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Year 6 Opportunities and Responsibilities - Welcome to School Update

Discover Year 6 opportunities including house captains, Digital leaders, and responsibilities such as SATs and uniform guidelines. Stay updated with events and crucial information for parents. Explore educational activities and key dates.

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Year 6 Opportunities and Responsibilities - Welcome to School Update

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  1. Welcome to Class 6

  2. Every Child Matters Keeping Children Safe in Education 2018 School now needs 2 alternative contacts to the main parent contact. Data sheets will be sent out this week asking parents to provide this. Please check all contact details are up to date.

  3. Year 6 Opportunities • New opportunities and responsibilities: • Responsible for their learning! • House captains • Reception reading partners & school buddies • Peer mediators, Digital leaders, Play leaders • Guides for visitors around the school • Main roles in concerts • Readings in church at Harvest and Christmas • Deliver Harvest goods around the village • SATs • Residential • Setting the 'best' example

  4. Behaviour Children will be awarded Class Dojo points and house points for showing these behaviours. Consequences of not following these rules will be: Rule reminder 2 verbal warnings Lose Dojo point Time out (of classroom/miss playtime) Sent to Headteacher Parents called.

  5. Uniform • School long-sleeved jumper/cardigan • Black school shoes not coloured trainers • White/grey/black socks • Grey/black/red tights • Jewellery is not permitted, apart from stud earrings and watches • Nail varnish and any type of make-up is not permitted. • School PE Kit: red t-shirt, black shorts/skort/trousers and appropriate trainers or daps • Please ensure all clothing is labelled clearly with your child’s name and check it after every few washes to ensure the name has not worn off. Staff always endeavour to return clothing to children and it definitely makes life easier if it’s named.

  6. PSHE Relationships, Kindness, Valuing Difference • Geography – North America • English – Creating and understanding characters • DT – Burgers!

  7. Year 6 Opportunities Residential Dates- Monday February 11th– Friday February 15th (the week before the half-term holiday.) Mill on the Brue Outdoor activity centre Offers over 40 outdoor pursuits, adventurous activities, games and projects. 6 activities per day! Organic meals -locally sourced produce/ own organic vegetables Mill on the Brue coming to talk about their centre at 6pm on Tuesday 25th September. £100 deposit by 28th September 2018. Full cost approx. £350

  8. Who will be teaching your child? • Class teacher – Becky Hayter • Class teacher on Thursday mornings – Ms. Sykes • Class teacher on Tuesday/Thursday afternoons – Mrs.Tucker • TA’s in class – Amy, Karen, Lucy, Hannah

  9. SATs Key stage 2 The key stage 2 tests are timetabled from Monday 13 May to Thursday 16 May 2019.

  10. SATs The English reading test has a greater focus on fictional texts and on the comprehension elements of the new curriculum. The test consists of a reading booklet and a separate answer booklet. Pupils will have a total of 1 hour to read the 3 texts in the reading booklet and complete the questions at their own pace. Paper 1: arithmetic replaces the mental mathematics test. The arithmetic test assesses basic mathematical calculations. 30 mins. The questions will cover straightforward addition and subtraction, more complex calculations with fractions, long divisions and long multiplications Papers 2 and 3 are 40 minutes each.

  11. Homework

  12. WONDER TAKEAWAY HOMEWORK: Choose at least one task from the top section (Light Bites/Specials/Mains) as well as at least one extra task from the bottom section (Sides/Desserts/Extras.) Author Interview:Prepare 10 questions that you would ask the author if you could interview her. Song: Compose a song about how others are treated differently in society. You need at least 10 lines of lyrics with music. 3D/Animation:Create a scene from the book using video animation or build a 3D scene from the book using clay/ lego/cardboard etc. North America:Research one of the 23 North American countries. Prepare to share your findings with the class in a format of your choice (presentation, collage, poster, fact-file etc.) Bullying cartoon strip:Choose one of the scenes in ‘Wonder’ where Auggie is bullied. Create a cartoon strip of this scene. Inheritance: Investigate characteristics that you have inherited from your family. Prepare to share your findings with the class in a format of your choice. Choose Kind: Do something that demonstrates you being ‘kinder than is necessary’ then tell the class about your experience. Self portrait : Create a self-portrait of your face using a mirror. Create a second self-portrait using a bent/ fractured/water covered mirror. Write a summary of how you would feel if you had to come to school looking like your second self portrait. Book Jacket: Create a colourful and engaging book jacket for Wonder that includes a front cover (with illustration, title, author and student name) and back cover with blurb. Birth Story:Ask your family to tell you the story of your birth. Prepare to retell this story to the class in a format of your choice (song, presentation, written story, poster etc)

  13. Reading

  14. Maths

  15. Communication • Class Dojo – for behaviour management and communication – points awarded for showing Grow, Care, Serve, Share. • Friday News – a round up of the week. Do the Friday night rummage and check out homework book! • Either send me a Class Dojo message, call the school or pop in and see me • Always very welcome into school

  16. Key events • Roald Dahl day Thursday 13th September • Farm trip Friday 14th September (afternoon) • Jeans for Genes Friday 21st September • Class 6 Family Assembly 10.15am on Friday 21st September • Residential talk by the Mill on the Brue Tuesday 25th September 6pm in the hall • Harvest service at St. Swithun’s Monday 1st October 9:30am

  17. Your help required • Tight budget, FOBS support very important • Class rep role?

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