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Administrative and Legal Committee. Goal:. Advocate for the establishment of state-level laws and administrative policies facilitating the development and management of geographic information resources.
Administrative and Legal Committee Goal: Advocate for the establishment of state-level laws and administrative policies facilitating the development and management of geographic information resources.
Establishment of Administrative procedures for the promotion of Geographic Information Data sharing. • Establishment of adequate and stable source of funding for GIS Development within the state. Administrative and Legal Committee Objectives: • Legislative Watch Dog to review any pending legislation with Geographic Information Implications.
Administrative and Legal Committee Obtainable Goal for 2002: Assist in the development of a State Web Portal for the inventory and dissemination of geographic Information. Identify the needs of the Portal which are directly related to the goals of the Administrative and Legal Committee. Act on these needs per the Tasks identified in revised Strategic Plan.
AGIC Conference Committee • GoalsHost an annual conference for the Arizona GIS communityProvide the Arizona GIS community educational and networking opportunities regarding GIS issues, technology and implementation.Promote partnering opportunities and efforts on GIS projects and acquisitions.
AGIC Conference Committee • 2002 Objectives • Hold the conference in the Greater Phoenix area. • Collaborate with other agencies, vendors and professional organizations, as appropriate, to plan and conduct the conference. • Provide educational workshops, presentations and seminars. • Integrate an AGIC Board Meeting and policy issues into the conference agenda.
EDUCATION COMMITTEE Goal: The goal of the Education Subcommittee is to provide accurate information regarding GIS education efforts and status in Arizona and to help strengthen GIS-related education programs in Arizona.
EDUCATION COMMITTEE Objectives: 1. To identify and disseminate existing GIS education opportunities. 2. To identify and disseminate career development opportunities for the GIS professional. 3. To identify and disseminate GIS opportunities for students. 4. To identify and disseminate current events involving GIS and education. 5. To develop a strong partnership between the academic and GIS communities in Arizona.
PARCEL IDENTIFICATION COMMITTEE (PIC) • Goal 1: Inventory existing Arizona GIS Parcel data bases. • Evaluate/Determine what metadata exists for each GIS parcel data set. • Create new metadata where none exists. • Update as existing data are revised, updated, or added. • Goal 2: Survey Control for Parcels and Governmental Units • Inventory local survey control databases • Publish available data on the AZ GeoServer • Review applicable policy and statute • recommend changes in policy and statute to obtain coordinates for survey data
PARCEL IDENTIFICATION COMMITTEE (PIC) • Goal 3: Inventory of PLSS Corners used to reference parcel data. • Evaluate/Determine what metadata exists for each section corner. • Create new metadata where none exists. • Goal 4: Review existing Parcel Standards and identify a State Parcel Standard and establish a minimal set of parcel attributes to allow the sharing of parcel data between counties and the State. • Goal 5: Create and publish a set of policy guidelines concerning the appropriate (and inappropriate) uses of GIS parcel resources based on known metadata characteristics.
Ortho-Imagery Committee Objectives: Develop a strategy (or strategies) for the maintenance of a public domain State-level orthoimage base. Explore alternatives for the efficient dissemination of this data.
Ortho-Imagery Committee Assumptions: That a statewide orthoimage base has value That we need to explore a variety of paths for maintaining it Issues: Size impacts maintenance and dissemination strategies Data access policy impacts any maintenance plan.
Ortho-Imagery Committee Actions: Minimum content specification? Develop a data maintenance proposal. Explore technologies that will assist with data dissemination. Write a draft report, with recommendations. Sporadically engage data users in a review and discussion
Outreach Committee Eva Reid Jason Howard Nicole Dykert Santiago Garcia sgarcia@dot.state.az.us
Outreach Goals • Promote the use and awareness of geographic information and related technologies in Arizona and increase awareness of and participation in AGIC
Outreach Objectives • Make recommendations to the Administrative and Legal Committee regarding additions and changes to the AGIC Board membership • Enhance the AGIC website as an outreach and information site • Create and disseminate a promotional brochure for AGIC
Objectives continued • Create and disseminate a promotional brochure highlighting actual and potential uses in Arizona of geographic information and related technologies • Produce a quarterly newsletter to disseminate on the Internet and E-mail
AGIC TECHNOLOGY COMMITTEE GOAL: To Develop efficient and effective methods for the physical exchange of geographic information via hardware, software and communications OBJECTIVES: • Identify and describe a framework of data exchange services and client types • Develop a list and description of components needed to satisfy the particular data exchange roles and services • Develop a list of demonstration project participants to demonstrate the roles from a small list of state agencies • Develop a list of components necessary at each node to perform the demonstration project • Determine target audiences and develop the actual demonstrations
AGICTransportation Committee Goals and Objectives
Committee Goal Assist ADOT in coordinating the creation and maintenance of a statewide transportation GIS database with addressed centerlines
Short- term Objectives • complete the I-Team process for the Transportation Layer • research successful transportation GIS projects in other states, paying particular attention to: • alternatives for adding the address component (ranges) to the existing ADOT transportation coverage • methods for integrating existing local road data, as created/maintained by local governments, into the statewide transportation data layer
Long- term Objectives • Conduct a pilot project implementing research methods. Pilot area will be limited to a sub-region of the State (i.e. county, MPO) • (assuming the pilot project is successful) Assist ADOT in updating the statewide transportation layer with addressed, local roads
Arizona Geographic Information Council Strategic Plan 2002-2003 Oblique view of Arizona geology draped over 15 arc second digital elevation model
Table of Contents AGIC Vision Mission Statement Background Accomplishments to Date Overview Data Standardization and Sharing Data Development Education and Outreach Appendicies
AGIC Vision The vision of AGIC is to facilitate the provision of credible, timely and accurate geographic information for widespread use by decision-makers and the citizens of Arizona. Mission Statement The mission of AGIC is to coordinate the development and management of geographic information in Arizona. AGIC promotes the use of GIS and related technologies to address problems, develop plans, and manage the natural, economic and infrastructure resources of the state.
Background The Arizona Geographic Information Council (AGIC) was established by Executive Order 89-24 as Arizona's primary forum and oversight group for geographic information and related technology issues. In its efforts to optimize the State's investment in geographic data and technology, AGIC identifies standards, facilitates coordination efforts, and provides guidance for GIS development and implementation strategies. AGIC facilitates the acquisition, exchange and management of geographic information and technology for the State of Arizona. This benefits both state agencies and the Arizona GIS community at large by encouraging cooperation and building partnerships. AGIC meets on a regular basis and conducts an Annual GIS Conference to address and coordinate statewide geographic information and technology issues, requirements and solutions.
Accomplishments to Date Initiated implementation of Arizona State Cartographer Position Statewide Survey of GIS Community; Statewide Hydrology Data (1:100,000); State Representative to National States Geographic Information Council Acquisition of Statewide 1993 Landsat Imagery Initiated Arizona GIS Day Statewide Cadastral Integration Project Acquisition of State-wide Digital Photographs Annual State GIS Conferences (since 1993) Coordination of Statewide Transportation Database Developing New Statewide GIS Standards Extended Coordination with Federal and Regional Organizations Sponsor National Geodetic Survey State Advisor AGIC Web Site Outreach to Potential New Members Ongoing coordination with State, Federal, Local Government and Private Sector
Overview • AGIC has identified three broad goals relevant to accomplishing its mission. These goals serve as a focus for AGIC Committees which seek to promote the use of GIS statewide. • The three goals are: • Data Standardization and Sharing • Data Development • Education and Outreach • Objectives and associated actions that will further these goals are detailed below.
Objective Action Committee Establish legislative Watch Group to review pending legislation that might have GIS implications Set up liaison opportunities between state organizations and agencies to identify potential GIS issues at the legislative level Legal / Administrative Address Federal Legislative efforts that may impact state level concerns, using AGIC delegate to NSGIC. Legal / Administrative Establish adequate and stable source(s) of funding for GIS development. Inventory existing pricing practices and discover how current $4 DOR surcharge is being utilized throughout the state to promote GIS Information. Legal / Administrative Inventory current data partnerships, data sources and existing data pricing policies. Establish administrative procedures for the promotion of GIS Data sharing. Develop a generic MOU template for data sharing agreements Legal / Administrative Technology Establish standards for data ownership and rights of producers of geographic information Legal / Administrative Technology Develop a generic MOU template for data sharing agreements Legal / Administrative Technology Data Standardization and Sharing
Objective Action Committee Develop efficient and effective methods for the physical exchange of geographic information via hardware, software, and communications technologies and create a demonstration project that showcases these methods and technologies. Identify and describe a framework of data exchange services and client types which could be developed to assist in the implementation of better use and dissemination of GIS Data. Technology Develop a brief description of and list of components needed to satisfy the particular data exchange roles and services (service servers vs. clients of services). Technology Develop a list of demonstration project participants from a small list of state agencies Technology Develop functional roles matrix of services, service providers and clients for the participants utilizing the classification system described above. Select a subset of the list and potential participants for a demo/core project. Technology Develop a list of components necessary at each node to perform the demonstration project Technology Perform a gap analysis to determine what is needed at each node to conduct the demonstration project. This could be needed for development or needed for purchase and development. Technology Data Standardization and Sharing Continued
Objective Action Committee Assist Arizona Department of Public Safety and other Safety Related agencies and organizations to obtain GIS data to be used by the Arizona Preparedness Task Force Identify data layers needed by DPS to fulfill its duties in security and emergency response and arrange for acquisition of data and for periodic updates. Homeland Security Legal/Admin Data Standardization and Sharing Continued
Objective Action Committee Make available a cohesive set of geodetic control with highest accuracy possible for the State of Arizona. Inventory existing GIS parcel resources and metadata. PIC Inventory local control databases and make available through the AZ Geo Server. PIC In conjunction with the surveyor community, encourage changes that would increase the use of control in cadastral surveys. PIC Review existing parcel standards and identify a State Parcel Standard. Establish a minimal set of parcel attributes to allow sharing of data between counties and the state. PIC Admin / Legal Create and publish policy guidelines concerning the appropriate usages of GIS parcel resources based on known metadata characteristics. PIC Assist ADOT in coordinating the creation and maintenance of a statewide transportation GIS database with addressed centerlines. Complete I-Team process for the Transportation Layer Transportation Research successful alternatives for adding the address component to existing coverages and for integrating local data into statewide data. Transportation DataDevelopment
Objective Action Committee Make available a statewide coverage of Digital Orthoimagery that is as up to date as possible. Develop maintenance procedures for DOQs in Arizona. Imagery Determine best available technology for DOQQ dissemination. Imagery Data Development Continued
Objective Action Committee Provide accurate information regarding GIS education opportunities. Identify and disseminate information regarding GIS education, Certificate Programs, career development, internships, and conferences. Education Develop partnerships between academic and GIS communities. Assist efforts to promote K-12 GIS curricula and teacher opportunities. Education Create web page to show how GIS is used in schools currently. Education Promote the use and awareness of Geographic Information and related technologies and increase awareness of and participation in AGIC. Make recommendations to the Admin and Legal Committee regarding additiosn and changes to the AGIC Board membership. Outreach Admin / Legal Enhance the AGIC website as an outreach and information site. Outreach Create and disseminate a promotional brochure for AGIC, as well as a quarterly newsletter. Outreach Hold annual AGIC conference for the purpose of networking GIS professionals, sharing information, and creating opportunities for new partnerships. Conference Coordinate with other Geographic related conferences to insure that AGIC has a presence and is integrated into the larger Geographic community. Conference Education and Outreach
Appendices I-Teams Committee Chairs and Members Board Members and Make-up Epilogue: Future Directions