeisassociatedwithHBeAgseroconversionthrough LTFU in all HBV genotypes 100 (49%) patients achievedHBeAgseroconversionthrough LTFU Overall p = 0,007 AA AG/GG EASL 2011 - D’après Sonneveld MJ et al., abstract 71, actualisé.
IL28B genotypeisindependentlyassociatedwithHBsAgseroclearancethroughlong-termfollow-up Hazard ratio for AA versus AG/GG:3,47 (1,04-13,48) • 18 (9%) achievedHBsAgloss • Medianfollow-upuntilresponse or censoring: • 173 (IQR 108 – 356) weeks • HBsAglosssignificantlyassociatedwith HBV genotype (A versus non-A) AA genotype AG/GG genotype EASL 2011 - D’après Sonneveld MJ et al., abstract 71, actualisé.