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Scientific Method and the Metric System

Scientific Method and the Metric System. The Scientific Method Scientific method : a logical approach to solving problems by observing and collecting data, formulating hypotheses, and formulating theories that are supported by data. Observing and Collecting Data.

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Scientific Method and the Metric System

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  1. Scientific Method and the Metric System The Scientific Method Scientific method: a logical approach to solving problems by observing and collecting data, formulating hypotheses, and formulating theories that are supported by data

  2. Observing and Collecting Data • Observing: the use of the senses to obtain information • Qualitative-descriptive • Quantitative-numerical • System: a specific portion of matter in a given region of space that has been selected for study during an experiment or observation

  3. Formulating Hypotheses • Hypothesis: A testable statement • Serves as a basis for making predictions and for carrying out further experiments • Often “if-then” statements • Logic

  4. Testing Hypotheses • Requires experimentation that provides data to support or refute a hypothesis or theory • If the data does not support the predictions, then the generalizations on which the predictions were based must be discarded or modified

  5. Theorizing • When the data from experiments confirm the hypothesis, scientists use models to explain what they observed • Model: in science is more than a physical object: it is often an explanation of how phenomena occur and how data or events are related. • If a model successfully explains a phenomena, it may become part of theory • Theory: broad generalizations that explains a body of facts or phenomena

  6. Scientific Method is NOT… • LINEAR!!! • It IS….complicated and messy

  7. Versions of the scientific method http://www.newenergytimes.com/v2/images/ScientificMethod.jpg http://opinionsandexpressions.files.wordpress.com/2008/09/20071210_scientificmethod.png

  8. More versions of the scientific method Important! http://www.lewis.edu/steve/science/images/SMflowchart.jpeg http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.sciencebuddies.org/science-fair-projects/overview_scientific_method2.gif&imgrefurl=http://www.sciencebuddies.org/science-fair-projects/project_scientific_method.shtml&usg=__D_X7ZRgf5v_lAJbIgGY5yeJg-yo=&h=348&w=362&sz=16&hl=en&start=1&zoom=1&um=1&itbs=1&tbnid=0tCD1dZBQbnH_M:&tbnh=116&tbnw=121&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dscientific%2Bmethod%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DX%26tbs%3Disch:1

  9. Units of Measurement • You are constantly measuring things (whether you realize it or not)- what units are you most familiar with?

  10. A few ideas • Height- feet/inches (5’8”) • Temperature- F not Celsius • Baking- 1 cup, 1 tablespoon, 1 teaspoon • Drinks- 12 ounces (can of soda) • Weight- pounds (???lbs) • Distance- miles

  11. SI Measurement • SI- a single measurement system adopted in 1960 by the General Conference on Weights and Measurements • Contains 7 base units and many derived

  12. SI Base Units

  13. Mass • Mass- measure of the quantity of matter • SI unit-kilogram • Weight- measure of the gravitational pull on matter • Mass does not depend on such as attraction • Which is why your WEIGHT changes if you go to the moon (1/6 to be exact)

  14. Mountain Dew Mass Demo Who drank a soda yesterday What was it? Did you notice the sugar content? What was the unit of measure in? Can you visualize how much sugar you are actually consuming in a 12oz of soda?

  15. Length • SI unit- meter • United States-miles • Everyone else-kilometers How tall are you in meters?! 1 foot = 0.3048 meters If you are 5’4” so in meters you are 1.6256m

  16. Derived SI Units • Derived units- combinations of SI base units

  17. Volume • Volume: the amount of space occupied by an object • SI unit-m3 • Non-SI unit-Liters • 1000mL=1L • 1000cm3=1Liter • 1L=1000mL=1000cm3

  18. Density • Always remember: • I DENSITY!!!! Density=Mass/Volume

  19. Density • Density: the ratio of mass to volume or mass/volume • SI derived units: mass (kg) and volume (cubic meter) kg/m3 • Characteristic physical property of a substance • Density varies with temperature; generally density decreases with increasing temperature

  20. SI prefixes http://stpatschem11.files.wordpress.com/2009/09/600px-prefixes.png

  21. Conversion Factors • Conversion factor: a ratio from the equality between two different units that can be used to convert from one unit to the other How many minutes are in a day? 1440 minutes How did you do it?

  22. Minutes in a day • _____ minutes per day= 60 minutes/1 hour x 24 hours/ day • Answer: 1440 minutes/day

  23. Handy equation • Quantity sought= quantity given x conversion factor

  24. Derive conversion factors • Derive conversion factors if you know the relationship between the unit you HAVE and the unit you WANT Example: Express a mass of 5.712 grams in milligrams and in kilograms Hint: 1gram=1000mg 1kg=1000 grams

  25. Answer • 5.712 grams x 1000mg/1gram=5712milgrams • 5.712grams x 1 kg/1000grams =.005712kg

  26. Practice makes perfect • Complete the following conversions: • 10.5g=____kg • 1.57km=____m • 1.2L=_____mL • 358cm=_____m • 3548.6mL=_____cm3

  27. answers • Complete the following conversions: • 10.5g=.0105 kg • 1.57km= 1570 m • 1.2L=1200mL • 3548.6mL= 3548.6 cm3

  28. Density problem • The density of gold is 19.3g/cm3. • What is the volume, in cm3, of a sample of gold with mass .715kg?

  29. Answer • 37.05cm3 • ____cm3=.715kg x 1000g/1kg x 1cm3/19.3g

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