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Charting Sustainability Principles for WASH Sector Commitment

Collaborative session to brainstorm and develop guiding principles for a sustainability charter in the WASH sector. Drafting, feedback, charter creation, and future steps discussed.

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Charting Sustainability Principles for WASH Sector Commitment

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Breakout Session: Charting Principles of Sustainability Photo Objective Participants identify proposed principles that could form the basis of a sector-wide commitment/standard around sustainability. Photo by Brent Stirton/Getty Images, Courtesy of The Coca-Cola Company

  2. Charting Principles of Sustainability Moderated by: Mark McNamee Ani Shehigian Rick Shriner

  3. Introduction Session objective: Build the foundation for a WASH Sustainability Charterby brainstorming guiding principles.

  4. Developing a WASH sustainability charter Charter components Mission Principle Principle Principle Principle Principle Practice Practice Metric Metric

  5. Developing a WASH sustainability charter Draftprinciples Obtain feedback Develop charter Draftmission / vision Develop practices / metrics WASH sustainability process map

  6. Developing WASH sustainability principles Mission Why? What? Example: End users should participate in planning processes. Principle Practice How? Metric If …

  7. Key elements of sustainability “Improved health” “Sufficient capacity” “Toilets available” “Intended benefits” “Keep water flowing” “Ensured quality” “Equity” DESIRED OUTCOMES “Financial services” “Improved economic conditions” “Local use / ownership” “Reliable funding” “Ecological preservation” “Improved education” “Continuous benefits” “Self-sufficient” “Knowledge transfer” “Public / private engagement” TIME “Long-term” “Over time” “Future generations” “Forever”

  8. Instructions for brainstorming principles • Break into 9 groups (based on nametag number) • Draft 6-8 principles based on different dimensions of WASH sustainability • Present 2-3 principles to the overall group You will have 30 minutes to complete this exercise.

  9. Next steps Draftprinciples Obtain feedback Develop charter Draftmission / vision Develop practices / metrics WASH sustainability process map

  10. Closing Session: Moving Forward Objective To clarify next steps and how participants can stay involved in sustainability efforts in the WASH sector.

  11. Triple-S and Sensemaker@ • Approach to learning + software to assess change • It starts with telling a story and you signify it... Your story is about……? POLICY N/A PRACTICE FINANCING

  12. Triple-S and Sensemaker@ • Analyzing trends from qualitative inputs

  13. Next Steps - announcements • Water for People – collaborative monitoring initiative • WASH Advocacy Initiative • Deloitte – financial tools and templates

  14. Moving forward Draftprinciples Obtain feedback Develop charter Draftmission / vision Develop practices / metrics WASH sustainability process map On-going work in coming months

  15. Continue the Conversation… Join us for hors d’oeuvres @ PrimiPiatti – 2013 I St. NW Only 2 blocks from The World Bank

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