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The Nation Splits in Two – 16.4

The 1860 election saw the split of the Democratic Party, leading to Lincoln's victory and triggering secession in the South. Lincoln's inauguration, Fort Sumter bombing, and call for volunteers marked the onset of the Civil War.

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The Nation Splits in Two – 16.4

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  1. The Nation Splits in Two – 16.4

  2. Election of 1860 • Democratic party splits in two • Northern Democrats nominate Stephen Douglas • Southerners reject Douglas • Southerners nominate John Breckenridge • Split of Democrats virtually ensure a Republican victory Democratic Convention in Baltimore 1860

  3. Election of 1860 #2 • Republicans nominate Lincoln a “dark horse” candidate • 4th Party Constitutional Union – John Bell • Lincoln wins with 40% of the vote • Breckenridge comes in second in electoral votes John Bell of Tennessee – candidate of the Constitutional Union Party

  4. One More Compromise? • South believes Lincoln’s election leaves them no choice but to secede • John Crittenden of Kentucky proposes a compromise in December 1860 • Crittenden Compromise – forever guarantee slavery South of MO line • Both sides reject it John Crittenden of Kentucky One of his sons fought for the Union another for the Confederacy

  5. The Confederacy • South Carolina is first in Confederate States of America – CSA • South Carolina passed a "Resolution to Call the Election of Abraham Lincoln as U.S. President a Hostile Act" Laurence Keitt Abolition leader in South Carolina Keitt was censured by the House in 1856 for aiding

  6. The Confederacy #2 • 7 states of the Deep South secede between December 1860 & March 1861 • Jefferson Davis of Mississippi is chosen as President • Write a Constitution based on U.S. Constitution Original Confederate Flag – “Stars & Bars”

  7. Lincoln Takes Office • March 4, 1861 Lincoln’s inauguration • Two Goals: • Maintain the Union • Avoid war – says he will not start it • Believes Union cannot be broken • Renews pledge to not touch slavery where it exists Lincoln’s Inauguration

  8. Fort Sumter • Guarded Charleston Harbor in SC • Last Federal fort of significance in new Confederacy • Union tries to re-supply the fort – turned away by Southern guns

  9. Fort Sumter #2 • April 11 Confederates ask for surrender • April 13 fort bombed • Lincoln calls for volunteers to put down rebellion • States of the Upper South secede – AR, VA, NC Bombing of Fort Sumter April 13, 1861

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