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Strategy Statement for the University of Southern Denmark. December 16, 2013. THE UNIVERSITY OF SOUTHERN DENMARK - a research university focusing on the students.
Strategy Statement for the University of Southern Denmark December 16, 2013
THE UNIVERSITY OF SOUTHERN DENMARK- a research universityfocusing on the students If the global challenges of the future are to bemet, more youngpeople must acquireacademicqualifications. Research and innovation createdevelopment, growth and welfare in a global knowledge society. The aim of the University of Southern Denmark, then, is to offer as manyyoungpeople as possible a research-baseddegree at the highestacademiclevel and with an international outlook. The university has to provide top-class international research if it is to beconsideredattractive by students, staff and partners. Research aims to create new knowledge and, in collaboration with Danish and international partners, to contribute to meeting the challengesthat face our society. Weareholistic in our approach and collaborateacrossacademicdisciplines to generate new research results and to offer attractivedegree programmes. All students enrolling at SDU are offered equalopportunities to take an academicdegree at the highestlevel. Talent canbefoundeverywhere, and diversity is a strength. The universityattractsmany international students, and welcomesmanywhowillbetheirfamily’sfirstacademic. Through activelearning and activatingteaching in a stimulatingstudyenvironment, SDU supports its students throughouttheirstudy, from theirenrolment to theirfirstemploymentafter graduation, ensuringthattheycompletetheircoursessuccessfully. Our prominent regional presence, with campuses in six major urban centres, meansthat more peoplecantake an academicdegree and thatwecan generate knowledge in closecollaboration with our partners.
SDU’sStrategy Statement Fourstrategicthemes: • Degree programmes • Research • Internationalisation • Outreach Eachtheme is represented by: • Aims • Initiatives • Actions • Keygoals
Degree programmesIn 2020 the drop-out rate for the firstyear bachelor programme willbe max. 12%In 2020 the average duration of a completed programme willbereduced by at least 3.1 months from 2011 levelsIn 2020 SDU willtake at least 15% of firstpriorityapplicants
Degreeprogrammes Initiatives: • Attractivedegreeprogrammes • Differentiated forms of teaching • Attractive student life Actions: • To develop and deliver programmes in collaboration with the labourmarket • To developinterdisciplinary programmes • To develop programmes thatensurecohesion in the educational system • To furtherdevelop the university’sPhDcourses • To increase the use of activelearning and activatingteaching • To developincentives for excellent teaching • To increase the choice of specific talent programmes for students • To developopportunities for sports and othercultural and social activities • To contribute to the procurement of jobs relevant to universitystudy Keygoals: • In 2020 the drop-out rate for the firstyear bachelor programme willbe max. 12% • In 2020 the average duration of a completed programme willbereduced by at least 3.1 months from 2011 levels • In 2020 SDU willtake at least 15% of firstpriorityapplicants Ambitions: We must developourframework for learning and student life in order to meet the needs of the students and support the development of theirpotential.
ReseachIn 2020 externalfundingwill have increased by 50% from 2013 levelsDuring the period 2014-2020 the university’s total funding from EU sourceswillbe at least DKK 700mIn 2020 SDU willbeamong the top 150 on Leiden worldrankinglist
Research Initiatives: • Elite research in selectedareas • Interdisciplinary research Actions: • To prioritiseselected research areas • To set up an top research programme • To set up a research talent programme • To furtherdevelopinterdisciplinary research • To strengthen the infrastructuralframework for interdisciplinary research in closecollaboration with ourpartners Keygoals: • In 2020 externalfundingwill have increased by 50% from 2013 levels • During the period 2014-2020 the university’s total funding from EU sourceswillbe at least DKK 700m • In 2020 SDU willbeamong the top 150 on Leiden worldranking list Ambitions: Wewill deliver research at the highest international level and make the greatestpossiblecontribution to meeting the challengesfacing the world.
InternationalisationIn 2020 the number of students with periods of studyabroadwill have increased by 50% over 2013 levelsIn 2020 at least 60% of the university’spublicationswillbe international collaborativeproductionsIn 2020 at least 20% of the university’s full-time staffwillbe from abroadIn 2020 at least 25% of the university’sacademicstaffwillbe from abroad
Internationalisation Ambitions: • Wewillextendouralreadyhighlevel of internationalisation by aiming to increase the number of students and staffspending time abroad and by attracting more students and researchers from othercountries. Initiatives: • An international studyenvironment • An international workplace Actions: • To integrate periods of studyabroadinto curricula • To create a framework for foreign students that provides attractiveconditions for study • To increase the number of bachelor and masters degreestaught in English • To increase the recruitment of international staff • To offer opportunities for developinglanguageskills • To increasecollaboration with selectedforeignuniversities Keygoals: • In 2020 the number of students with periods of studyabroadwill have increased by 50% over 2013 levels • In 2020 at least 60% of the university’spublicationswillbe international collaborativeproductions • In 2020 at least 20% of the university’s full-time staffwillbe from abroad • In 2020 at least 25% of the university’sacademicstaffwillbe from abroad
OutreachIn 2020 the proportion of academics in employment in the regions of Southern Denmark and Zealand will have doubledagainst 2013 levelsIn 2020 the number of collaborative agreements between researchers and public organisations will have increased by 50% against 2013 levels
Outreach Ambitions: • Wewillaim to ensurethatour students arealreadyequipped for employment on graduation, and wewillactivelyexploreopportunities to transfer ourknowledge to the benefit of society, bothglobally and locally. Initiatives: • Services to fulfil the needs of society • Regional roots Actions: • To increase the commercialisation and applicability of research • To offer relevant and attractivepost-graduate and in-service programmes • To increaseour participation in public debate and our transmission of knowledge, including research-based services to public authorities • A clear and updated profile for research and degree programmes for campusesoutside Odense • To increasecollaboration with Odense University Hospital and the other regional healthauthorities • To set up collaborations with business in urban centres aroundeach campus Keygoals: • In 2020 the proportion of academics in employment in the regions of Southern Denmark and Zealand will have doubledagainst 2013 levels • In 2020 the number of collaborative agreements between researchers and public organisations will have increased by 50% against 2013 levels