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ASSESSMENT 1. Aleyshia parker. Why Physical Education and School Sport should be Essential within the Primary School Community.
ASSESSMENT 1 Aleyshia parker
Why Physical Education and School Sport should be Essential within the Primary School Community Primary School communities throughout Australia should be recognized as a crucial and vital place to introduce young students into the field of physical education and school sport, as it enables students to develop physically, mentally, socially and emotionally in their health and wellbeing (Go For Your Life, 2009). By including physical education and sport into the primary school curriculum many opportunities and positives arise for each individual, not only will students have a deeper understanding of living a healthy lifestyle but many aspects of physical education and sport can intertwine with other domains which students partake in everyday (VELS 2009). One of the most significant reasons why children should be encouraged and supported by schools to participate in Physical education and sport is the changing environment in which students live. Many young children are being diagnosed with health issues such as obesity, heart disease and depression which are accelerating throughout Australia among children and young adolescence (Kids health & Fitness Website).
Lets Get Physical The study of Physical Education creates many avenues and pathways for students to follow, it is unique in its own way as is serves a purpose to encourage students to live out a healthy and active lifestyles. However at the same time Physical Education is educating and developing students in the areas of movement skills, personal and social skills, knowledge, motivation and confidence (Go For your Life 2009). By providing students with certain skills and knowledge can be life changing, as it can inform and guide students to learn the correct skills, techniques, rules and game sense for multiple sports. P.E ensures that everyone has the right to participate as it should be motivational and continue to engage students by setting challenges with new skills, games and activities (Go For your Life 2009)
Are our students active. Children in the school system lead a very busy day, walking to school, games at recess and lunch time and riding their bikes home from school. The importance of defining the difference between physical activity and physical education is vital. If teachers believe that physical activity is in the same category as physical education, their students will fall behind. “Physical education differs from physical activity initiatives because it: • is a planned instructional program with educational objectives that reflect curriculum documents; • is conducted by teachers; • aims to increase physical development and competence; • integrates intellectual, social and emotional learning through movement; • takes place during timetabled school time; • all students participate” (ACHPER, 2009)
Mandated hours The indiscretion between physical activity and education has lead to the introduction of mandated hours of physical education in Victorian classrooms. The department of education and early childhood development (DEECD, 2009) outlines the amount of time necessary for students to participate in a successful physical education program. Mandated hours and time allocation Primary school mandated time allocation for physical education; Years p-3: 20 to 30 mins of physical education a day Years 4-6: three hours per week of physical education and sport with a minimum provision of 50% for physical education. These hours are not inclusive of physical activity and need to be completed in class time.
School Sport & Our Community Incorporating sport into the school curriculum gives students the opportunity to play sport at a competitive level, it also allows students to take advantage of knowledge and skills which they have developed in PE classes and transfer them into real game situations (Go For Your Life 2009). School sport not only develops skills, co-ordination, and knowledge in the areas of certain sports but also builds life long characteristics that each individual can display throughout their schooling years and follow through into their adulthood. These characteristics that can arise from team and individual sports are values of respect, fairness, responsibility, being team affiliated and resilience (School Sport Victoria 2011). The experiences that students may have can be umpiring and tactics of sports, rules, basic skills and preparation, these experiences that students gain when playing sport are linked into the VELS standards of Health and Physical Education (VELS 2009)
School Sport & Our Community classes. By having school sport in the curriculum builds a strong relationship with the local community organisations as it can involve the school individually or be apart of inter-school sports which are competing against other schools in the same district and community as yours. This brings many communities together and also gives children who do not play sport out side of school the opportunity to part take in a real game experience (Go For your Life 2009)
The community and schools can collaborate together to ensure that all students receive the same access to sport as others. Rural communities my have limited funding or a decreased access to equipment this is where community partnership are vital for the survival of small school organisations. Community programs like the Coles sports for schools, initiative allows for schools to get funding for sport equipment. “After a fantastic program in 2010, where more than 7,600 schools participated, Coles is continuing its commitment to encouraging active, healthy lifestyles for Australian kids.” (http://www.sportsforschools.com.au/About, online 24/1/12) with valuable community links school can offer valuable opportunities for their students, while students can utilise the equipment and enjoy physical education.
PE & School Sport Can Save Young Lives The number of overweight children in Australia has doubled in recent years, with a quarter of children considered overweight or obese. Causes of obesity in children include unhealthy food choices, lack of physical activity and family eating habits (Children’s Health Website). This proves the importance of providing students with physical education classes and school sport opportunities as it motivates and encourages students to be in a healthy and active environment. “Physical education empowers students to develop positive attitudes towards physical and lifelong habits of participation” (pg 8,Go for Your Life 2009) By creating a fun and engaging physical education class students will start to feel motivated to participate in a wide range of skills and sports. This can be a great positive for students with health issues and obesity as they gain confidence, which assists them to develop socially, emotionally and physically (ACHPER Website).
PE & School Sport Relationship with Other Domains Physical Education and School Sport intertwine with many other domains in the curriculum, as there are many avenues that suit any type of personality and individual in the classroom. By incorporating PE and sport into other domains provides students with multi domain learning opportunities that will assist in deeper understanding and knowledge (VELS 2009). For students who are more mathematically minded they may have a strong interest in working out statistics, scoring and creating a competition draw or ladder, or perhaps for those students that are strong in the areas of reading and writing can create weekly news reports about the sports they had played. ICT is becoming a vital part in our everyday teaching and by incorporating two subjects that are so different caters for all different diversities and personalities within the classroom. Technology can be fun and with new I pad applications and gaming consoles it can assist PE lessons in many ways and give students something engaging and different from there regular classes(VELS 2009).
Having Our Say Physical education in the classroom is a fundamental part of a child’s development. The skills and understandings taught in the classroom are beneficial for all students, the National standards for physical education states the vision for a physically educated persons is “All children and youth will display the skills and practices of a physically active lifestyle, knowing the benefits of there choices to be involved in physical activity.” (NASPE, p.4. 2006) Not only does physical education help children develop, but the educational benefits on creating a healthy life style are empirical to help with the obesity and health problems related to little activity and physical education. “Providing young people with quality physical education to improve their skills and confidence appears to have a positive consequence for later activity.”( NASPE, p.6. 2006) Clearly highlighting the importance of physical education, and the positive benefits for children in the short and long term.
Concluding Statement Children in the 21st century are, spending less time outdoors, playing sport and utilising their time with physical activity. Physical education in the classroom is vital for students to develop the knowledge and necessary skills to be able to participate confidently in physical education classes and aim to use their skills in the sporting community and develop a culture of participating and enjoy physical activity. To ensure the physical, social and emotional wellbeing of the students are at high level and can continue on into adolescence and adulthood, should be the aim of physical education teachers, schools and the school community.
References ACHPER website. (2012) The Australian Council for Health, Physical Education and Recreation Victoria Branch. Retrieved January 24, 2012, from http://www.achper.vic.edu.au Australian Government. (2010) Children’s Health. Retrieved January 24, 2012, from http://australia.gov.au/topics/health-and-safety/childrens-health Department of Education and Early Childhood Development. (2009). Go For Your Life- Improving School Sport and Physical Education in your School [Brochure]. Melbourne Victoria: Student Learning Division Office of Government School Education Department of Education and Early Childhood Development. (2011). School Sport Victoria. Retrieved January 23, 2012, from http://www.education.vic.gov.au/studentlearning/programs/schoolsportvic.htm
Victoria Curriculum and Assessment Authority. (2009) VELS Health and Physical Education Domain. Retrieved January 24, 2012, from http://vels.vcaa.vic.edu.au/hpe/index.html All pictures were sourced from Google Images. www.google.com