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EFC of Irvine 2009 Annual 同工訓練 Co-worker Training Theme 關懷牧養研習會 Shepherding Ministry. 2009 Master Calendar. Highlights 2/7 Shepherding Ministry Conference 2/8 Congregational Meeting 2/19-21 NABC – NA Bridging Conference 3/13-15 Annual Mission’s Conference/Passion for the Nations
EFC of Irvine2009 Annual 同工訓練Co-worker TrainingTheme關懷牧養研習會Shepherding Ministry
2009 Master Calendar • Highlights • 2/7 Shepherding Ministry Conference • 2/8 Congregational Meeting • 2/19-21 NABC – NA Bridging Conference • 3/13-15 Annual Mission’s Conference/Passion for the Nations • 4/10 Good Friday Joint Evening Service • 5/10 Mother’s Day Joint Sunday Service • 5/30 Worship Ministry Conference • 6/13 Annual Graduation Banquet • 6/14 TLW – True Love Waits Sunday • 7/2-26 TM09 – Taiwan Mission 2009 • 8/10-14 VBS – Vacation Bible School • 10/11 Congregational Meeting • 10/31 Holy Wind Festival • 11/25 Thanksgiving Banquet • 12/11-24 Winter Taiwan Mission • 12/31 – 1/3 Winter Retreat (English & Mandarin Youth) • 1.5 Gen Service => 1/month starting February. • Quarterly Department Meeting
2009 總會主題:挑旺恩賜,彼此服事 (彼前 4:10)2009 EFC GA Theme “Bring Out the Gifts, Serve One Another,” I Peter 4:10 “各人要照所得的恩賜彼此服事,作神百般恩賜的好管家。” “Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God’s grace in its various forms.”
每一季所強調的事工Quarterly Theme 1st Quarter: Shepherd 牧養事工 2nd Quarter: Worship 崇拜事工 3rd Quarter: Mission 宣教事工 4th Quarter: Education 教育事工
2009愛恩教會台華語講台主題 EFCI Tw & Md Sermon Theme 第一、二季1st & 2nd Quarter: 以弗所書系列:成全聖徒,各盡其職 弗4:1-5:21,主題鑰節4:12 Ephesians series: Prepare God’s people for works of service Eph.4:1-5:21, Key vs.4:12 使徒行傳系列(莊牧師):配合四月保羅行蹤之旅 Book of Acts series (by Pastor Chuang): to prep. for the Mediterranean trip (footsteps of Paul) in April 第三季 3rd Quarter: 教會肢體:各樣恩賜 ─ 恩賜的種類與發掘 林前12-14章 The Body of Christ: The Different and the Development of GiftsI Cor. 12-14 第四季 4th Quarter: 為主而活,彼此服事 彼前,主題鑰節4:10 Live for Christ, Serve one another I Peter, Key vs. 4:10
2009 Eng. Ministry Sermon Theme 英文事工講台主題 God’s Gift for His Church (GG4HC) 愛恩教會英文事工年度主題:神在祂的教會中所賜之恩賜 1. “God’s Gift for His Church” (GG4HC) series is an expositional teaching from I Peter, focusing on the Gifts, church, and ministry 彼得前書系列:恩賜、教會、與事工 2. “The Five Fold Mission of EFCI” (FFM) a pre-summer reminder of our responsibility to the community and the world. 五重宣教的觀念,提醒我們對社區和世界的使命感 3. “Christians do Something!” (CDS) a expositional series from the book of Acts, putting flesh on our theme through an in-depth study of the 1st century church. 使徒行傳系列:基督徒要起來行!
教會強化小組展望Cell Group Focus 牧師室清楚訂立年度主題與方向、及每一季主題,並以主日講台配合。The Pastoral Office establishes and communicates annual and quarterly theme and direction. The sermon messages will be in accordance with the annual & quarterly themes. 在台、華、英講台信息上都會增加其連慣性與系統性,同時也配合教會年度主題,增加各堂會間講台的相關性。 The Sunday sermons will be more thematic and systematic. The sermons in each congregation will all be correlated with the EFCI annual theme, therefore the messages will have more coherence and unity between different congregations.
教會強化小組展望Cell Group Focus 3. 牧師室將在4-6月及9-11月提供較完整的「組長版」小組材料,配合本年度教會講台主題。小組材料將包括破冰、經文、背景資料、經文重點及主題、討論題目、對組員的挑戰方向、以及教會本季/最近全教會之活動。資料會放在教會網站上,希望各小組能統一配合使用,使教會有合一的方向。當然各小組可按各自需要,對教材做調整。 (7-8 月牧師室也許可提供一些較生活化topic,11月底─12月牧師室可提供感恩、聖誕節相關的topic,可供自由選擇使用。) The Pastoral Office will provide the Leader’s version of small group material in Apr-Jun & Sept-Nov. The small group material will be related to the quarterly theme and will include icebreaker, verse, background information, teachings, discussion questions, and church events. The file will be posted on church website. We encourage all small groups to use the same material for church unity (of course modifications to fit each group’s unique need are welcome). (Lighter or more life-applicable topical material may also be provided in July-Aug., and holiday-related material may be provided for the holiday season.)
教會強化小組展望Cell Group Focus 4. 從三月開始,每月一次小組長訓練(第一個週三8-9:30 pm)。訓練內容包括牧養、查經、關懷協談等方面 。歡迎各小組核心同工以及有心參與小組事工的兄姐一起參加。Starting in March, small group leader training will be held on the first Wednesday of each month at 8-9:30 pm. Topics include shepherding, practical small group ministry discussion, bible study leading, caring and counseling, etc. All who are interested to participate in small group ministry are welcome to join. 5. 舉辦小組間的聯誼以及小組聯合對外的Outreach Event. Increase fellowship between different small groups and hold outreach event hosted by joint small groups.
教會強化小組展望Cell Group Focus 6. 牧師室也將多參與小組活動與牧養,並與小組長合作,鼓勵兄姐加入小組/團契 。 The Pastoral Office will increase its participation in small group shepherding and activities. Working together with the small group leaders, we will also try to encourage brothers and sisters to join a small group/fellowship. 7. 長執會改為每三個月一次,但增加各事工領域 (牧養、崇拜、宣教、教育) 每一季一次同工會議或研討會(請參照教會行事曆)Elder & Deacon Board Meeting is reduced to once every three months, in its place, the 4 pillars of ministry (Shepherding, Worship, Mission, and Education) will have its own training/meeting/conference once per quarter (see church calendar for details).
Remaining Program for Today9:30 – 10:30 Church Life and Disciple Making James Yu【教會生活與門徒造就】10:30 – 10:40 Break休息10:40 – 11:40 【為何作小組 & 4W之實際操作】 Sandra SunWhy Cell Group? & 4W’s in ActionWelcome歡迎/破冰Worship 敬拜Words 神的話Works 神的工11:40 – 12:20 Holistic Caring MinistryTse-Feng Chuang【全人關懷】12:20 – 12:30 Concluding RemarksTse-Feng Chuang閉幕12:30 Lunch Joe Hsu午餐