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Classroom Procedures. Mrs. Nibbana and Ms. Taylor Murray Hill MS English Language Arts (ELA). Welcome to ELA class. (English Language Arts). We am here to teach; you are here to learn. we will do our job; you will do yours, and we will together use this year to the best of our abilities.
Classroom Procedures Mrs. Nibbana and Ms. Taylor Murray Hill MS English Language Arts (ELA)
Welcome to ELA class.(English Language Arts) • We am here to teach; you are here to learn. we will do our job; you will do yours, and we will together use this year to the best of our abilities. • Positive attitude is the key of success. Let’s keep it positive all the time! :)
WHY DO WE HAVE PROCEDURES? • A procedure is the way that we do things. • To do things right, we have to follow some simple procedures. For example: • To open your locker, you have to use your combination as directed by the lock manufacturer. • To cook a delicious meal, you need to follow the steps in the recipe. • To place a call on your phone, you need to dial the number in the right order. • So, to be successful in learning, you need to follow some simple procedures.
ENTRANCE • Make sure you have all necessary materials for the class. • Enter the classroom quietly. • Go directly to your assigned seat. • Take out any homework that is due and write down homework posted. • Immediately begin the drill. • Once you are in the classroom, you may not leave.
RIGHT AFTER THE BELL RINGS • Carefully work on the Drill independently. • When you finish, copy down homework posted on the board. • Wait quietly for the next instruction.
DURING INSTRUCTION • Listen to the teacher with full attention and follow her directions. • Please have an extra pencil or pen ready just in case. • Talking or whispering distracts others, so please refrain. • Ask permission to speak by raising your hand. • Ask questions related to the subject. Other questions which are not related to the subject can be asked after class. • After instruction, make sure you understand the concept. If not, ask questions by mentioning which part you didn’t understand.
WHILE YOU ARE WORKING • Make sure you read or listen to the directions about your work and understand them. • If you didn’t understand, ask for help from other students sitting around you. If they also do not understand ask to the teacher to explain it again. • If you are asked to help, be polite and kind. • Talking to each other should be no louder than a whisper. The person sitting on the other side of the room should not be interrupted by your noise. • Respect each other and be friendly. • Use your time wisely. Put forth your best effort to finish your work on time.
IF THE TEACHER GIVES A “QUIET SIGNAL” • Stop whatever you are doing at that moment. • Face the teacher and wait silently. • Notify any classmates who haven’t noticed that the teacher has raised her hand. • No talking or whispering. All of your attention should be given to the teacher. • “Quiet signal” includes a verbal request, a hand raised, a bell or a whistle.
DISMISSAL • A duck alarm will quack ~3 minutes before the bell rings; when you hear it please wait quietly for directions. • Clean your work area and take all garbage to the trash can, recycling to the blue bin. • Wait for Mrs. Nibbana or Ms. Taylor to dismiss you (quiet). • After you get permission to leave, push in your chair and leave quietly.
If you have a problem in class… • Think about what might be a solution, and determine if you can solve it yourself or if you will need help. • When you ask a teacher for help, be specific about the problem so you can help her try to find a solution • Remember if you need to leave the classroom it is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to ask for the work you missed
HOMEWORK • When you are given homework, it is due the next class day unless there is a specific due date given. • Homework not turned in will be marked with a 0 (zero). This is MHMS school policy. • Homework will be collected in class on the date due.
Bathroom Procedure • You may not go to the bathroom in the first or last ten minutes of class. • Have your handbook out. • Raise your hand, wait for permission and the teacher to sign your handbook. • Bring your handbook with you as you: • sign out as you leave the room. • sign back in when done.
IF YOU ARE TARDY • You MUST HAVE A TARDY PASS! • Students w/o a tardy pass will be marked unexcused tardy. Consequences result after multiple tardies. • Show Mrs. Nibbana or Ms. Taylor your tardy pass. • Go to your seat after you are given permission to do so.
WHEN YOU ARE ABSENT • Check with Mrs. Nibbana or Ms. Taylor to see if you need to make-up any work. You are responsible for asking. • If you missed a test because of your absence it is your job to arrange a time with Mrs. Nibbana or Ms. Taylor to make up the test. • Any missed work due the day you were absent must be turned in the day you return to school. Excused
MHMS RULES • Be Respectful • Be Responsible • Be Ready • This includes: • Bringing all necessary materials to class. • Dispose of gum, food, or drink before you enter the room. • Always act and speak in an appropriate manner. • Appropriate attire must adhere to the school dress code – no hats! • Electronics should be left in your locker.
PBIS Pathways • Warning • Second Warning • Pause & Reflect • Concequence