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World School Biathlon. A GREAT DEVELOPMENT TOOL. The best pentathletes in the world normally come from a swimming and running background . The vast majority are former swimmers that also happen to be good runners.
Thebestpentathletes in theworldnormally come from a swimming and runningbackground. • Thevastmajority are formerswimmersthatalsohappentobegoodrunners.
The World School Biathlon is a fun and simple to organize event which helps federations increase their membership and also recruit the right type of athletes for international events. • It is also a great opportunity to expose thousands of youngsters to modern pentathlon and our scoring system which attempts to balance the performances in different sports.
World School Biathlon • Competition system as established in UIPM rules It is a system of competition which allows athletes worldwide to compete against each other by having the federations send the results to the UIPM who will in turn compile them and maintain the current world standings on the UIPM website.
UIPM establishes final yearly result standings • Timeline for the yearly rankings: January to October • Top 3 finishers will receive medals • Top 8 finishers will receive UIPM diplomas
UIPM willkeep a record of the total number of nations, schools and clubs and athletestakingparteveryyear • Itwillbeinitiallyfundedby UIPM and therespectiveNationalFederations. Itisexpectedtogrow and developto a levelthatwillbeattractiveto sponsors in thefuture. • Sendresultstowsb@pentathlon.org
k School Biathlon adds money and participants to your program • More athletes, more clubs, more funding. • Many private organizers make money with events like these.
This is an event that tends to grow from year to year if you maintain contact with the clubs and schools and promote with sufficient time. • The event may be organized in one or two days.
Possiblealliesorcontacts • Swim clubs (Mustcoordinate dates withthemfirst) • Schools • Track clubs • Triathlons (Especiallyyouthevents) • Othersports clubs
Additionalpromotional ideas tobeimplemented in theSchoolBiathlons • ModernPentathlonexhibitions • Shooting, ridingorfencingdemonstrations • Video orpresentationsbyolympicpentathletes • Shooting test with laser or air pistols • Combinedeventsdemonstration
World School Biathlon • Recruit the right type of athletes • Increase membership and participation • Inrease revenue and exposure • Promote combined sports • Teach and promote modern pentathlon WorldSchoolBiathlon