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1. GENERAL DESCRIPTION M/V TBN was built in 2007 in Croatian shipyard ``Brodogradiliste Specijalnih Objekata`` (BSO) in Split , as NB 507. This IS a 52 PAX Cruise Ship.
1. GENERAL DESCRIPTION M/V TBN was built in 2007 in Croatian shipyard ``Brodogradiliste Specijalnih Objekata`` (BSO) in Split , as NB 507. This IS a 52 PAX Cruise Ship. She is 58 m long, 8mm steel plates built, with aluminum wheelhouse and bulbous bow. For today’s shipbuilding standards her hull and steel constructions are of exceptional quality. On three Passenger decks, there are 18 double cabins with balconies (cabin deck), 6 double cabins (main deck), 2 single cabins (lower deck), 2 single cabins for trip leaders. On lower deck are kitchen laundry and crew area, with storage and provision rooms. Main deck is for restaurant and lobby, offering to Passengers very unique private yacht feeling during whole stay onboard. On top aft of wheel house, there is sun deck area (250 m2) with teak floor and bar with tables for all Passengers including sun beds.
During building, owner have insisted that the high noise and vibrations reduction requests with builder, so main deck is completely insulated from machinery spaces with 50mm floating floor, providing exceptional, fire, noise and vibration protection. She is fully complying with SOLAS requirements for passenger ships on international voyages.
2. SHIPS PARTICULARS TYPE: PASSENGER CRUISER (great coastal voyages) IMO No: TBA CALL SIGN: TBA PORT OF REGISTRY: VALLETTA FLAG: MALTA YEAR OF BUILD: 2007. YARD: Brodogradiliste specijalnih objekata (BSO), Croatia GROSS TONNAGE: 1206 NET TONNAGE: 374 LENGTH OVERALL: 58,8 m BEAM: 10,9 m DRAUGHT (molded): 3.0m PASSENGER No: 52 CREW No: 23 max ENGINES: 2 X CUMMINS KTA 38M1, 820 kW@1800rpm DIESEL ELECTRIC PLANT: 3 X CUMMINS QSM11, 250 kW each / STAMFORD 380 V / 3Phase PROPULSION: 2 propellers, coupled to engines via reversible gearboxes BOW THRUSTER: electric, 100 kW SPEED: economic - 13,1 knot FUEL CAPACITY: 123 000 LIT (low sulphur gas oil) AUTONOMY: 3800 Nm CLASSIFICATION SOCIETY: Croatian Register of Shipping
2. TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION Main engines and propulsion arrangement Two Cummins KTA 38, 12 cyl, 4 stroke, diesels are of modern generation engines, with low specific fuel consumption and meeting latest Air pollution restriction requirements. Engines are coupled directly to reversible ZF 3050 gearbox, Vulkan flexible coupling, direct drive shafts to fixed pitch propellers. Engines are fully operable from bridge (AUT2). Full engine protection automation is installed, as well as electrical heaters for engines. There are two rudders, with double hydraulic power pack, bridge, local and Emcy operable. AMOS 9.2 version is used as approved Planned Maintenance System for all systems and machinery. Auxiliary engines and power distribution Installed are 3 Cummins QSM 11, 6 cylinders diesel generators in engine room, each of 250 kW nominal output, coupled to Stamford alternators, 380V, 50 Hz @ 1500 rpm. Generators have full control from bridge (or main switchboard in ER), automatic parallel work synchronization, automatic (load depending) start and stop feature, as well as overload and reverse power protection. Average load in summer operation is 140 kW. Emergency generator (150kw Cummins diesel) and its separate switchboard is, placed in wheelhouse superstructure. From Emcy switchboard all main consumers are supplied. There is UPS unit for Navigation Equipment and 5 sets of 24V batteries: starting (2), general, automation and emcy purpose. Bow thruster is electric, fixed prop, VETH, 100kW
Bridge and Navigation equipment Main: two Furuno arpa radars (X and S); ECDIS; VDR; auto pilot; NAVTEX; AIS; Siemens Symantec touch screen propulsion and power distribution controls; INMARSAT C -Thrane and Thrane earth station; Fleet 33 sat phone and TV system. GMDSS sea area A1, A2, A3 certificate. For further details please see enclosed list of radio equipment and ships Radio license. HVAC System Plant is designed to satisfy following thermal and hygrometric condition: Accommodation . SUMMER – outside +36 °C; 70% r.h. WINTER -outside -15 °C Inside +21 °C; 60% r.h. Inside +20 °C; 50% r.h. Fresh air – 25 to 30 m3/h per person is calculated Thermal calculation is made according to ISO 7547. Cooling system – one water chiller unit to supply chilled water to fan coils, 216 kW cooling capacity / two semi hermetic compressors, each one having 70% of total required capacity, R407 / two sea water condensers, Cu Ni tubes / 2 evaporators, steel shell Copper tubes. Heating system – two separate hot water diesel boilers 100 kW each / set of circulating pumps. Ventilation system –main supply fan in funnel, centrifugal, regulable speed, 400V / galley supply and exhaust fan / main exhaust fan / 50 pcs accommodation fan coils.
Manning, Certification and Limitations: As per Certificate of Class issued by Croatian Register of Shipping, Athena is limited to short international voyages: (a) in the course of which a ship is not any time more than 200 nautical miles from a port or place in which the passengers and crew could be placed in safety; And (b) which does not exceed 600 nautical miles in length between the last port of call in the country in which the voyage begins and the final port of destination. As per Minimum safe manning certificate issued by Malta Maritime Authorities, ship is Limited to Near Coastal voyages: - means a voyage during which vessel is within a distance not farther than 200 Nm from point of departure Minimum safe manning Crew as per Certificate is 9 people - Captain, Ch Off, 2nd Off, Bosun, 2 AB, Chief Engineer, 2nd Engineer and 4th Engineer. Valid SSM and ISSC are issued by Bureau VERITAS.
Tanks capacity, water production and treatment: Fresh Water: In engine room is installed Idromar reverse osmosis water production plant capacity 600l/h. There are 4 Fresh water structural tanks, 2 x 24 m3 fwd and 2x15 m3 aft. Chlorination control is manual. Anti rolling and ballast: Ship is equipped with FLUME anti rolling tank (92.8 m3) between frames 33- 40. Ballast water tanks are mid ship port and starboard each of 25 m3 and fwd center 27 m3. Sewage treatment and black water tank capacity: Toilet system is EVAC vacuum, all pax and crew, except 2 public toilets on main deck. Black and grey water tank is structural (fr 61-67) 26 tons capacity. In addition to this there are 3 intermediate grey water tanks 0,5 m3. Black water is treated by ORCA II A physical /chemical marine sanitation system, certified as per MARPOL MEPC 2(VI) standards. Fuel tanks: Four structural storage tanks 2x 25,4 mt and 2x23,2 mt. Two service tanks (2x2,55mt) are in engine room. There are no fuel purifiers (low sulphur gas oil is used) , 2 screw transfer pumps are used for fuel operations. Bunkering connection is on port side stern.ž Bilge water oil separator is installed in engine room with 15ppm alarm arrangements
Kitchen, provision rooms, laundry and bars equipment: Kitchen is situated on bottom deck and its equipped with: cooking equip : 2 x COMBI STEAMER Hans Dampf / Dishwasher WINTERHALTER Model GS 502 / Electrical deep fat fryer- ALUMINOX Model FRIER 702 CM / ALUMINOX oven Model K2 EF 906 / ELECTRIC BOILING PAN ALUMINOX Model BRSE 90M / Electric ribbed griddle ALUMINOX Model GRER 92 RM/ Grease separators are installed under all sinks. Provision rooms and fridges: On same deck, next to kitchen, provision rooms are situated. Volume: vegetable 8,3 m3; meat 7,6 m3; fish 3,8 m3; dry store 9,5 m3; daily room 4,3 m3. In addition there is cooled garbage room (5,1 m3) with manual waste separation, as all waste is given ashore. Cooling plant consists of two electric Blitzer compressors (R 404A) in engine room, sea water condensers and evaporators in each cooling chamber. Bars: with all necessary equipment are situated on main deck (between restaurant and lobby) and sun deck. In restaurant is also hot food serving island (Bain Marie) with all accessories. Laundry room: In laundry room equipment there are 2 Electrolux washers 8 kg and 2 Electrolux dryers 5 kg, chemicals dosing system + Miele iron machine.
Safety and Fire fighting equipment For evacuation there are two fully closed Life boats each one 24 persons and four 12 persons davit launched Life rafts. Life boats are also registered as rescue boats. Number of life jackets for kids, adults and oversize adults meets latest requirements. Fixed fire fighting system that is covering whole ship including machinery rooms is Marriof HI – FOG system. Accommodation spray heads are automatically activated (sprinkler) in case of high temp, while engine spray heads are to be activated manually, from engine room or bridge. In Kitchen, beside ceiling spray heads, deep fryer hood ducts are also protected by HI- FOG nozzles. There are 6 electric water pumps always on stand by to serve HI FOG, as well as Nitrogen accumulators for emergency operation (blackout mode). Foam and CO2 extinguishers are placed across accommodation and machinery spaces as per approved Fire plan. Six SCBA sets are stored in Fire lockers. In engine room are 2 main Fire pumps and in Emergency fire pump in forepeak, all electric. For all further details see Safety plans, Fire plans and equipment list.
5.CERTIFICATES AND LIST OF EQUIPMENT 1 Certificate of Malta registry 22.03.2010 Malta 29.04.2011 2 GMDSS and ship station license 17.04.2008 Malta 29.04.2011 3 International Safety Management Code declaration ISM 30.04.2007 Malta 4 Continuous Synopsis Record 30.04.2007 Malta Permanent 5 Minimum Safe Manning Certificate 15.05.2007 Malta 22.04.2012 6 Ship´s Carving and Marking Note 28.01.2008 CRS Permanent 7 International Tonnage Certificat 20.04.2007 CRS Permanent 8 Certificate of Class 18.01.2008 CRS 30.04.2012 08.04.2011 9 International Load Line Certificate 18.01.2008 CRS 30.04.2012 08.04.2011 10 Passenger Ship Safety Certificate 08.04.2010. CRS 30.04.2011 11 Document of Compliance 25.05.2010 BV 13.06.2015 12 Internal Audit Plan 24.09.2010 GCD 24.09.2011 13 Safety Management Certificate 25.10.2007 BV 24.10.2012 14 Garbage Pollution Prevention Certificate 30.06.2008 CRS 30.04.2012 15 Sewage Pollution Prevention Statement of Compliance 30.06.2008 CRS 30.04.2012 16 International Oil Pollution Prevention Certificate 30.04.2007 CRS 30.04.2012 08.04.2011 17 Supplement to IOPP Certificate 18.01.2008 CRS Permanent 18 Engine International Air Pollution Prevention Certificate 26.02.2007 CRS Permanent 19 International Air Pollution Prevention 18.01.2008 CRS 30.04.2012 08.04.2011 20 Supplement to the International Air Pollution Prevention 18.01.2008 CRS Permanent 21 Flag State Inspection Report 09.10.2009 Malta 09.10.2010 22 International Anti-Fouling System Certificate 08.04.2010 CRS Permanent 23 Record of Anti-Fouling System 17.03.2010 CRS 17.03.2012 Dry dock 24 Record of Passenger Ship Safety Radio Equipment GMDSS 18.01.2008 CRS Permanent 25 Operation Limitations Certificate 18.01.2008 CRS Permanent 26 Lifeboat-Rescue Boat and Life raft Certificate 19.03.2010 CRS 19.03.2011 27 Deratting Exemption Certificate 29.09.2010 Kotor 29.03.2011 28 Stability Book Verification Certificate 29.01.2008 CRS Permanent 29 Report of Surveys Performed 14.03.2010 CRS 30 Recommendations on Surveys Performed 10.04.2009 CRS 31 Data of Survey and Measurements 10.04.2009 CRS 32 License Certificate SFI Group System 24.04.2007 Oslo 33 Lifeboat/Tender Safety Equipment Certificate 18.03.2008 CRS 34 SOPEP Certificate 26.04.2007 CRS 35 Medical Certificate of replacement of first aid kit 20.08.2010 Split 20.08.2011 36 International Ship Security Certificate 25.10.2007 BV 24.10.2012 37 Deviation Chart 26.02.2010 CRS 26.02.2013 38 GMDSS Shore-Based Maintenance Service Agreement 22.02.2011 Split 22.02.2012 39 Report of Inspection - Paris Memorandum State Contr. 01.06.2010 Piraeus 01.12.2010 40 Suez Canal 24.04.2007 CRS Permanent
41 Panama Canal 24.04.2007 CRS Permanent 42 Certificate of Entry - The American Club 20.02.2011 New York 20.02.2012 43 Certificate of Fire Extinguishers and Breathing Apparatus 31.01.2011 Split 31.01.2012 43 Foam applicator - Foam analysis 31.03.2010 Split 31.03.2013 44 Record of Conditions of Assignment of Load Lines 18.01.2008 CRS Permanent 45 Record of Approved Ship Safety Equipment 18.01.2008 CRS Permanent 46 Gyro Compass Service 01.07.2010 Split 31.01.2012 47 Status of Life rafts 31.01.2011 Split 31.01.2012 48 Certificate of Conformity for EPIRB 22.02.2011 Split 22.02.2012 49 Annual Performance Tests of a VDR 22.02.2011 Split 22.02.2012 50 Certificate of Conformity for AIS 22.02.2011 Split 22.02.2012 51 HI Fog System 20.03.2011 Split 20.03.2012 52 Certificate of conformity for SART II 22.02.2010 Split 22.02.2012 53 Certificate of the safety immersion suits 25.06.2009. Split 25.06.2012 54 Long Range Identification and Tracking 06.10.2009 London 55 Ventilation Ducts Cleaning Certificates 15.03.2010 Split 15.03.2012 56 ISM CODE Non-Conformity Summary
MAIN CERTIFICATES AND LIST OF EQUIPMENT • · Pax Ship Safety Certificate (pssc) • · Record of equip for pssc • · Malta registry • · Certificate of Class • · Sewage pollution prevention • · Garbage pollution prevention • · Air pollution prevention • · Anti fouling cert • · Record of radio equipment • · SMC • · ISSC
Thank you for your interest in this fine Mini Cruise Ship. Please tell us how many are in your party and what dates are best for Your inspection. I remain in service, Yours Cordially, Mathew Moen Mathew.m@shipworldbrokerage.com 561-876-8939 Owner’s idea is $12,000,000.00USD All information is given in good faith and is provided by the owner, and Is subject to inspection and survey.