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Användare & Användning av konvergerande medier. Anders Hektor Nita, Nationellt IT-användarcentrum (www.nita.uu.se) Något kort om Nita Användare: Användarforskningens rötter Avhandlingens modell Avhandlingens resultat Användning: Armékniv eller blender? Erfarenheter från Japan.
Användare & Användning av konvergerande medier • Anders Hektor • Nita, Nationellt IT-användarcentrum (www.nita.uu.se) • Något kort om Nita • Användare: • Användarforskningens rötter • Avhandlingens modell • Avhandlingens resultat • Användning: • Armékniv eller blender? • Erfarenheter från Japan Anders Hektor KTH, 03.10.09
Nita, Nationellt IT-Användarcentrum Anders Hektor—Föreståndare Jan Gulliksen—Ordförande Lena Herulf—Informatör Sören Lindh—Tjänstedesign Annette Viklund—Ekonomi Ewert Bengtsson—Projektledare
Centrumbildning vid Uppsala universitet • Startade hösten 2001 • Invigde verskamheten maj 2002 • Finansierat av Vinnova, Uppsala universitet, IT-industri
Syfte ”Att stödja industri och akademi i att skapa nyttig och användbar IT och IT-baserade tjänster”
Aktiviteter • www.nita.uu.se • Nyhetsbrev • Seminarier / konferens / workshop
www.nita.uu.se Seminars/ Workshops Newsletter Anders Hektor Nordea 2002.12.13 General on IT-use/users Specific on topical issues Calendar of events
Fokusområden • IT-användning—generiskt • IT-nytta • Användbarhet • Standardisering • Tjänstedesign • IT i skolan • IT i arbetslivet • Mobila tjänster • IT-användarstatistik
Projektråd: • Jan Gulliksen, Uppsala universitet (Ordförande) • Kerstin Severinson-Eklundh, KTH • Niklas Hallberg, Linköpings universitet/FOI • MariAnne Karlsson, CTH • Erik Kruse, Vinnova / Ericsson comsumer lab • Ylva Hambraeus Björling, IT-Företagen • Simon Winter, AU-System • Tone Petrelius, TCO-Development • Kim Alpgård, Swedpower
Vetenskapligt råd: • John Sören Pettersson, Karlstad universitet (Ordförande) • Bengt Sandblad, Uppsala universitet • Sara Eriksén, BTH • Mike Stott, Designhögskolan i Umeå • Åke Walldius, KTH • Elsa Rosenblad, CTH
7 maj Seminarium om IT-användning i arbetslivet • 27 maj workshop kring användare av mobila tjänster • (9 sept Aktionsgruppen för mobilmarknaden) • 11 nov Hearing om IT-användarstatistik • 28 jan Framtidsfokus kring mobila tjänster • 28 jan Användare som tjänsteutvecklare • 11 feb IT-användning i skolan • (11 feb Hemställan till Ulrica Messing) • 13 feb seminarium om IT-användarstatistik
6-7 maj Konferensen Användarnas Röst: Bättre IT-nytta på arbetsplatsen • 11 april Seminarium Forskningserfarenheter att ta med i arbetet med 24h-m • 15 maj Seminarium Funktionshinder och IT: Erfarenheter av användarmedverkan”
Inventering av IT-användarforskning i svenska akademi • Enkät användbarhetsarbete i svensk industri • Rapport: Japans utveckling av IT för vardagsbruk • Nätverk för IT-nytta • World Internet Institute • Tjänstedesign • Institutet för Human Teknologi
? ? • IT-kommissionen • Delegationen för IT-användning (Gunnar Lund) • IT-politiska referensgruppen (Ulrica Messing) • IT-propp • Forksningspolitisk propp ? ? ?
Användarforskningens rötter • ”turn to the user” 1972-1986-? • Inte fokus på MDI • Design/explanation-divide • STS/SST/SCOT/PICT/EMTEL • Social network • ”Use the user” • IDAG: Tjänstedesign/Design Science/”IT Doesn’t Matter” Anders Hektor KTH, 03.10.09
Modellen • Inkluderar alla IS • Omfattar vardagens sammanhang • Inkluderar andras närvaro • Inkluderar alla Informationsaktiviteter Anders Hektor KTH, 03.10.09
Modellen • Everyday life is an unbroken sequence of many and • diverse activities. • When several activities can be seen to be related, they can be described as being part in a project. • As one is engaged in a project, gaps appear between wants and solutions, discussed as problems. • Such problems are resolved from the input of either physical activities or information activities. Anders Hektor KTH, 03.10.09
Modellen • Environment: • People & Setting Smak (Habitus), profil (novelty seeking) personliga Nätverk, bildningsvana, Stress, Tillit • Problems & Resolutions (need, want, desire) Gap-bridge, “pertinent to the setting” E-life = activities = projects = problems = Info-activities = Förutsägbart beteende? Anders Hektor KTH, 03.10.09
Modellen • ICT-Setting: • Constraints & Enablers Stress och andra ”kostnader” Resource investment (opportunist) • Tillgång Fysisk Erfarenhetsmässig Praktisk Anders Hektor KTH, 03.10.09
Modellen • Information Activity: • En till snurrebutt: Anders Hektor KTH, 03.10.09
Information activities 1/8 Search & Retrieve describes activities strictly relating to an information-seeking behavior. It is very much an active and directed behavior. Anders Hektor H.O.I.T. 2003
Information activities 2/8 Browsing is the act of moving in a limited environment, with some level of perceived probability to encounter a resource of some value. Expecting these results, browsing is undertaken as a strategy to maybe find something of high value, and surely getting familiar with the environment, perceived to be a value in itself. Anders Hektor H.O.I.T. 2003
Information activities 3/8 Monitoring describes an information-gathering behavior that is both intentional and incidental: The information systems turned to are intentional, and the information gathered is incidental. Monitoring is distinguished from browsing by being directed to a familiar source that is regularly updated, where the monitoring, in part, reaffirms the agent by providing a stable and predictable form and, in part, supplies valued information. Anders Hektor H.O.I.T. 2003
Information activities 4/8 Unfolding is suggested to denote activities of continually directed attention towards an information system and the symbolic display it offers, for instance by looking and listening, and thereby taking part of a content. Unfolding may be reading a book or an article, listening to a newscast, or experiencing a movie or something on the television. Anders Hektor H.O.I.T. 2003
Information activities 5/8 Exchange represent the acts of ’giving’ and ’getting’ messages in a communicative behavior. It is bi-directional and can be said to have unfolding and dressing (se below) as constituent parts. Anders Hektor H.O.I.T. 2003
Information activities 6/8 Dressing is the name for activities where information is framed and a cognitive product is externalized (consciously or not) by acting individual. Anders Hektor H.O.I.T. 2003
Information activities 7/8 Instruct is part of an information-giving behavior. The giving is social but unidirectional from the individual to an anonymous or generalized counterpart. Making a request for a purchase on the Internet is one example of an instruct-activity. Another is paying bills, either by postal service, by telephone or by the Internet. Anders Hektor H.O.I.T. 2003
Information activities 8/8 Publishing is an activity where an individualgive information by posting it for others to take part in. Publishing information is different from instruct-activities by being less administrative, more personal and often more extensive. Putting an ad in the paper or in the local store, posting a website, making a comment to a newsgroup are all publications of information. Anders Hektor H.O.I.T. 2003
Modellen • Outcome & Change: • Cognitive Upplysning, reducera/öka osäkerhet, gap-bridge, instruktioner, förvirring, • Emotional +värden: bekräftelse, motivation, sällskap, underhållning, nöje -värden: frustration, misströstan, ånger, nedstämdhet, • Behavioral Fysisk aktivitet, effektuering, beslut, info-gåva, samling, soc+/- Anders Hektor KTH, 03.10.09
Resultat • Modellen i sig • Vissa empiriska nyheter Anders Hektor KTH, 03.10.09
Resultat # 1 To the respondents, the Internet is a resource to information that is used when a more convenient information system does not resolve the problem at hand, and when it is considered to be the most convenient information system. Anders Hektor KTH, 03.10.09
Resultat # 2 The respondents’ search & retrieve-activities for reference information are in response to immediate needs that are resolved (satisficed) at the time of the search. For this purpose the WWW is a complementary source for information. The respondents’ search & retrieve-activities for market information relates to deferred needs in line with a change-project that are not resolved at the time of the search. The WWW is often a first instance of search but is followed by searches in other sources before the problem is resolved; i.e. a decision is made or an action is taken. Anders Hektor KTH, 03.10.09
Resultat # 3 All search & retrieve-activities of which the respondents report have social connotations. Anders Hektor KTH, 03.10.09
Resultat # 4 When the respondents modify a habitual monitoring it is as a change-project. Anders Hektor KTH, 03.10.09
Resultat # 5 The respondents’ design of the generic project of staying up-to-date, i.e. the choices of what to monitor, is the result of satisficing between relevant and accessible information, and it is influenced by experiences of pull-stress, and push-stress. Anders Hektor KTH, 03.10.09
Resultat # 6 The respondents exhibit a Paradox of Unfolding Preference in that they value unfolding more than monitoring, but it has to yield to all the monitoring to be done in order to find relevant information to unfold. Anders Hektor KTH, 03.10.09
Resultat # 7 The respondents value active unfolding more than passive unfolding. The respondents turn to television for passive unfolding, and to the WWW and print for active unfolding. Anders Hektor KTH, 03.10.09
Resultat # 8 Some respondents assess information that is found to concern problems and projects owned by someone that they know, as relevant. Anders Hektor KTH, 03.10.09
Var är vi nu i presentationen? • Något kort om Nita • Användare: • Användarforskningens rötter • Avhandlingens modell • Avhandlingens resultat • Användning: • Armékniv eller blender? • Erfarenheter från Japan Anders Hektor KTH, 03.10.09
Användare: Armékniv eller blender? General purpose - pc / web terminals / tablets / pocket pc / pda Dedicated devices - special appliances serving single or few purposes. - permeateing all information-activities of everyday life Anders Hektor KTH, 03.10.09
Användare: Armékniv eller blender? Living room / den / office - Books Reader tablets - Games PS2, X box - Audio Cd, minidisc, MP3, Web-radio - Photo Digiframes - TV / Video DVD, web-TV - Phones Screenphone, smartphone
Användare: Armékniv eller blender? Conceptualy clear - user friendly, intuitive, easy to understand - purpose oriented, no competing usage Stable - not complex, trustworthy, predictable, easy to operate Cheap - affordable