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Stats SA's Performance Report on Finance Statistics (Oct 2004)

This presentation provides an overview of Stats SA's performance against targets, highlights major successes, and discusses current and forthcoming work. It also outlines Stats SA's role in the government's plan of action.

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Stats SA's Performance Report on Finance Statistics (Oct 2004)

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  1. Presentation to the Portfolio Committee on FinanceStatistics South Africa 6 October 2004

  2. Aims of presentation • To report on the performance of Stats SA against stated targets • To highlight major successes of the year • To highlight current and forthcoming work • To highlight Stats SA’s part in government’s plan of action

  3. Contents • Overview • Programme performance • Financial performance • Implementing Government’s programme of action

  4. Stats Online: 1 June 2004 – 31 August 2004 June 2004 July 2004 Aug 2004 % Increase from June to August 04 Visitors – monthly total 64 486 79 864 83 692 +30% Visitors - average per day 2 337 2 576 2 700 +26% Time Series data subscribers – total as at end of month 1 557 2 269 2 904 +87% Newsletter subscribers – totals as at end of month 245 877 1 240 +406% Number of files downloaded – monthly total 24 813 50 672 63 223 +155% Delivering statistics

  5. Overview

  6. Statistics to inform priorities And monitor and evaluate through: Government aims to: • Grow the Economy • Create jobs • Deliver services • Eradicate poverty • Improve health • GDP and CPI • Unemployment rate • Proportion of households with access • % below national poverty line • Mortality and morbidity statistics

  7. Governance framework Non - Compliance Compliance Value adding Standardised Unreliable Informal Monitored Optimised Unpredictable Environment; Controls not designed or in place Controls designed and in place but not adequately documented Controls designed and in place and are adequately documented Standardised controls with periodic testing and management reporting Integrated internal controls with real time monitoring and continuous improvement

  8. High level operating framework for the new structure – excluding support services Approval Dissemination Approval Publication DDG Feedback to Exco SIS* SIS/Marketing Implementation Survey Planning Report on findings NSD Data Processing 1 2 Population and Social Organizational and/or stakeholder need Data Collection Q & I Exco Integrative Analysis Exco Data Analysis Economic • Consistency • Correctness • Policy Impact • Comparability • Accuracy • Further Integrative Analysis • Outputs: • Desired Series, CPI, etc • Fulfilling user request • Outputs: • Data Items • Questionnaire design • Sample Frame • Collection Methodology • Methods and Standards

  9. Priority matrix Attend to urgently Maintain and Improve High Income and expenditure survey CPI Second economy Census replacement survey Construction Service sector Social statistics Current economic statistics Current causes of death data Labour market statistics Importance to users Innovate Drop Causes of death backlog Old business register samples Census 2006 Census 2011 Physical address register Social and economic analysis Low Performance High

  10. Review of performance by programme • Administration and Management • Economic and Social Statistics • Population Statistics • Quality and Integration • Statistical Support and Informatics

  11. Programme one Administration and Management

  12. Administration and Management Purpose: To provide sound infrastructure and support that enables Stats SA to achieve its mandate • Comprises: • Executive management • SG’s Office, Communication and International Relations • National Statistics System division • Programme Office and Management Information Systems • Administration • Finance and Provisioning Management • Human Resource Management • Service Delivery Improvement

  13. Administration and Management • Key achievements • Executive management • Appointment of two DDGs – one post still vacant • SG’s column and monthly internal newsletter • Assessment of statistical capacity of govt departments • Contribution to Towards a ten year review • Training of policy makers in SADC • Administration • Expenditure under control • Improved planning – especially project management • Development of management information system • Rolled out HIV/Aids programme • Improved Human Resources file management systems

  14. Administration and Management Ten initiatives to improve governance and ensure compliance • 1. Tender procedures: strengthening bid management office and bid committee has been trained • 2. Asset management: Bar-coded asset management system now procured - implementation between October and December 2004 • 3. Census payment problems: Build capacity and reduce burden through CRS; decentralisation of support functions • 4. Internal control problems: Process mapping and redesign project to ensure full compliance to regulatory requirements • and improved service delivery to users and suppliers • 5. Risk management: Risk management strategy approved and currently being rolled out

  15. Administration and Management Ten initiatives to improve governance and ensure compliance • 6. Internal audit recommendations: There is substantial increase in implementation of internal audit recommendations • IT governance: Initiated assessment of complete IT infrastructure to ensure alignment with strategic objectives • 8. Review of structure to ensure better management of support functions and improve quality of statistical processes • 9. Targeted skills development for all managers including financial and project management • 10. Improved use of performance management to promote accountability and increase delivery

  16. Programme two Economic and Social Statistics

  17. Economic and Social Statistics • Purpose: To produce economic and social statistics to meet user requirements • Measurable objective: Toprovide statistical information which is accurate, relevant and timely in order to inform socio-economic decision making • Comprises: • Industry and Trade Statistics • Employment and Price Statistics • Financial Statistics • Social Statistics

  18. Economic and Social Statistics Performance against targets

  19. Economic and Social Statistics Performance against targets

  20. Economic and Social Statistics • Improvements to the relevance and accuracy of statistics on the economy and society • Improved coverage and accuracy of statistics on the economy through first releases of manufacturing, retail, wholesale and motor trade statistics based on new sample • Information on the impact of food price changes on the rural poor through publishing CPI for rural areas and total country on monthly basis • More coherent labour market data through harmonisation of employment statistics from businesses and households • Annual update of development indicators through General Household Survey • New information on travel patterns through a Travel Survey for National Department of Transport

  21. Economic and Social Statistics Improvements for the current and next three years • Economic statistics • More accurate picture of size and growth of economy through re-benchmarking of GDP - out in November • Improved understanding of services, construction and agriculture sectors through short term economic indicators • More reliable inflation figures through direct price collection method for CPI • Better responsiveness to changes in consumer behaviour through diary method for Income and Expenditure Survey to reweight the CPI basket every 3 years • Better analysis of economic subsectors through improving referencing detail on business register • Better coherence between series through improving analytical and research capabilities

  22. Economic and Social Statistics Improvements for the current and next three years • Social and employment statistics • Regular measurement of the second economy through the Survey of Employers and Self Employed (SESE) and Consumer Survey • More detailed information on formal sector employees through the survey of Average Monthly Earnings • Link money-metric and social dimensions of poverty through the General Household Survey • Improved information on poverty through strengthening the poverty statistics unit

  23. Programme three Population Statistics

  24. Population Statistics • Purpose:To provide population statistics and conduct a population census • Measurable objective: To provide information on the demographic characteristics of the country at all levels of government in order to inform policy and planning processes on the state of the population • Comprises: • Population Census • Demographic Analysis • Health and Vital Statistics

  25. Population Statistics Performance against targets

  26. Population Statistics • Improved small area information and analysis on the people of South Africa • Release and roll out of Census 2001 results • Launches with President and Premiers • Over 150 institutions have electronic Community Profiles • Over 100 000 Census in Brief booklets distributed • Innovations such as My Constituency and Digital Atlas • Reports such as Municipality Report and Primary Tables • Demographic studies on fertility, disability and education

  27. Population Statistics Improvements for the current and next three years • Inter-censal municipal level information through the Census Replacement Survey 2006 • Ensuring the best-ever Census in 2011 by testing and planning now • Promoting coherent information on the population by working with Home Affairs on population register • Better understanding of migration through analysis of population and migration data • Informing strategies to target disease by producing historical and current causes of death data

  28. Programme four Quality and Integration

  29. Quality and Integration • Purpose: To improve the integration, quality and use of official statistics • Measurable objective: To provide integrated social, economic and demographic information that enhances the quality and usage of official statistics • Comprises: • Quality and methodology • Integrative Analysis • National Accounts • Human Capacity Development

  30. Quality and Integration Performance against targets

  31. Quality and Integration • Improved quality and capacity for statistics • Improved quality of statistics through development of methodological capacity to support economic and social statistics • Development of turn-around strategy for economic statistics • Official provincial economic data through first official GDP-R publication • Improved understanding of contribution of natural resources to economy through first official satellite account on water • Enhanced the capacity of the department through: • Completion of first group of staff studying in Uganda,Tanzania and Wits • 23 staff members completed ‘matric level’ maths course • Stats SA staff now taking over teaching duties of consultants

  32. Quality and Integration • Improvements for the current and next three years • Continued improvement of quality through: • Sustained development of methodological capacity • Improved samples, methods and products • Ensure the quality of small area data through methodological support to CRS and Census 2011 • Enhanced statistical information on social and poverty issues through the development of analytical capacity • More accurate picture of the size and growth of the economy through re-benchmarking of National Accounts • Systematic development of Stats SA’s capacity through a competency-based human development programme

  33. Programme five Statistical Support and Informatics

  34. Statistical Support and Informatics • Purpose: To optimise the use of technology in the production and use of official statistics, to promote and provide better access to official statistics and develop provincial capacity to support the production and use of official statistics • Measurable objective: To improve service delivery and increase accessibility to statistical products and services through improving and strengthening systems at national, provincial and district level • Comprises: • Geography • Statistical Information Services • System of Registers • Information and Communication Technology • Provincial Offices

  35. Statistical Support and Informatics Performance against targets

  36. Statistical Support and Informatics • Improvements in the use and coverage of statistics • Improved access to and utilisation of statistics through: • Comprehensive geographical dissemination of Census 2001 results • Revamped website • User enquiries service • Broadening coverage of smaller businesses through inclusion of income tax data in business register • Beginnings of provincial level economic statistics through municipal references for business register

  37. Statistical Support and Informatics • Improvements for the current and next three years • Improving government service delivery and statistical accuracy through the address project • Improving accessibility and coherence of statistics through the development of data management and warehousing systems • Understanding user needs through more frequent user consultations especially in provinces • Better reflection of employment in medium-sized enterprises by drawing samples from combined VAT and income tax frame

  38. Summary Achievements and plans

  39. Summary Top five achievements of 2003/04 • Release and dissemination of Census 2001 results • Publishing economic statistics based on new business register • Published the first of ongoing General Household Survey • First staff members returned from studies in Uganda and Tanzania • Revamped website seeing greater usage of information

  40. Summary • Top five initiatives for 2004/05 to 2007/08 • Providing municipal data through the Census Replacement Survey • Ensuring an accurate CPI through direct price collections • Measuring the second economy through SESE and consumer survey • Improving accessibility and usage of statistics though data management and warehousing • Ensuring compliance through transforming the support functions

  41. Financial information

  42. Financial Information

  43. Implementing Government’s programme of action

  44. Government’s programme of action Policy Objective(1) – Comprehensive Social Security System (1.00) Programme Activity: Poverty Measures-Research to audit poverty measures used by different departments (1.04) Policy Objective(6) – Evidence Based Decision Making (6.0) Programme Activity: Create strong information base for good governance and service for the developmental state (6.01) Urgently improving our knowledge of what goes on in service delivery institutions (schools, clinics, etc) (6.03) Policy Objective (9) – Develop an integrated cluster strategy to intervene in the second economy incorporating existing initiatives that are currently unco-ordinated Programme Activity: Immediately launch research into economic activities in Second Economy communities at the same time as it implements the Cabinet decision on a comprehensive household survey and allocation of addresses to all households – time frame of implementation to be brought forward from 2006 (9.20)

  45. Implementation of plan of action • Poverty measures • GHS, Census and CRS all provide poverty information • Impending report on poverty lines and profiles • Evidence-based decision making • NSS programme • Building of statistical capacity in national departments • Working with Presidency and Depts of Education, Transport, Agriculture, Science and Tech, Social Development, Home Affairs, Health and various provinces and local authorities • Development index framework for municipalities • Economic activities in second economy; Comprehensive household survey; Allocation of addresses to all households • Second economy measured through: LFS; SESE (2005 and 2008) and Consumer Survey in 2008 • Census Replacement Survey – 2006 • Address project (with other agencies)

  46. Stats SA and the Statistics Council

  47. Purpose of advancing Planning Production Analysis Documentation Storage Dissemination … of official and other statistics and The Statistics Act, Act No. 06 of 1999

  48. Providing for Statistician-General as head of Statistics South Africa The Statistics Council The Minister Duties for Minister, SG and Statistics Council Relationship among them

  49. Statistics Council has raised concerns that their advice has not been heeded by Stats SA True in some instances! Stats SA maintains that Council role is only advisory Efforts to define relationship started in 2001 Misunderstanding between Stats SA and the Statistics Council

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